Liverpool, Sept. 12th, 1854
We arrived safe at Rock Ferry at about ten. Emily had gone to bed, but came down in her night-clothes—the queerest figure I ever saw.
I enclose a letter from thy brother N. It contains one piece of intelligence very interesting to the parties concerned.
Mr. O'Sullivan is going to London, this afternoon. I wish thou wast at home, for the house is very cheerless in its solitude. But it will be only a few days before I see thee again; and in the meantime thou must go to all accessible places, and enjoy thyself for both of us. The barometer goes backward to-day, and indicates a proximate change of weather. What wilt thou do in a rain-storm?
I am weighed down and disheartened by the 229 usual immense pile of American newspapers. What a miserable country!
Kiss all the old people for me—Julian, as well as the others.
Thine ownest,
N. H.