“ Wow! Is this the academy? It's huge!”. Anya laughed at Vulen’s naivety. They got off the horses and walked toward the academy's massive gates, guarded by giant armored men wielding swords.
“Yes, this is one of the academies for Aflair’s mana users. One of the best in the entire country in fact, and you’ll be going here for free on James’ behalf. Don't make him regret his decision.”
She raised her arm and crackling electricity engulfed her entire hand. “Or you’ll have to deal with me.”
Vulen jumped back as quickly as his body could. His eyes never left Anya’s. His instincts told him the woman in front of him was dangerous.
James sighed. “Leave the boy alone, Anya.”
“ You're such a dad. You never let me have any fun,” Anya said with a pouty face.
“ Come on Vulen. Let's get you registered. You’ll start class tomorrow, but let me warn you. This isn't the forest anymore. There's a hierarchy. Here, you are a commoner. You will be treated poorly because of it. The people who are above commoners are called aristocrats. They are families with power but don't have a royal lineage. Royal families are powerful families with a distinguished lineage. Usually, these are the families descended from transcendent beings throughout history. There’s at least one for every race. You can’t afford to offend them. You have no one and nobody to save you besides me, and I don't have nearly enough power to back you fully. Don’t come here just to dilly dally and play around. Try your best to make connections. Even if it means kissing ass.”
Vulen bowed at James. “ I won't let you down, James.” Vulen side-eyed Anya, who looked at him with a sadistic smile.
“ If I fail him, Miss Anya, you can do whatever you want to me.”
“ I’m looking forward to it.”
James and Vulen left Anya and walked toward the entrance of the humongous school. The walkway toward the entrance had a water fountain surrounded by small cut grass. The academy was made from brownstone with several windows on every floor.
As the pair walked through the entrance, curious eyes fell on the red elf. Who would bring a child here? Vulen paid them no mine and followed James into the registration room. At the desk was a beautiful, large green woman, with long black hair, thin brows, a slim nose, and pointy ears. She wore silver light armor that had her stomach and giant bust exposed with dark brown pants.
“Good afternoon Mursha.” Vulen could see James struggling to raise his gaze from the breast of the orc woman.
“ I will never fuck you, James. Give it up.”
James raised his hands in defeat. “ That wasn't what I was here for but-”
“But nothing. What do you want?” Mursha snapped back.
“ If you would let me finish, dammit. I’m here to use my admission pass for my friend here.” James gestured his fingers down. Mursha had to get out of her seat just to see Vulen.
“ James, did you really bring a kid here? Mursha said.
“ I’m not a kid,” Vulen said in a small voice.”
“ He’s eighteen. The mana in his body delayed his puberty. It happens.”
“ Are you sure you want to use your admissions pass on this one.? You only get one each year. I will admit, he looks rather interesting. Her eyes fell on Vulen’s odd dark red markings on his neck and arms.
Mursha’s eyes squinted.“ What are you? Those markings aren't from high or low elves. What tribe are you from?”
Vulen sighed. He’d been asked this question his entire life. He even wondered why he didn't share the same markings as the Grave Violet tribe or nearby tribes.
“ I’m from the Grave Violet tribe,” Vulen said proudly.
“ Grave violet tribe eh? Known for the violet healing flowers that they alone know how to cultivate. How did they accept you? You look nothing like them.”
Vulen’s head lowered. He tried his best to not cry.
“ They never really accepted me, but I was born in the tribe so that couldn't be the reason why they kicked me out.”
“ For the most part, you won't have to worry about discrimination based on how you look here besides other elves. Fill out this form. I’ll create your ID while you're doing that.”
Mursha handed him a stack of papers and a piece of wood with lead embedded at the tip. After Vulen finished completing the form and handing it to Mursha, Mursha handed him a gem and a piece of a rectangular silver with his personal information on it.
“ This purple gem is called a copy gem. When mana is imbued in the gem, it copies whatever is in front of it. When the gem touches the inscriptions written on the silver ID card, a copy of your face will be created on the silver. Aim the gem at your face and let James imbue his mana into it.”
Vulen turned toward James with the crystal a few inches away from his face. James placed his finger on the gem and forced his mana into it. Suddenly, a purple flash blinded Vulen momentarily.
“ Aaargh. What the fuck was that?”
“ Sorry. I forgot to warn you about that.” Mursha let a playful giggle.
“You are now enrolled. Even though I already have your information stashed, take good care of that ID. It’ll show your status as a student, so you won't be treated too poorly by society. Mursha threw a pendant to Vulen.
“ This pendant will also show your status as a student. It's a preemptive measure in case you lose your ID. Squeeze it in your palm.
Vulen closed his hand and felt a slight burning sensation. When he opened his palm, he could see the pendant with two coiling dragons embedded in his hand
“You start class tomorrow. James will show you to your room. I hope you enjoy your academy life.”
Vulen bowed with his hands to his side. “ Thank you miss Mursha.”
“ Mursha, how about we go for dri-”
“ Go rot in a hole, James.”
“ Fine!”
James led Vulen to the second floor of the academy.
“ Room 1302. We’re finally here,” James said.
You are reading story The Elf Born Under The Red Moon at novel35.com
James opened the door and Vulen's eyes raised in excitement. After eighteen years, Vulen finally had his own room.
Vulen ran in and immediately laid between the covers and pillows, burying his face in the bed's softness.
“ I suggest you take a bath before laying in bed, kid. You stink.”
Vulen hopped off the bed instantly.
“ Where do I bathe?”
A perverted smile crossed James’s face.
“ The bigger bathtubs are mixed. If you try to force a woman to do anything, you'll die a painful death, but I women outside of your little tribe are a lot more free-spirited if you know what I mean.” James tapped his elbow on Vulen's chest a few times.
“ No, I don't,” Vulen said
“ Whatever kid. Go take a damn shower you smelly elf. I’m leaving. Do not be late for class in the morning. Place your ID’s inscriptions on the back of the clock and it’ll alarm you to wake up. It’s already pretty late, so I suggest you hurry and get some rest.”
“ Alright, mister James. And I’m not a kid,” Vulen said with a pouty frown.
“ That face of yours does you no favors hahaha.”
James left and Vulen was finally alone. He inspected his entire room. He searched the desk beside his bed where he found paper and wood with led tips. He had his own closed with uniforms and bed wear already hung up.
‘ Don’t they need my measurements for clothing?’
Vulen picked up one of the collared white shirts which were a lot longer than his body. As soon as the top button was fastened, the shirt automatically adjusted to his size.
‘ Mana is amazing. I wonder what I can do once I unlock my mana.’
After studying his space for a while, Vulen left his room and followed the signs that directed him to the washroom. He was now immune to the gazes of others. He decided that this was his new life. His only chance at true freedom. He was no longer going to allow others to depend on his attitude.
The washroom had three openings with no doors; one for women, one for men, and a mixed bath. Vulen could feel his teenage hormones encouraging him to go to the mixed bath. What did he have to lose? He may not have the height of a man, but he was sure he had most of them beat in another area.
He inhaled and exhaled to calm his nerves. For the first time in his life, he was going to be confident in himself.
He walked into the steamy washroom and began to strip at the door and placed his dirty clothes, towel, and nightwear in the cubbies by the door. The eyes of men and women of all races fell upon him, their jaws dropped in surprise.
“ Fuck dude. It looks like we have a tie here!” said a red-eyed boy. He had messy black hair, a defined jawline, and a medium build. He walked towards Vulen with a smile.
“ What's your name? I’m Edward. Vampire,” he said with an outstretched hand.
“ I’m Vulen. Low Elf.” Vulen shook his hand back.
“ Low elf? Those don't look like the markings of a low elf and I've never seen an elf with gray eyes either.”
The elves in the bathroom immediately began approaching Vulen from all sides.
“ You said you were a low elf? Why are you lying?” said a pale black-haired elf
Vulen could sense the hostility in the boy's tone.
“ I was born in the Grave Violet’s tribe. My markings are different from all of the elves I’ve ever seen.No one knows who or what I truly am, but I was born and raised a Grave Violet elf.” Vulen returned the hostility in his voice. He wasn't going to back down to anyone here.
“ Calm down you two. Fighting is pointless. Back to the original conversation, you are tied with the orcs,” Edward said.
“ Tied with the orcs in what?” Vulen was confused. He didn't do anything but stay in his room since he’d gotten here. What was Edward talking about?”
“ Tied with the orcs in dick size of course. The fellas here have competitions on who's more manly. The orcs usually win because you know.. They are orcs. Giant people with giant dicks. You're the shortest guy I’ve ever seen and you are at least tied with Gollik.”
“ Th-thank you I guess?” Vulen said.
Vulen walked into the washroom and found a giant steamed tub, big enough to fit at least thirsty people easily. The elves side-eyed him on the way, but the women of all races eyed him differently with flushed cheeks. Vulen sat in the tub with his back against the wall.
‘ Hot bath is the best thing I’ve ever felt besides a bed.’
Vulen closed his eyes, relaxing and enjoying the tub, but he was felt by a presence close to him. As soon as he opened his eyes and turned his head, he was face to face with a beautiful green-haired, green-eyed woman with pale pink lips and a heart-shaped face. Her eyes were large and her lips were plump. Vulen couldnt talk. Her beauty had him mesmerized.
“ I’ve seen your markings before and those gray eyes”
Vulen awoke from his stupor with his eyes widened. Where did you see them?! What are they?!”
“ Telling you now will only endanger you. I’ll tell my parents and they'll decide when. By the way, my name is Fae. I’m a dire fairy. It's nice to meet you Vulen.”
“Nice to meet you too.”
Fae walked back to her group of friends, while Vulen was frozen in place. Someone finally had an idea of what he was, but it was also dangerous for him to know. He had another reason to grow his strength. He left the tub and dried his body before putting on his white socks, cotton shirt, and gray loose pants. These were the nightwear the academy provided. Vulen headed to his room, put his dirty clothes and towels away, and went to bed.
The next day, he was awoken by the sound of loud ringing. His body had not adjusted to waking up so early in the morning. He ignored the alarm and closed his eyes. Suddenly he jumped out of bed.
“Fuck. I'm going to be late for my first day of class!”