Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Moving In

“It’s – it’s so,” she paused dropping her blush metallic bag on the floor with a resounding sound,” fucking boring.” The light from the glass wall was glaring against the clean white walls while the thin veins of gold in the synthetic marble tiles glinted.


The tall boy scooped up the bag before walking over to the closet wedged between the washroom and the VPod filling one fourth of the room. Opening it, he moved the ironed uniforms to the side before parking the gleaming bag at the bottom. “It’s not bad.”


Unconvinced, the girl rolled her eyes before she threw herself on the bed, wincing at the density. Her frown deepening as she stared up at the synthCrystal ceiling mimicking the sky just outside her window.


“Woah,” brushing back his long ponytail while watching himself in the mirrored wall from the washroom doorway,” it’s really not bad, Day.”


She had to sit up at this remark. Her glaring purple eyes reflected in the mirror, confronting her companion. “It’s tasteless.”


Smoothing his collar, he turned back to her. “It’s opulent.” 


“What does that matter? Price does not beget good taste,” she huffed,” sweetheart.”


The boy looked back at his reflection, brows matching the wrinkles of this dark shirt. “Tsk.”


She looked out onto the large balcony beyond the sliding doors adjacent to the bed. “Let’s go shopping.”






“Well,” he paused his attempts to smooth out his clothes,” it’s still early. We can probably do it after we stop by my dorm room.”


“I guarantee you it will look the same: expensive, sterile and,” she shuddered overdramatically,” lifeless.”


He regarded her face, tracing the way her hair caressed the flushed cheeks and those eyes. She leaned back on the bed, her dress pooling atop the crisp white bedding. Her lips were drawn in discontent.


“We need to buy plants, then,” pulling up the holo-screen to type up a shopping list,” to add a little of home.”


In a few minutes, they found themselves in a similar room. Day threw her head back pushing her hip against Ceski. “Look at this! It’s so bland.”


Ceski wore a bland smile before returning the hip bump as he dropped his dark embroidered bag on the bed. He could only shake his head as he pressed his long pale fingers against the familiar firm bed.


Day tapped on her holo-screen as she for ran their shopping list through the catalog of the shops near their campus. Leaning back on Ceski’s study chair as she scanned the options available to them.


“I really thought that they’d at least change it up for the men’s dorms.”


“Well, it must have been cheaper to renovate.”




“We can probably have it redecorated tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow?” His dark blue eyes widened.  “We must live like this for a night?”


She stopped scrolling, propping her head on her palm. “And here I was thinking that I was overreacting.”


He looked away pushing his hair away from his face. “I’m just worried you can’t live like this.”


You are reading story The Sun Sinks at

Day snorted as she looked at her cousin. “I can live wherever if it’s temporary.”


Nodding, Ceski pointed at the walls,” Black wallpaper, a black carpet, hanging plants, mirrors –”


“Wait, wait.” She had to open the shared list they started from the previous room inspection. “Okay, go.”


“Hover chandelier, a TX2-3420 room robot, a expanded closet chip.”


“The usual? What if they don’t have it in our usual size.”


“Let’s just get the biggest if we can’t find the usual capacity. We can always order it and replace it when it’s delivered.”


“It would take like a day.”


“Gosh, why did we come to this retro-scape academy.”


Day chuckled at her cousin’s dramatics. She admired how intent he was not to wrong himself no matter where he was thrown to. It was these times she wondered if she truly the higher maintenance one between the two.

Suddenly, there was a knock from the open doorway. A cold light flashed through their eyes as they regarded their unwitting audience. A thin boy with a shock of curly silver hair popped in. “Hello,” he smiled,” I’m in 835-B!”


Ceski quickly eased his face, returning the smile graciously. “Hello,” standing up to shake their hand,” my name is Chechko A’lve. As you can see, I am in room 835-C.”


835-B stood tall, their full frame finally in sight. Besides his olive toned skin and the mop of silver curls on his head, he was shorter than Ceski. Their large overalls, splashed with a variety of unknown stains, over their white shirt made them seem very approachable.


“Oh,” Day said,” are you in the mechanical engineering department?”


“Wow,” the boy beamed,” how did you know?”


Day pointed her pink tipped finger at a green-orange splash on his knee.


“Woah,” he bounced forward,” are you in mechanical engineering?”


Ceski scoffed. “She isn’t the type to use her hands. Just look at those nails.”


The silver haired boy squatted down on his heels to examine the pink and glitter covered nails Day raised. “Yeah,” he nodded,” you can’t use some tools with those things on.”


“Baby wasn’t born to use her hands.” Day whispered solemnly.




The girl pointed to herself,” baby.”


“Oh,” the boy replied with his hands clasped under his legs incredulously,” your name is Baby?”


The slight girl threw herself back nearly toppling the chair over as she guffawed.


Ceski could only grin as his cousin writhed at the boy’s naivete. It’s a rather tasteless joke but it’s one of her favorites. Watching her laugh fiercely with no regard to her image, he could only indulge her. It’s so much better than her turbulent mood all month long or the discontent she painted on her face a few minutes earlier. He preferred she laugh and let herself go than wear herself down because of something they are powerless against.


“No,” he interjected as he tapped on the confused boy’s shoulder asking him to stand up. “This is my cousin, Adia A’Lve.”