Chapter 5: Chapter 4 – Freedom Tastes Good.


/ You are my love, my one true love, if you are in danger, look towards me cause I will protect you with my life if need be./




Anna's (POV).

 Hello, my name's Anna. I just turned eight teen years old. I'm an adventurer in a no-named small city in the kingdom of 'Anestheshiya'. I don't like doing dangerous quest's but my boyfriend 'Hiro' always takes on the dangerous quest's, and surprisingly he comes back alive every time. I have to admit he is one of our strongest adventurous. So that's why I agreed to come with him today on a very dangerous quest to kill a 'basilisk', they are known as the serpent king, who can cause death with a single glance. But I trust in 'Hiro's skills so I know we will be alright.

"Hey... Hiro, do you know where we are going? Cause I think we are lost! You dummy."

"Yes, I know where we are going, I've been in these Woods a thousand times, so stop worrying so much. Besides what's going to happen to you while I'm here."

"Confident as ever I see, but that's one of the reasons I love you"

"Oh... Thanks, babe."

'You dummy' pouted Anna, 





We are currently walking through the forest near the city. When we got a little deeper into the forest I could see something coming towards us, it had four legs and looked like it was running for it's life instead of coming to kill us,

"Anna, it's the basilisk, it must have spotted us. Get your spells ready!"

Shouted Hiro,


"No, Hiro look, it's not coming at us," 

True to my words it did come this way but ignored us and continued running, there were other monsters like windigos, Griffin's, unicorn and many more monsters running in the same direction the basilisk ran off to.





"Hiro, what's going on? Why didn't any of those monsters attack us? They just outright ignored us"

"I don't know why, but I think they were running away..."

"Running away! From what?"

"I don't know, but we should check it out"

"Did you hit your head somewhere when I wasn't looking? They were running away because they were afraid of whatever is in that direction, and you want us to go see what it is. Are you insane? Or were you just born that way?"

"Don't worry, you have me, I will protect you with my life?" 

Said Hiro with a confident tone.

"... Fine... Let's go see, but only see, don't let that confidence get to your head and try to attack whatever it is... As soon as we see what it is, we are heading back, understand..."

Hiro nodded,





They continued even deeper into the forest to find out what kind of being can make a group of dangerous monsters flee from their territories.


After three to four hours of walking, they came across something like looks to be like the remainder of a mansion like structure. It was worn out and in ruins. 


"What is this place? I've been in this forest more than I can count but I haven't seen anything like this here before."

Asked Hiro,


"Me too!... But I remember a story about there being a demon-worshipping cult in this area, but it was wiped out over a single night one hundred years ago. No one now's how but some say a Vampire did it. So this must have been their hideout."

"Awesome I want to see what's in there maybe there's something valuable in there, let's go che___ Aaaaaahhhh!!"


They both screamed while falling, cause the earth under them collapsed.




You are reading story Caring Mother (HIATUS) at


"Haaaa... That wasn't so bad, I thought it would be deeper. Where the hell are we anyway..." 

Said Hiro,


"How would I know?... But it looks like some kind of alter and___"

She stopped talking when she saw a breathtaking scene, a beautiful girl stood in the corner of the room with sunlight shining brightly everywhere but on her. There was a dark aura surrounding her preventing any light from touching her skin. Anna was speechless at the sight of this woman's beauty but she managed to speak a couple of words,





"Hiro, look"

Hiro turned to the side and was also speechless for a moment. But after years of hunting and killing monsters and fighting a few demons, he had a lot of experience in these situations, so he knew what was before him weren't any human. He soon got back his composure when he saw the dark aura around the woman and her demonic tail. And he stood in front of Anna with his sword pulled out.

"What is it, Hiro sh__"

"Stay back Anna, that's not a human it's a demon"

Hiro Shouted at her and took a bottle of holy water out of his pocket and spilt it all over his sword. Hearing this Anna snapped back to reality and cast her holy magic on the tip of Hiro's sword.





Lilith's (POV).

, Hmm... Humans, who are they... Wait, did I just call them humans... Maybe it's because of me being a demon, my mindset must have changed. Well, I'm not human so I should embrace my demon side... Mmm... Much better, all I did was close my eyes and excepted me being a demon. I feel strange, I feel Hungry, that human with the sword looks delicious, ... These Ants should be kneeling before me right now. Filthy Ants. I will teach them what it means to be in my presence.


Instantly a hunger that I have been trying to hold back for so long was reawakened. Without any hesitation, I dashed at the human with the sword. The human seeing this trust his sword forward but it did nothing, it hit me, yes, but it shattered into pieces within seconds of contact with my skin. I didn't even look at the sword and grabbed him by the neck bringing my teeth to it.

Mmm... This is amazing... It feels so so good, I want more... I need more... Oh. While I was having a blissful experience I didn't even notice that I have sucked him dry and ripped off his head. He looks like a mummy now. the girls frozen in fear while tears rolled down her white cheeks. She also looks tasty but no, I have some skills that I need to use, and she looks cute...





Anna's (POV).

      Our Worlds at war with the beings known as demons. The small city of mine is no exception with us regularly exposed to monsters and demons who have to be dealt with one way or another, 'but this demon killed Hiro, one of our strongest adventurous like it was nothing and now I am about to share the same fate. But if I'm going to die anyway I might as well go down while fighting. I will see you soon Hiro.'

Anna stood up with courage in her eyes and stared at the demon with anger and hatred while the demon was also staring at her seductively.


"You're the degenerate demon responsible for the monsters running away from their territories aren't you... Well, my name is Anna... And I am an adventurer. And you will pay for what you did to Hiro."

She yelled while pulling a shining dagger out.


"Oh My, what an adorable adventurer you are. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Anna-Chan... you can call me Lilith."

" This dagger is made out of holy stones so you will die if I stab you with it " 

" Oh dear, how scary. Honestly, though I am immortal so it won't do you any good... And you know, now that I get a better look at you, you've actually got quite the cute face... And those perky boobs and well-built curves of yours make for quite a sexy figure too... in fact, you are just my type... HM HM... Yeah I think I'll have you as my very own"

Lilith said while licking her lips seductively.


" Are you serious licking your lips? what are you a succubus? jeez just so you know, I have plenty of experience fighting my own lust. So you will never..."

'what's going on... Why can't I move...? Anna thought while she froze on the spot.


" Oh my, are you surprised? And yes I am part succubus. But don't worry I just cast a little charm on you. my eyes have the power to temporally take away the freedom of anyone I desire, you see."


'no way'.......