Chapter 7: Vol.1 Ch.5: The Unexpected Betrayal

School Bell OST

"Sometimes life is like top 10 Anime Betrayals, fun to look at but depressing to be in." ALTaccounti

2 Weeks Later

For the past 2 weeks nothing out of the ordinary happened, doing nothing during the school day and studying by night. Everyone was having a confident feeling that they were going to make it.

It is now one day before the mid term exams. It was a Sunday night and Naibu just finished studying the sheets behind his desk in his room.

Ah finally done, I am feeling that I can make it now. Hmmm but just be sure I should check the books, I have never really looked into them, I am pretty sure that only Sawada and Minori are the only ones that actively studied it.

Naibu pulled out the books and looked at their exercises as well as explanations, when he compared them he realized something.





A different method is being applied at the mathematics test which has a slight error making every answer on here wrong. In social studies multiple answers describe the definition in a slightly different way leaving out a keyword, making them all wrong! All of these exams have tons of mistakes even if the questions are altered, the only way you would have noticed it if you had studied the book!

These mistakes are way too massive to call them accidents which means that...

Tenshi deceived me!

I am sure that he checked if the tests were correct in correlation with the books, so I am 100% sure Moudo didn't have anything to do with it!


How could he, I thought we were friends damn it!

Naibu pulled out his phone and went to Bine.



Wait, he is not replying, so that means that I'm blocked for sure! Now that I think of it I don't know his room number either!

I have to tell the rest about this, wait I have no contact info from my class since I always distance myself from them!

Which means I can only do one thing!

Hopefully I can find a classmate outside, I should stay at the boys dorm so as not to cause unnecessary commotion!

Naibu changed from his pajamas into his school uniform and stormed outside running throughout the entire dorm in the hope to find someone. After running for 15 minutes Naibu finally found someone he recognized standing in front of the vending machine.


He looked around as Naibu stopped before him panting heavily,

"Naibu, what's wrong?"

You are reading story The Ultimate Classroom at

"Dude the tests are wrong."

Fujimura's concerned face turned into a horrified expression.

"What do you mean by wrong?!"

"Tenshi, my friend from class B deceived me, he has altered the question and answers in a way that couldn't be noticed unless you had studied the book!"

Fujimura became furious and grabbed Naibu by the color.

"Why didn't you check the tests beforehand?!"

"I don't know, I assume they must have been right."

"HOW could you trust someone from another class?!"

"Listen, I thought he was a good person."

"Naibu, this is not like your normal high school, nobody can be trusted, because of your stupidity will the entire class fail!"

"And who said that he had done it, there is a chance that you changed the continuity of the exams yourself!"

"Take this you traitor!"

Fujimura gave Naibu a good left hook and he fell on the ground.

"Wait I just realized something, Minori was the only one who had studied the book, which means she knew all along too DAMN IT, no time to waste. I got to study the books quickly!"

Fujimura ran off while Naibu stood up.

I totally understand Fujimura's reaction, but to be honest it's kind of their fault too. Why did none of them check it?.. Wait, it's the exact same reason as me, they trusted me like I trusted Tenshi, which made all of us fall down the rabbit hole. Since I have nobody's contact info I just have to hope that Fujimura tells the rest of the class.

Time to head back!

Naibu returned back to his room, took a shower and changed back into his pajamas, where he sat back behind the study desk.

The only thing I can do now is study the books for the rest of the night.

Naibu pulled out his phone again and looked to see if Tenshi replied.

I figured that he didn't.

Naibu slammed his hand against the table.

"Damn it, how could I have been such an idiot!"


Welp Naibu got betrayed and his entire class got dragged down with it, except Minori and maybe Sawada too?

Things can get only worse from here on out!

Anyways I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter and until next time!