Today was the day of reckoning. Seraphiel, Elsa, and the others all insisted on being with me when I confronted the Eatuhean shamans. Never mind that they wouldn’t be able to see anything since they couldn’t perceive the events in the spiritual world. They just wanted to be present to lend me their moral support.
This wasn’t the sort of thing that should be done in a tranquil meditation room. I sat cross-legged on a mat at the lakeshore, with the others in a semicircle around me. As the rising sun painted the sky in rosy hues, I entered the spiritual plane.
Again, I was attacked, but this time I was ready for them. The Eatuheans, it seemed, considered themselves the sole guardian of the spiritual realm, and anyone who tried to enter it was regarded as an enemy who had infringed on their territory.
I was here to teach them the error of their ways.
An enormous mass of anima and intent tried to push me down back into my physical body, but I slammed them back with an even larger blast of anima.
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