Chapter 9: Chapter 7: Faye and the pastry shop

"Miss, please let go of her, we need to do a check up to see if she is truly fine."(medic)

The medics were in a state of disarray. The girl whom they thought would at least take a couple weeks to recover has risen like a zombie. 

Taking in a deep breath Cheryl released the girl, the medics in response tested her. 

"It's... a miracle!"(medic)

Bones that were in half a couple days ago had fully healed, cuts and bruises disappeared, it almost seemed like it was an act in a play.

"Call the captain, he needs to see this!"(medic)

One person listening to orders, left the infirmary and went towards the captain's office.

As the door opened, two figures appeared: a young man and a young woman.

"You little! Don scare me like that!"(Faye)

Faye rushed to Reiko hugging. She quickly let her go and proceeded to hit her on the head, a small lump formed on the poor girl's head.

"Faye, calm down."(Claus)

The young man grabbed hold of Faye's arm and moved her away from Reiko.

"Hey, can you walk, cause we are gonna have to move."(Claus)

Claus clasped Reiko's hand and left the infirmary. Sounds of foot tapping echoed in the halls, as the four made their way to a massive decorated door.

"Miss... Bodyguard? Care to explain who you are and what you are doing following us?"(Claus)

Before Claus even touched the door, he turned to Cheryl and asked who she was. 

"My name is Cheryl Gunther, and I am bounded to this child and her necklace."(Cheryl)

"How are you so sure you are bonded to her rather than just the necklace? How can we trust that you are not the follower of demon generals?"(Claus)

Claus hissed accusations at Cheryl. His eyes were as sharp as knives and the air around him was suffocating. 

"I- don't really know whether I am truly bonded to Reiko, it's just I haven't been separated with her ever since she wore the necklace. And I-"(Cheryl)

"Mr. Claus, please believe her. She have been with me since I came to Traumland and, and I don't care what you think, but she is a good person!"(Reiko)

A warm smile formed in Cheryl's face and her cheeks were dyed pink.

"*sigh* whatever. But keep in mind kid, if you or Cheryl does anything to danger the city, I will willingly dispose of you. I am not like Friedrich or Faye."(Claus)

Claus said maliciously while he opened the door. As the door opened, they saw a large man sitting on a chair.

"Hello Reiko! You seem to have made friends with Claus! HAHAHAHA"(Friedrich)


"And who might the... transparent? Lady next to Faye be?"(Friedrich)

"Ah yes, greetings, my name is Cheryl Gunther and I am the spirit bounded to Reiko and her necklace, it's my pleasure to meet you."(Cheryl)

Cheryl made a small courtesy towards Friedrich. Faye subtly sneered at Cheryl.

"It's also my pleasure to meet you Ms. Gunther!"(Friedrich)

Friedrich reached his hand towards Cheryl and shook her hand. His jubilant face soon became serious after he let go of her hand. Placing hands on the table and staring at Reiko he said.

"Reiko, I have something serious to ask you about. I am very sorry if it's something you don't want to talk about, but it is at this time necessary."(Friedrich)

Reiko was nervous to the core, she had never seen someone so affable become so stern in less than a minute. Friedrich took out the gem of truth and gave it to Reiko.

"What are you? Do you have any idea?"(Friedrich)

"I- I don't know... I never knew what I was..."(Reiko)

"Do you have any parents?"(Friedrich)

"n- no..."(Reiko)

"I see..."(Friedrich)

A frustrated sigh left Friedrich's mouth. There was a period of silence in the room, not even a peep was made. 

"Reiko, I am sure you know that you are a special case. You do not have an element and now we found out that you are able to recover from injuries that normally take weeks in the span of a day."(Friedrich)

Reiko did not respond, her feet were rooted to the floor.

"Next question, what happened last night?"(Friedrich)

"I- I just finished work and was going b- back home, but t-then I saw th-this large man. He told me his name was H- Hunter and then h- he dropped a ball that exp- exploded. After it exploded, he punched me in the stomach and I- I th- think the head..."(Reiko)

"Can you give me a physical descriptions?"(Friedrich)

"H- he was big and muscular, he had like a, a scar on h- his face. He also h- had a dark and l- long messy h- hair..."(Reiko)





"Why is that?"(Cheryl)

"He is a dangerous man, he can and will kill anyone that gets in his way."(Claus)

Reiko felt her hands tremble, the moist sweat running down her face.

"What did h-"(Cheryl)

"That's enough for today, Faye, take these two ladies out for a picnic or something"(Friedrich)

"Aye cap'ain"(Faye)

Faye clutched Reiko's arm and took her away along with Cheryl.

It was a peaceful, serene day, well as peaceful and serene as it could be ever since the morning. Two young girls can be seen going to a pastry shop. 

"What ya want, Rei?"(Faye)

"Uhm anything is fine..."(Reiko)


Faye immediately hit Reiko on the head. A single bead of tear was seen coming from her left eye.

You are reading story Another World. Different You. A New Me? at


"What ya get for bein' annoyin', now what ya want?"(Faye)

"I guess, can I have the karikari aka tart please?"(Reiko)

"Got it."(Faye)

"C- can I also have more for Cheryl?"(Reiko)

Cheryl's blood sugar rose ten fold, she felt like she had just eaten all the sweets in the world.


There was a dark shadow on Faye's face, her expression was as cold as the Arctic Ocean. Her voice as unemotional as a rock.

'Come on Reiko, pressure her! She is gonna be weak when it comes to your charm!'(Cheryl's thought)

"oh, okay..."(Reiko)

'NOOOOOO!'(Cheryl's thought)

After getting the pastries and drinks, the two went to a table to enjoy their meals.

Reiko happily enjoyed her meal, actually she was more entranced by the pastry. It felt like heaven taking the first bite, the sweetness coating her tongue, leaving her in a place like heaven. 

"Oi Rei, it's not ofen that I treat people to anthin', yar an exception because of cap'ain and yar cute face."(Faye)

"oh... thank you."(Reiko)


"uhm, so... Ms. Faye, what do you like to do in your free time?"(Reiko)

"Oh, me? Well ya know me, I am real good at fightin' basically fought for my entire life!"(Faye)

"is that s-"(Reiko)

"Well I also go to the fields to play some ball with my comrades."(Faye)

Faye rambled passionately on and on about her numerous fights, spars and games, it was very impressive for a human to be able to talk that much without taking a single breather. Reiko sat down on the side, sipping her tea.

"That's enough about me, what ya like to do kid?"(Faye)

"oh, I don't really do much except working at the commissioner's guild."(Reiko)

Faye's one eye instantly shut up forming and oval.


Faye's outrage disturbed the peace of the pastry shop. Faye was hysterical, which wasn't unusual for Faye but it quite definatley is when it's out in public.

"Nuh uh, I ain't lettin' ya go out to that place again."(Faye)

"but, but..."(Reiko)

"But what? Ya want the money to buy some kinda new clothes? That's nothin' to worry about since ya have big sister Faye right over here!"(Faye)

'When did she give herself that title?'(Cheryl's thought)

"I need it fo-"(Reiko)

"Like I said, I got ya, you want somethin' nice I can get ya it."(Faye)

'Didn't she say that she doesn't treat people often!? Objection I think she is gaslighting!'(Cheryl's thought)

"no, it's not anything like that, I need the money for travelling expenses..."(Reiko)

"W-why? Do you not like it here? Is anyone making you uncomfortable? Who is making you uncomfortable I will go over to them and mur-"(Faye)

"it's nothing that's wrong with the city, I just have to find someone a- and I won't be getting anywhere if I stay here..."(Reiko)

A disappointed face arose in Faye's face. Taking a sip of her warm beverage a sigh left her lips.

"Really? Well, then don't overwork yaself, don't wanna become a workaholic."(Faye)

Faye had a gentle expression on her face, while Reiko had a guilty one.

"Reiko, listen, the cap'ain, in his prime, used to be called one of the fiercest warriors on the battlefield. He fought to protect this land from attackers and helped in many wars. And the man you saw yesterday, was equal to him, that is, if we are right on who we think he is."(Faye)

Reiko swallowed her saliva and nodded her head.

"You must be wonderin' why I'm tellin' ya this, well I don't really know. It just feels like that ya should know who he is, of course usually this news is meant to be kept secret, so this is a little secret between the two of us."(Faye)

Faye made a pinky promise hand gesture towards Reiko and she accepted it.

"Plus Cheryl, but she don't really count."(Faye)

In the background the invisible Cheryl had a pout like a chipmunk.

Time flew by as the three.... two enjoyed their afternoon. 

"Claus p-"(Friedrich)

"Already on it."(Friedrich)

It felt like a sword has just pierce my body, bypassing the armor completely. It has been years since that day, how could he be back.

I know there was a chance that it was possible but... no, it's no time to remember that. Claus had a grave look on his face as he wrote the report. 

"Captain, I will assign a meeting tomorrow with the police department tomorrow."(Claus)

"Thank you, Claus."(Friedrich)

"It's nothing captain, if we don't get this settle you don't know what will happen."(Claus)

I looked out the window, trapped in my own thoughts. Years have passed without a hint of him. The world became bleaker than it used to be.

"capt- captain, CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN!"(Claus)

Claus' voice eventually reached my ears which broke me off from my thoughts. I cocked my head towards Claus.

"Captain, should we send investigators or guards to any firework shops or laboratories?"(Claus)

"No need, only send a message to be wary of the man and send guards during night time, we don't want fundings or sales to drop because of suspicion."(Friedrich)

"Got it captain."(Claus)

I decided to go outside to take a breather. Breathing in the fresh air, feeling the crisp and cold wind, I felt my body being put at ease. The soft grass and the animals peacefully going on with their day, I could only feel the worry creeping more and more. The time of peace is over, he is back, Erwin is back.