Chapter 13: Chapter 10: A Tale of Two Sworn Brothers

Crickets chirped a tune in the night. The moon was full and bright like a distant star, it truly was a tranquil night.

The streets of Traumland was guarded by soldiers, while most people were fast asleep. Inside the army base, a middle aged man can be seen viewing out the window. His eyes were baggy as he let out a yawn, he wanted to head to sleep but refused. 


A sudden loud outburst came nearby. It was like a train colliding with a brick wall, it was so loud that even those who were miles away could hear it. 


"Get all the elite soldiers to investigate and get everyone else to evacuate!"(Friedrich)


Friedrich's drowsiness was completely washed out, he ran as fast as he could to east wall. He grabbed a great word, passing by everyone he sees, trying not to hurt them or get in their way.  

The hallways were flooded with people, young and old. Many cries of panic was heard, as soldiers tried to help, medics and trainees escape. 

As he reached the damaged area, he was greeted by a familiar silhouette. The figure was hidden by the shadows but it was obvious he was large. He was surrounded by vermillion flames raging on and the broken pieces of rubble.

Stepping a foot closer, he was revealed to be wearing a skeletal mask and and tattered clothing. 

"We meet again, Erwin, how's your face treating ya."(Friedrich)

"Enough dilly dallying, you know why I am here, so draw your weapon."(Erwin)

Suddenly Erwin's left shoulder was shot by an arrow. Blood slowly dripped down, as the warriors stood their ground, surrounding the grizzly man.

"Reinforcement? Never thought that you of all people will use such tricks."(Erwin)

As he said that, he grabbed an explosive bomb and threw it at the reinforcement.


Friedrich, without hesitation, lunged towards the ball. It exploded in a bright crimson, as if it was hell itself, filled with flames. The explosion generated heat that blew away Friedrich's skin and clothes, leaving a half-naked man with skin as red as meat. The explosion caused a chain effect, causing debris to fall on the Blood scattered everywhere, yet he still stood strong, grabbing his great word and charging at the menacing man, he threw a slash as quick as lightning, tearing open a large wound in the villain's abdomen.

"Argh! You little"(Erwin)

Before Erwin could say another world, he felt a punch going straight at his face. His mask shattered into a million pieces, revealing the scarred face. Friedrich taking the chance for another blow, threw a roundhouse kick, opening the cut even further.


Erwin retaliated by grabbing a sharp piece of debris and stabbing Friedrich on the arm where his burns were. Friedrich collapsed, too injured to even move, it was over for him. Erwin grabbed the weapon and charged an attack to finish the job.

"Goodbye old fr-"(Erwin)

Suddenly Erwin felt the weapon break. The iron great sword has broken in half. Turning his head to see the perpetrator he was greeted by a little girl on the verge of tears.

"l, l, l, let him go!"(Reiko)

He only stared at the girl, with a stern face.

"No. This is no place for you be, now leave."(Erwin)

"n- no! Not until you leave Mr. Ehrenwert go!"(Reiko)

"Kid, this really is no place for you, so just go home and-"(Erwin)

Mana shaped as a star grazed his skin, leaving a small cut. Erwin's face became dark, as he approached the scared girl, charging up a punch. When he was right in front of her, his fist traveled at the speed of light.



The abrupt noise and disarray not only woke up Reiko, but also caused her ears to ring.

"what is happening?"(Reiko)

"Reiko hurry up and get out NOW!"(Cheryl)

Cheryl forced Reiko out of the room and to the exit.

"Wait! What about Faye, she is still in her room recovering!"(Reiko)

"Don't worry about her, someone must have taken her to safety by now!"(Cheryl)

"But what if she's not!"(Reiko)

"Reiko, trust me, she will be fine, now run!"(Cheryl)

"I have to at least check!"(Reiko)

As she said that, the girl ran in the complete opposite direction from where everyone else was going. There were a variety of people trampling on her, preteens, military trainees, medics, chefs, workers but none of them held the injured girl. A cold sweat ran down her face as she kept on running.


Reiko ignored all the shouts and yells, all that was in her mind was to find Faye. She was tunnel visioned as she kept on running. Quickly the amount of people around her decreased to zero. However she couldn't care any less.


Suddenly there was a loud burst of noise.

She fell onto her butt, her tail cushioning her fall. She stumbled up as the buildings around her shook, as if there was an earthquake. She moved her head everywhere, looking to see what happened and what she saw at the corner of her eye sent shivers down her spine. 

There was a bloodied Friedrich battling against the large, imposing man, he was the man from that night, he was Hunter. Reiko, froze on her tracks, how could Friedrich still fight in that condition? He was worn yet still struggled, making every hit count. His fight was not in the vain but eventually he was pushed into a corner, Hunt... no Erwin was approaching him, weapon on hand. He was going to kill Friedrich.

Reiko did not think, how could she just let the person that fed her, gave her shelter and kept her safe die like that? She charged mana into her hands and threw it without thinking.

You are reading story Another World. Different You. A New Me? at

"l, l, l, let him go!"(Reiko)

He only stared at the girl, with a stern face.

"No. This is no place for you be, now leave."(Erwin)

"n- no! Not until you leave Mr. Ehrenwert go!"(Reiko)

"Kid, this really is no place for you, so just go home and-"(Erwin)

Reiko shout another star, directing at his neck. Unfortunately for her, she only cut the side of his face. Erwin's face contorted into a snarl. He darted towards the girl, ready to crush her skull. 

Reiko out of instinct, shielded her face, closing her eyes.




"tch... you again."(Erwin)

Reiko opened her eyes slightly after hearing Cheryl's voice. 

Cheryl flew around the large man, grabbing anything she can to assault him with. Taking the opportunity, Reiko hurried to the injured Friedrich. 

"Mr. Ehrenwert, are you alive!?"(Reiko)

"y- yes..."(Friedrich)

Friedrich quietly huffed out, his vision was blurry, barely making out Reiko's face, his hearing muted, unable to decipher what was going on.

'I wonder if everyone is safe'(Friedrich's thought)

Friedrich thought as he soon passed out.

"HEY THIEF!"(Baker)

"Sorry old man, got tired of eating stale bread!"(thief)

It was a peaceful day, the clouds floating about, the children playing in the fields and the orphan boy stealing from the local bakery, ah yes, the normal and peaceful days of Traumland. 

The thief made his way pass everyone, sneaking below, to the side, slipping and sliding, it was a real gift that he was small, or else he would have been stuck! As the angry baker was chasing him behind, he had to find an escape route, he definitely wasn't going to hand over the dough that he worked hard to get!

Cocking his head left and right, he noticed a small alleyway. He, as fast as he could, slithered into the alleyway. 


The thief boy was to focused on his objective of getting away that he wasn't paying attention where he was going, leading him to bump against a little boy around his age. 


"shhh, hide me for a bit will ya?"(thief)

The thief boy said as he pulled the other boy's hand to cover him. 

"Where are ya boy!"(Baker)

The baker's face was tomato red, as he yelled at the top of his lungs. He was a bear with his pot belly and bushy moustache. Swinging his rolling pin around like a magic wand, the baker soon left the area, securing the thief's safety.

"thank god."(thief)

The thief sighed as he shook the hand of the boy whom he bumped into. 

"Thanks man... well since you helped me, here some of the loot I stole."(thief)

The thief boy said as he hand a piece of bread to the boy. 

"Are you sure?"(boy)

"Duh, why else would I give you it."(thief)

"You're not messing with me right? This isn't like full of mold or made of waste right?"(boy)

"Beats me whatever the old man sells. Well, maybe since I steal so much, this time it might actually be moldy.. hmmm.... Eh, don't care, food is food!"(thief)

The thief took a massive chomp on his share, the scrawny boy simply looked at the bread, biting a small bit of it. He smiled a little.

"Hey, didn't catch your name, mine is Friedrich Ehrenwert! Star boy of Buttercup Orphanage! What's yours?"(thief)

"Erwin, Erwin Bezwinger.."(Erwin)

"Bezwinger... hey aren't you that kid from that one conquering clan?"(Friedrich)


Erwin stared blankly at Friedrich, readying his fists to strike. 

"Cool, then nice to meet you Erwin Bezwinger!"(Friedrich)

Erwin was taken a back, but then he smiled, extending his hand to shake Friedrich's.

"nice to meet you too."(Erwin)