Chapter 140: 140

The upper tier dungeon that we went to today was called the bamboo spirit forest dungeon. The scenery was tranquil and pleasant, but the monsters that appeared were anything but.

“It went that way! Ester be careful!”

“Got it! 《Long thrust》!”


The monster disappeared while making some sort of mechanical sound.

“Good work everyone.”

“You too, by the way Zephyrus, what was that monster?”

It was the first fight we had in this dungeon so I imagine that everyone else was feeling the same way that Rana was. In this dungeon the monsters are inorganic, meaning what we had just fought was a sort of doll that had a tire where it’s legs should be.

“It was a small doll but it wasn’t cute at all.”

“I know, it made me want to step on it.”

Hannah and Ester’s evaluation of the monster was quite severe. The doll was only 50cm/1.5 feet tall so it wouldn’t be that difficult to step on I guess?

“Well that one was special, the other monsters should be cute so don’t worry.”

“That’s not the case.”

“Why would you feel relaxed if the enemy is cute?”

I thought it was reasonable but this is a special monster indeed. It attacked by pouring hot water on it so you could imagine what happens when clothes get wet. Or, well that didn’t happen in the game but there was a lot of fanart that made this monster incredibly famous. In the end even I had come to respect this monster.

You are reading story Reincarnated in a Game World ~How Could I Do Something Like a Tutorial, I’m Going to Go Raise My Lev at

Dun-life was rated PG-13.

“Well, let’s move on. Just be careful of the monsters.”


We moved forward while I explained the attack patterns of that particular monster to Ciara. Since they weren’t alive they were capable of some pretty amazing feats such as rotating their head and arms 360 degrees.

After that we moved on defeating a wagon like monster and a ghost monster in the shape of a robe. Of course Ciara still wasn’t good when it came to dealing with ghosts.

“It’s the Chirinrin!”

“Let’s defeat it before it can call it’s friends!”

The Chirinrin was a wind chime style monster, it was important to concentrate and defeat it quickly because it can call its friends over. Normally it is a good way to earn experience but for our purpose of playing bosspop it’s just a time waster that lowers the amount of times we can fight the boss.

“There’s a collection point!”

“Let’s start digging!”

Since it’s a bamboo forest it’s only natural that you would be able to harvest bamboo shoots here. And since I want Hannah to continue making delicious food of varying types I have no choice but to continue securing the ingredients. Although I purchased the scoop personally it will be bought by the guild so that other guild members can use it which means I will be getting the million Mir that I spent on it back. We also decided that we would use the guild budget to purchase other items that can be used for collection as well.

On our we opened three hidden doors and the items inside were a recipe that could be used when cooking the bamboo sprouts and that an arm guard called [Knuckle guard] finally there was an MP Highpotion that could restore 500mp.

The knuckle guard was rare and was pretty good so I decided to go ahead and equip it. Although it didn’t really mesh well with the sky series so I decided to store it for now and go see Maria later to see if she could fix it.

The focus of today’s dungeon run was Bosspop so we didn’t spend as much time collecting and was able to reach the rest area outside of the boss room by 12pm. I’m really looking forward to the boss battle this time.