Chapter 12: Arc 1 – Epilogue: Father and Son

The beast and I stared at each other for an unknown amount of time. Neither of us moved until we were sure of our own victory.


Pops paid for my carelessness, so I want to make sure there are no unwanted variables when facing off with this thing.





… As I thought. This guy is indeed a true monster… I can now also understand how it was able to resist most of the punishment I made it go through.


This means I’ll need to take it out quickly with a decisive blow. Although it’s in a weakened state, the debuff is slightly being offset by it’s Title effect.


Currently, my gun is pointed at this thing. It doesn’t know what it is, but it understands the damage that most of my weapons have been causing it, so it’s being cautious.


The model I’m using is based off the most powerful handgun I know, the .500 S&W Magnum. However, with access to unique ores and magic, I was able to take my imagination further and modified mine to closely resemble the fictional black monster gun of a certain anime vampire-in-red that fought Nazi vampires.


With a reinforced rectangular barrel, I implemented some components like that of a railgun and tried to recreate his gun to my size and preference. The result? I created a monster that can fire 15mm armor-piercing rounds. Along with the Agronite Ore I found, I could now fire explosive rounds.


In my hand, was virtually a handheld cannon.


Due to its size and the power of the ammunition, I made sure that it could at least fire up to 6 rounds.


You can now probably imagine how much power this thing can pack.


The beast and I continued our stare down, but eventually it must have grown impatient as it charged at me gambling everything to its speed.


Coldly, I pulled the trigger and activated the magic mechanism. With a powerful bang, it fired.


Within the span of time even less than how much it takes for an eye to blink, the bullet soared towards the beast ripping apart its right pincer.


It stopped, not understanding what happened. It looked around in confusion and blanked when it saw its right pincer fall to the ground before it.


“Tch… looks like a underestimated the recoil. I need to make some adjustments…”


Without even batting an eye towards its confusion, I continued my calculations and adjusted my strength accordingly.


"This time I won't miss... "




With an angry shrill roar it tried to charge at me again. Or at least it tried...




A massive hole that erupted into a bright gooey blue-green flower appeared where its forehead should be. The lights from its eyes started flickering and its head weakly lowered itself to the ground.




Now on the ground breathing with difficulty along with a blank stare, I walked up to it and pointed the muzzle at its face.


"...I hated you. For trying to eat me and showing joy as you thought I would despair. Now I should hate you further for hurting my old man... But... I realize you’re just a beast... simply acting on your instincts... hey… you are a beast, right?”


I’m not sure why, but I suddenly wanted to talk to it and ask a question as if I was expecting some kind of answer.


The beast only stared for a while until some time it closed its eyes. It slowly moved its head so that my gun is pointed directly at the center of its face.


I see… so that’s your answer…


In this cavern, by the lakeshore, 4 more gunshots can be heard. After that… only silence…




After I was done with it… I mean Nabolros… I hurriedly went to check on my old man.


“Ah… Camus, you are alive! I’m very glad. Haha… I couldn’t see from where I was and only heard a strange noise of thunder so I was very worried. What’s wrong, son? Why are you looking at me like that?”


I was at a loss and had a grim expression. My old man was literally in pieces right before me. The only part of him intact was his upper torso and head. The magic that kept him in his undeath was gradually leaking from him and his face was transparent and gradually fading away.


With an expression of grief, I closed my eyes due to the pain and knelt in front of him.


“… Pops… I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry…”


My voiced weakened as I kept muttering my apology over and over like a broken record.


“Haha… my son. There’s nothing you need to apologize for. Bound to this place on my death, I would never be able to leave. All it would eventually lead to was my gradual decline due to the Decaying Corruption. Once an undead is corrupted twice, they can no longer be freed.

Please don’t be sad on my behalf. After all, I’m already dead! Haha… the time you spent with me these seven years were as precious to me as the time I spent living with Camilla…

Son… could you do your old man a favor?... Once the magic leaves me, I’d like to be buried in my old home next to Camilla… Also, I’d like to leave you with everything I have… so before you bury me… make sure to take the ring that’s on my right hand…”


“Of course… Anything for you… Dad… “

You are reading story Dragon Road: How I Rise in My New Life at


“ !...ah haha… you finally called me dad. What a great gift before I leave. With this… I will… now… have… no… regrets… “


As his voice faded, the same skeleton appeared before me again. Only this time, it strangely feels as if it has a smile on its face.



As promised, I buried the old man next to Camilla’s grave. It’s strange… I’ve only been with him for seven years and we’re not even related, but to me he was the only one I could ever see as my dad… undead or not…


I took a look at the ring he gave me on my hand.


I could see an emblem of a winged dragon within an amber jewel. The ring itself shined in a yellowish gold like the orihalcum ore I’ve seen. It has no ornaments other than some rune-like carvings around it. It’s small, but when I tried putting it at the tip of my left index finger, it suddenly grew in size and fitted nicely as if it was measured to my finger.


Suddenly, information entered my mind and my jaw dropped in realization at what this ring is.


“Hahaha! Dad! You’ve seriously been holding out on me! I almost don’t believe it, you actually had a storage ring!”


That’s right. The ring was a physic-defying storage device, a staple ability in most video games.


In most video games especially RPGs or MMOs, the inventory feature is universally utilized. After all, most developers would want the players to have convenience when managing their gear, so logic was never really taken into account as to how the characters in the game would be able to horde so much stuff. Hell, due to some games, some people even started developing “Gear Acquisition Syndrome.”


This has been the norm in such games for a long time, so most players would never really think much about it. However, if you truly applied such a feature in reality, the benefits are near endless. If I were an army commander, I’d never have to worry about space for food and munitions stores or theft. I also wouldn’t need a large garrison to protect supply lines since most supplies that’d be needed in a campaign can already be brought along.


If I were a blacksmith or an alchemist, I’d have a virtual mobile workshop. As I said before, the possibilities are near endless!


As my imagination was running wild, I noticed among the items stored in the ring was a letter with a familiar name.


“…it’s a letter from Camilla to my dad.”


I decided to read it in hopes I would get to know better the woman who loved my dad.


To my beloved Gaius,

            It pains me that I could not see you before you left with the King for his peace talks. During those times, I tend to curse this weak body of mine. I do hope you’re eating well. Last time I saw you, you had but a piece of bread in your mouth in your rush. I wonder how others would think if they saw the great “Sword Sentinel Gaius” of the Royal Guards with a look of panic and a piece of bread dangling from his lips. Oh the laughs I had when I saw that!...


… I let out a snicker as I tried to imagine it when I read that part. As I continued to read I can see how much Camilla truly loved my old man. I honestly wish I could meet her. I believe she’d have been a great mother.


As I read on, I couldn’t help but tense up after reading a certain part.


… Gaius. I know we’ve had this talk before, but my stand remains the same. I’ll be sure to be stronger then, so once you come back, you’ll give me a chance to bear your children, no questions asked. Also, what names for them would you like? For the first boy, I would love it if you called him Camus, since it’s like our names are wed together. For the first girl, I would love for her name to be Gesilla as it also matches us. Oh it’s so pleasant to imagine them playing around the garden! Once the


My vision blurred, as tears wouldn’t stop streaming from my eyes… My heart felt like it was struck by a hammer as I fell on my knees…


Old man… Dad… The reason he called me Camus… was because back then he already saw me as his son…


A part of me always thought he just named me on a whim. That some of his actions were just because he was a half senile undead who in his loneliness had tried to push his ideals onto me.


Now I know. That I was truly seen as family…




I roared to the heavens as my emotions reached their peak. For how long I roared, I do not know...


As I calmed down, I continued to read the letter and at the end I saw a note from dad.


“Go and pave your own road in life my son. Travel far, make friends, make love to a woman, create a family… do everything in your power to live the life you want. Don’t let my wishes shackle you. I have only shaped the first step, the rest is for you to make. Now go forth, and live.”


It almost felt like I could hear his voice when I read his note.


As I looked up, I swear I could see my dad like a faded image floating above his grave with a bright shining light in the back. He didn’t looks as he was when he was an undead, but appeared as when he was alive with a mighty blond mustache and an appearance full of valor.


At his side was a beautiful petite woman with flowing red hair and a warm smile like the sunshine.


They looked at me with warm and proud eyes as they slowly faded away.


A family… once again, that desire burned within me.


I looked on towards the depths of the cavern as I felt that I could see the exit before my eyes.


I would soon venture out and journey throughout the entirety of this world. I would carve my presence in this world so deep that far and wide all would remember my proud name.


I am Camus Helmight! Last Dracovian and proud son of Gaius and Camilla Helmight!


The world will tremble under my name!



End of first Arc: An End and A Beginning