To Mrs. A—.

Agreeable to your request I have endeavoured to recollect the parts of the Sermons, and present them to the Church of God, which is the pillar and ground of the truth.  My mind has been fixed on the important subject of the Work of the Spirit—for what are Doctrines and Practice without this?—I have spoken a little freely of the dealings of God with my own soul, of which I shall never be ashamed; this may, indeed, expose me to the censure of those who are strangers to this work, and, of course, may ridicule it as enthusiasm—but the way-faring men, redeemed by Jesus, will not err therein, as I have endeavoured to point out the truth clearly, though feebly.  I have not aimed at elegance, it being beyond my reach; but to set forth the truth in a plain style, p. 4and now commit it to God—humbly hoping your pious desire in the publication may be abundantly answered, in the consolation of Israel and the honour of Israel’s God.  Encouraged by the following command, I send this Sermon into the world—“Give strong drink to them who are ready to perish, and wine to those that be heavy of heart;” and surely tasting the old wine of the kingdom, God’s everlasting love, covenant grace, finished salvation, with the sovereign agency of his Spirit, in his efficacious operations, sanctifying, witnessing, and comforting influences, we desire no better.—May this animate your heart; so prays,
Your’s affectionately,
For Christ’s sake,
 Signature of J. Church