At the same time the shock ran through my arm the anteater like monster known as [quill] disappeared leaving its drop behind. I picked it up and struck a victory pose.
“Alright, I finally got [quill fur]! With that we’re done with this level.”
“Good job Zephyrus. Why don’t we take a break? Did you want something to drink?”
“Thanks. I shall accept your kind offer for a break.”
After the material we were after finally dropped I suddenly felt tired and went with what Hannah suggested.
The afternoon after accepting the quest I took Hannah to one of the beginner level dungeons. Specifically the [Tropical forest] dungeon.
It was a field type dungeons just like the tutorial dungeon but it was densely populated with trees. Commonly known as the [Jungle Dungeon].
If you deviate from the path the overgrowth quickly rises above 3 meters. In the game this was an inaccessible area but, in the real version I could 100% get lost if I messed up.
The path itself looked well maintained with the grass trimmed. Overhead were tree branches where the occasional Quill or Sloth like monster [Namal] would attack from. Although with the sky sword equipped just swing it normally was enough to completely slaughter them.
The jungle dungeons drops were the materials we needed along with the monster’s AGI being quite slow so the difficulty was almost as easy as the tutorial dungeon. I chose this for Hannah’s first beginner level dungeon challenge.
Speaking of Hannah, this time she was acting as a baggage carrier. She was putting her SUP into DEX, MP, and RES so her attack power was completely reliant on her two handed mace. [Beginners mace: attack:12, magic attack:8] as you can tell from the name it was the lowest level equipment.
Honestly, although the monster’s in this dungeon were weak, Hannah who hadn’t put even one point into STR wouldn’t be able to inflict any damage. So I defeated the monster’s and Hannah stored the drops.
I felt bad for taking all the experience points but Hannah seemed willing to support me either way. Although she will be my first guild member so she’ll be able to get experience after this as well.
Although before level 20 it’s not a good idea to concentrate on production even if you plan to do that later. It’s better to go to the dungeon until level 20 when the other half of the class’s skills unlock.
You are reading story Reincarnated in a Game World ~How Could I Do Something Like a Tutorial, I’m Going to Go Raise My Lev at novel35.com
By the way, my weapon is Sky sword: Attack 85, Magic 51, Holy Attribute]. As expected of a weapon that can be used in the upper level dungeons.
“Ok breaks over, on the first floor it’s hard to gather the fur but in the next floors they will start to appear in groups.”
“I see. Wait why do you know that? ”
After the break when I started explaining she asked me how I knew this.
“I looked it up, if you go to the school library you can find information on most of the dungeons right?”
This is actually true. The library has a ton of information about not only monsters but dungeons, materials job appearance conditions and even item blueprints. When I was playing the game I spend a lot of time at the library, maybe I should check out the real one.
“You couldn’t go out until yesterday because everyone was trying to recruit you. How did you have time to go to the library?”
“Alright, the time for talk is over. I want to actually make it home tonight so let’s keep hunting.”
“A, Zephyrus wait.”
Hannah who was usually quiet was paying an unusual amount of attention so I decided to end the story and move on.
We ended up going to the fifth floor today, none of the monster’s were able to survive more than a single blow. I advanced to level 6 and [appeal] became level 5. The range for appeal was much larger at level 5.
I’d use [appeal] kill a monster, rince wash repeat. In that manner we collected materials rather quickly.
The night ended with me [hero] level 12 and Hannah a level 14 [Alchemist]. Hero being stronger means that it requires more experience points so it makes sense that Hannah is a higher level.