Chapter 143: 143

“Good work everyone. Ciara, good cover just now. You really are a goddess.”

“It’s no big deal. It’s my job to cover everyone if the target suddenly changes.”

I was so distracted by it doing something that wasn’t in the game that I was completely caught off guard when it charged Hannah. I have a lot to think about when it comes to this boss battle.

“Uhm, Thank you Ciara.”

“I’m glad that you’re okay Hannah.”

“Definitely. I didn’t expect it to behave like that at the end so I froze up for a second. I’m truly grateful to you for saving Hannah.”

“Speaking of it was totally different from how you said it was going to be wasn’t it. You said that If we attacked that segway thing that it would fall.”

That’s true but I didn’t think you would break it!? …No wait, I told them to didn’t I.

In the game the segway wouldn’t break no matter how many times you attacked it, I’ve never seen the bamboo man abandon it and start running like that. But at the same time finding something that behaves differently compared to how it did in the game was really surprising but this is part of what makes the real life version so exciting. A voice inside me was screaming at me to investigate everything I could as soon as possible.

“Zehphyrus, why do you look so excited?”

Oops it looks like Hannah can tell when I’m excited.

“It’s nothing, let’s just hurry up and do this again!”

“We just finished? Aren’t we even going to get the drops first?”

“Oh, right… What did we get this time?”

“A wooden chest.”

“Let’s try again!”

It was a knee jerk reaction to hearing the words ‘wooden chest’ come out of Ciara’s mouth but Hannah had already gone over to collect the drops. Maybe that’s why she’s here? Since the wooden chests don’t contain anything of value and even the equipment or recipes inside are just basic so it’s already been pre decided that we would just sell everything we got inside them. Although something interesting did happen, instead of the preset 5 drops that we would normally get from a boss we got 6 this time. Does this mean that we got an extra drop because we broke the segway? If that’s the case then I guess we will just have to break the segway everytime…

You are reading story Reincarnated in a Game World ~How Could I Do Something Like a Tutorial, I’m Going to Go Raise My Lev at

And thanks to this new option of destroying the segway I’m going to have to review the way we fight this boss. I’m so excited! Since we can destroy things in the first place we have to check and see if there are other parts of it that we can break since it’s a doll.

The next time we entered the boss room our first move was to destroy the segway so that way I could get a good look at the different behaviour it would display. It seems that my desire for knowledge will indeed be satisfied!

“{Hero’s sword}!”



On our 25th fight I finished it off with hero’s sword, after this many fights everyone seems to have gotten used to its behavior and we haven’t had anything dangerous happen in a while. My desire for knowledge had also been satisfied as nothing new has happened since the tenth fight.

“Oh, Gold chest! AH! There’s two!”

“What! Did you just say there’s two gold chests!?”

My excitement gauge which had emptied out with nothing new happening in the fights had instantly filled up to max again with Hannah’s shout.

“His holiness hasn’t abandoned us after all!”

I couldn’t help but pray to him in this moment.

“I will be sure to buy some expensive meat after this.”

“Of course! After this it is only natural that we should offer some delicious meat!”

It seems that Hannah’s loot goblin has converted her into a disciple of his kittyness. She now understands that proper prayer and offerings are a basic need of such a benevolent god. Now, less importantly but still very important indeed.

What’s in the boooox?!