In just 30 minutes Hannah made 57 high quality MP potions and 22 normal mp potions. Although we weren’t even going to be able to make use of that much today so she decided to stow her equipment and continue when we went back. Although I’m thankful that I can go ahead and challenge the boss without having to wait for natural recovery. These potions will be necessary to continue challenging the boss in the future.
For the first boss fight Hannah is going to wait in the safe area while I take it on solo. The door was covered in vines that moved out of the way when you held out your hand.
“Alright, here I go.”
“Goodluck Zephyrus!”
In response to the trust that Hannah, who wasn’t worried in the slightest, put in me. And to create the guild that we both are looking forward too, I’m about to slaughter this boss.
However when I entered the boss room I couldn’t find the boss that should normally have been there. But the teleportation circle wasn’t glowing either so there’s only one thing it could be.
The boss is supposed to be a night goblin, an armed goblin riding on a wolf. With it are supposed to be two sword goblins and two regular goblins. But they’re nowhere in sight meaning that it must be a rare boss.
In the intermediate tier dungeons a few things change. The lower tier dungeons are for those who just finished the tutorial and as such there are no traps, bosses are easy enough to solo, and you can see the boss from the outside rest area. All of this changes in the intermediate tier.
From the intermediate tier up another thing can happen. There’s a chance of a rare boss spawning, although it has a pretty low chance of happening. So low a chance that in the game I would use disposable items to cause a rare boss event and although I’m usually pretty lucky with things, this time I’m solo.
The intermediate dungeons are focused on party capture so the bosses are already stronger to begin with. I came in here relying on the sky series to help get me through this, however rare bosses can be as strong as upper tier bosses. And a level 21 trying to solo an upper tier boss, would be considered mad.
“Hhhhh, well I have the sky series equipment so I can probably do this.”
It’s true that normally this would be reckless but after checking my equipment, items and status, I feel like I can probably handle this. As I thought this the back of the room shines and the boss appears.
Besides the glittering crown and the red cloak its upper body was naked and muscular like the [berserker]s. It also carried a rod in its left hand and a sword in its right, an Emperor goblin had appeared.
I also use magic and attack using close combat, this could be a troublesome opponent…. Meaning I should attack first right?
“《Shine lightning》!”
The magic appeared at the tip of my sword, although it’s not very powerful the emporer goblin is easier to deal with using magic. That and the [sky sword]s magic should have helped my out with the damage a little.
However the boss rushes in ignoring the magic. There wasn’t even any knock back so I’m not entire sure the magic even worked.
“《Sonic sword》!”
I used this quick slash to move quickly to the side as the emperor goblins attack landed right where I had been standing.
“That was close!”
How thrilling.
The next attack was magical, it released a fireball from the rod. Although it was quite similar to Hannah’s and I was able to dodge it normally.
“My turn. 《Hero’s Sword》”
I hit the goblin hard with my glowing blue sword.
You are reading story Reincarnated in a Game World ~How Could I Do Something Like a Tutorial, I’m Going to Go Raise My Lev at
It guarded by crossing the sword and rod across each other. However as expected of such a strong strike I was able to deal a considerable amount of damage through the guard. I was also able to apply a debuff, the 《Hero’s Sword》has an effect that lowers the opponents defense.
I want to follow up but the cool down on the skill prevents me from using it again, forcing me to use normal attacks. Although those should still be quite powerful thanks to the sky sword.
The goblin attacked, I blocked the sword easily with my shield but the rod struck my armor.
The armor and hp buffer did a good job mitigating the pain but it still hurt. And my anger rose up with the pain.
The goblin grew angry as well.
“You muscled freak!”
I focused my anger into a single blow and slammed it into the goblins chest.
The rod hit me while I wasn’t paying attention.
“Gaba! You..!”
Neither of us was giving any ground, my sword slashed at is head, stomach legs and arms. And while I was able to block the sword with my shield the rod was steadily lowering my HP.
I inwardly slapped myself, what kind of idiot plays a game of endurance with a boss monster!?
“《Aura Heal》”
I recovered to half of my current maximum HP. But during the time it took to do that the goblins sword began to turn red as it prepared for an attack. It’s movement stirred a memory from my era as a gamer. 《Goblin style: deadly blade》.
The goblin swings it’s sword in a way that seemed to be saying ‘this is it!’ but can it land the blow?
“《Sonic sword》!”
I used the skill as an emergency evasion method again and slashed at the goblins back.
A critical hit with Sonic sword managed to knock the emperor goblin over for a few seconds.
“An opening! 《Hero’s sword》!”
I hit it with my strongest attack again dropping its HP to 0 and causing it to disappear in a sea of light particles.