Chapter 13: Chapter 12 – Leaving A Path Of Destruction.


/ Mother and daughter's together are a powerful force to be reckoned with. And you'll see why! /



Helplessness, depression, fear. We all feel these emotions in our lives once in a while, some, even all the time. Aizen, feeling all of these emotions for the first time in his life, he didn't know how to handle them. In a matter of seconds, he played the past few hours in his head over and over, each time his mind shutting down, his breathing shaky. Rational thoughts were a thing of the past for him. Eyes void of life staring into nothing.

“Hahaha… Mother, I think you broke him.”

“Ufufufufu… What should we do with him now, mother?”

Seeing Aizen's lifeless eyes, Emma and Anna spoke up.



'Hmm… Did I really just break him? Oh! well! Can't do anything about it now. Actually, now that I stop to think about it, I just broke a family apart and made half of it mine! And I don't even feel bad for it. Actually, I feel great. Hmm… Must be my demonic mind.'

Lilith pondered her latest actions.





"Just leave him be. I have no use for him anyway. Unless…"   

Contemplating whether to kill poor Aizen or not, a small part of her began to doubt her choice. Maybe she was sorry for him, or maybe she just wanted to humiliate him more. Deciding on the latter she turned towards Aizen, sizing him up with her beautiful blood-red eyes. Satisfied with what she saw, her lips grew into a seductive evil grin.

   Emma was still clinging onto Lilith with her arms around her neck. Upon seeing Lilith's face, Emma focused on her seductive grin, then shuddered. She wasn’t sure if it was out of fear or excitement, maybe even both.

Anna on the other hand was dripping sweet nectar, dampening the floor below. She was unable to control her passionate lust and she started vigorously fingering herself.



Ignoring the lust in the air, Lilith concentrated on Aizen. Removing herself from Emma's embrace, she walked forward dragging Aizen to his feet. Unable to fight back or even muster up an ounce of strength, he was dragged up like a rag doll. Not wanting to wait any longer, Lilith drew closer, mouth and fangs first. Sucking the sweet nectar which tasted, well, sweet. She continued sucking and sucking, draining the life out of poor Aizen. In that moment she felt powerful, it was exhilarating. When turning her beloved daughters she would suck yet give her blood to them while using the skill, 'Vampirization'. This was an etirely different feeling; she just wanted more and more. But we all know 'the more you take the less you'll have'

  After a while, regardless of how hard she sucked, only air would fill her mouth. Slightly disappointed, she began injecting her blood into the wound, it to Aizen, but she didn't activate the skill. A couple of drops later she pulled away, waiting in anticipation for what was to come.




Seconds, minutes, nearing half an hour Lilith's face darkend with a frown. By the time Lilith was done Anna's fingering spree ended, she and Emma had been silently waiting for their mother to speak.

Not long after, frustrated, Lilith threw Aizen's lifeless body like a rag doll which surprised her for a second, she didn't even use any strength, yet Aizen's body flew throughout the house clashing with the wall making a deep dent in it.



“Hmm… I got to watch how I use my new strength, I don't plan on accidentally killing someone. Though, I am disappointed. I really thought it would work. Such a shame. I had such hope for you Aizen, but I guess something's just aren't meant to be”


“Mother, don't be sad, that worthless human wasn't even worth your time. He should be glad he died by your hands”

You are reading story Caring Mother (HIATUS) at


“Yeah, they are so weak and feeble. It wasn't your fault.”


While Emma and Anna clung to Lilith's right and left arms, they tried cheering their mother up.



“He-he… I know, but I still thought it would work. Having a lesser vampire could have been useful. Well, no matter. Emma, dear, are there any strong adventures left in this town?”

“None that can even dream of matching your might mother, but in human standards, there are a few.”


“Good, hahaha… Excellent.  Go, go now, and feast to your heart's content.”

“Yes, mother.”

“As you wish, mother.”



Without waiting any longer, Emma and Anna vanished from eyesight. That day, a small namely city and its inhabitants lost their light and glamour. Corpses formed mountains, women, the elderly, and even children, none were spared from the sudden massacre. The streets and the sky dyed crimson with blood and fire devouring the city in a red inferno leaving nothing but destruction in it's place. But the demons who caused such destruction were long gone into the night.



After what felt like hours the flames began to dry out, dark clouds covered the night sky, heavy rain washing away the blood and gore. Within the remnant of the crumbled ashed house's a figure of a child could be seen. Her whole body covered in ash and burn marks adored her flesh.

The rain watching away the ashes leaving her burned flesh which were healing at a visible speed. Flesh healed, she stood there, beautiful long black hair, skin pale as snow. Opening her beautiful brown eyes, With her delicate figure, she stood there marvelling at the destruction before her. Looking at her own childish figure, she couldn't help but thank her creator, her savior, her new reason for existing, her mother…