Chapter 27: 27

“You, I’ll let you join the guild I’m launching?”

Even when wearing the sky equipment people still come up and talk to me. One night when I was out shopping after the first dungeon run, someone came up to me, was it easier for them since I didn’t have Hannah with me today?

In front of me was a pretty girl who I thought had come to talk to me but instead she invited me to a guild that she hasn’t even launched yet.

Shining short silver hair, blue eyes, a white uniform, and a navy blue skirt with blue embroidery indicating that she’s a first year. And last but not least, a silver Tiara on her head, indicating she was royalty.

In [Dun-life] members are scouted before the creation of a guild. You can scout members who already have jobs or you can go out on a limb and scout those without jobs in the hope building them up to get rarer jobs.

It’s not just jobs that are scouted but Category as well. Royalty is a category as well, prince’s wear a gold crown while princesses wear a silver Tiara.

However scouting a royal in the game can only be done after you’ve reached 200 fame. Fame starts at 0 so it means you’ll need to continue with the game in order to be able to scout royalty. But does this mean I’ve already reached 200 fame?

I mean I’m famous at the school because I have the [Hero] job, but that shouldn’t have increased my fame.

I tilted my head to the side in confusion causing the princess to lash out.

“Hey are you listening to me? I said I would let you join my guild so you need to answer.”

Oh a selfish princess, I don’t hate it though. Anyway, I know you went out of your way to approach me but.

“My answer is ‘no'”


When I refused the princess screamed in confusion, she obviously didn’t think that she would be refused. It was a great reaction.

“Sorry but I plan to start my own guild, I don’t have plans to enter anyone else’s. ”

“How rude! Even though I said I would specially admit you into my guild!”

The princess trembles, but unfortunately even though I’m Japanese, I can say no. Although I think people are normally supposed to bow down and submit to royalty.

However this is the world of [dun-life], a world governed by levels. No matter how much power she thinks she has, there is no way her level is higher than mine. And as a [hero] there is not job above mine either.

If you want to give orders your level must be reasonable, it’s common sense in this world.

You are reading story Reincarnated in a Game World ~How Could I Do Something Like a Tutorial, I’m Going to Go Raise My Lev at

“I’m Zephyrus [hero LVL10], what level are you princess?”


“Gu, nnnngh”

It seems like there is a high chance she has yet to acquire a job, meaning she’s still a child.

No matter how royal you are a child with no job can’t order around an adult, especially here at the academy.

“If you want me to listen to what you have to say get a good job and raise your level.”

“W, w, what!”

Royalty has access to special jobs like [prince] or [princess] but they aren’t particularly high tier jobs, perhaps she doesn’t have a job yet because she’s struggling to meet the conditions for the one she wants to appear.

“Remember this! I’m going to get a super amazing job! And then when you come begging ‘please let me into your guild.’ It will be too late!”

“Well like I said, I’m going to start my own guild so I won’t be joining one.”

“You can’t! It’s already been decided that you’re going to join mine!”

“Well which is it.”

What an interesting princess, she’s high strung but I don’t hate that. I might be interested in her.

“I’ll be back, and when I am you have to answer properly!”

“Yeah, do your best.”

“Watch me!”

Princess tsundere left….Oh I forgot to get her name.