Once upon a time, in a world full of hatred. Violence is an answer to every question. The stronger monopolize the weak. Poor being a slave to rich. Women are treated like toys. Children can't wish. A man was desperate for peaceful heaven. He leaves on a journey to find hope in the misery. On his journey, an angel came to him. Offering him an absolute power to judge people and bring peace into the world. In exchange, he must devote his life to those powers to protect the world from evil.
-Demon of Angel by Savian
January 2018
The small-scale library with a tone of unblemished books waiting for its readers to alter its location is filled with silence. Located on the lowest ground in a three-floor school block. The orange colour on the wall spotlights the wooden brown bookcase. Twelve bookcases are arranged in pairs in one area on the right side of the library that has no door. An alphabet of A, B, C to Z is attached to each bookcase. Satisfyingly and effortless to search for a book that will never catch the eyes of the majority of humanity. As nobody has time to fill their sorrow with monotonous books, even if they have all the time in the world.
"Read us...read us…" a mysterious unclear mixed voice of woman and man whispered from the book on the bookcase. The books covered with a layer of dust were arranged neatly without any deformities.
The light pierced through the window around the wall shining upon the gallery of human wisdom. The only things that will touch the book physically.
The material that probably caught human eyes as they raced against it, the clock, hanging on top of the counter in the middle front, shows 3:59 p.m already meaning there's not much time left until the place full of knowledge closes its doors for today. There's no librarian taking care of the counter.
"Read us...read us…" a bunch of books shaking by themselves on the bookshelf at the back.
In the middle of the library, six tables with six seats each were provided for student convenience. Near the window between the two doors, a seven complete computer build was placed with the simple wifi password "ScabiosaLib3" written on the paper that was attached to the window. With the seat that can be loaded for over 43 people at the same time, only two people willingly warm the seat there. A teenage boy and a teenage girl. Sitting on the front table.
The two of them have no idea of the eerie voice coming from the book as it doesn't reach them.
10, 9, 8… the boy counting in his head. A decreasing countdown was full of hope for something eventful in a place full of boredom.
His right index finger knocked the table repeatedly parallel with his countdown. His left hand became a stick to keep up his head off the table. The breeze from the medium air-conditioner chilled through his skin.
"Hm? What are you reading Yama? It is so rare for you to not doze while reading a book."
A girl with semi-long black hair completed with a bang that covered almost her forehead asked. She's wearing a long-sleeve, white uniform with a silver stripe on some parts. Matched with a semi-long silver skirt with white stripes. With black school shoes for standard students. Her soft slow voice doesn't seem to be able to attract the attention of the boy beside her who seems to dive deep into his thoughts. Completely ignored the girl's calls.
7, 6, 5… the boy is still counting, unfazed by the girl's calls. His eyes are focused solely on the book, yet he's not even paid attention to the book. The countdown in his head has nothing to do with the tool of knowledge in his hand.
"Yama?" She touched the boy's broad shoulders to awaken his senses. She can feel the softness of his long-sleeve persian blue colour uniform with an azure stripe on some parts.
"Huh…oh, what Yua?"
You are reading story Yama at novel35.com
Behaving like someone who is just aroused from daydreaming. Yua’s effort finally brought the attention of the boy with almost bald black hair. There’s some blue-coloured part in his hair, like a grizzle but instead of grey, it’s blue ocean. He lay his hand on his all-white trousers.
"What's the book you're reading?"
"Oh...just some fantasy book, a children's book. Not worth reading, such a dreary book...or is it just my thought...you know I'm not a fan of any book myself..." he answered straight in a disappointed tone. His husky voice made his criticism more demeaning. His blue sapphire eyes wander around the empty library like searching and waiting for something to happen.
"Hmm, really? But it looks like you truly focused on it though… What's the book about?" she asked another question, doubting his book shaming while her grey eyes looked straight into Yama's blues.
3, 2, 1… In the middle of their conversation, he is still counting alone in his heart. Yua's question doesn't seem to bother him.
The clock shows precisely 4.00 p.m.
"Ah, it's just something about demons, angels, something like that...I'm just wondering about other things just now, not about this book," he closed the book with the title "Angel of Demon" and sheathed his bag that he put on his lap all the time to his back. He grabbed the girl's right hand immediately. His warm beige skin overlaps Yua’s soft warm porcelain skin.
After Yua saw the book title, she quickly looked at the title of the book she read, "Demon of Angel...is it the same author?"
Hm, nothing happened...why I'm not surprised…
Yama monologue in his head.
"Let's go home, Yua," he said with a disappointed face, not even bothering to answer Yua's question as he's not focused on her.
She just nodded to him with a smile on her face without feeling dispirited by Yama's ignorance. She takes the book she's reading into her bag with her left hand after Yama grabs her right hand with his rough palm. They pushed the chair under the table.
While holding each other's hand, they go straight to the main door of the library. Yama just left the book on the table. Unbothered to putting it back to its original place.
"Ehem...is my existence here disturbing your lovely atmosphere?"
A sudden man's deep voice, as calm as a deep forest, can be heard from their front. It stops their step toward the door. But to their disturbance, no one in front of them can be classified as the owner of the voice. Just an image of the main library door can be seen through their eyes.