Chapter 24: Chapter 19: Resonance

Yardrat, I’m finally here. I’m going finally step on solid ground in what feels like ages!

Ahh…. That’s nice. Gravity’s underrated, lemme tell you. Zero-G is cool and all, but there’s nothing like the feeling of safety that the gentle weight on your back gives you. Well, looks like I’m on an uninhabited part of the world, that, or I’m being observed… which is fine.

Might as well do some stretches before meeting the residents either way though, can’t hurt to be limbered up. That’s the ticket….

“Ahem.” Ah, that’s a new voice. Sounds like it’s from behin- awwww what a little fell- wait, I got to compose myself “Uh, hello?” The small figure gives me a look down “Mmm, yes, that is the same space pod as the one Son Goku used to travel here. Correct?” oh “Oh uh, yeah… he didn’t seem like he was going to use it anymore.” It’s giving me the cutest squint right now… “Well, it seems you bear no ill will, what brings you here?” Eh? Ah! “About that… I heard you taught Goku how to control his ki better… and, while I would ask Goku, he’s… in the otherworld right now.” “Oh?! That’s sad to hear, Son Goku is a kind soul… So, you would like to learn. Yes?” “Yes!” “Follow me.” Alright then… ominous much?

After walking for a hefty amount of time -and really I have no idea how they walked that far with how small their legs are- we have seemed to arrive at a quaint little village, huts dotting the landscape, Yardratians of varying shapes and sizes making small talk or relaxing in the world’s pleasant sunlight. “Welcome.” “Oh wow, this is a really nice place.” “Thank you. But now we are here, shall we start your training?” Just like that? Alright. “Yeah!” “So first…”

I don’t know what I was expecting, but so far I’ve just done a bunch of yoga, balance exercises, and meditation, which I am not complaining about, I needed some relaxation without constant fear of discovery and extermination weighing down on me…

Woah! I just realized! It’s been more than a week already! I only noticed because they added this really cool exercise in, which just involves focusing on a floating ball of ki. And I was like, wow! I haven’t even been here that long and we’re already directly manipulating ki! But then… yeah, it’s been a week. Oh! By the way, I’ve gotten those sick clothes now! Was really nice of them to give me them, don’t know why Goku doesn’t wear it more often… it’s so… practical, feeling.

Anyways, I’m feeling really relaxed nowadays.

A/N: Yo guys! Surprised you're still reading, but yeah, i am working on this, just very slowly, sorry for no uploads. Oh, by the way, finally read all of Z's manga a bit ago, so now I actually know what the MC knows!

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