Chapter 14: Chapter 13 – End of the Feud

Nela received harsh treatment from the pimp's punch, causing a fight that was inevitable this time. Between Nella and the pimp, both have different visions and points of view. 

Their gazes looked sharp, wanting to give each other a blow to each other's enemies. 

"What do you want after coming here? Do you want to interfere with my business?" Nela was provoked, stood up and challenged the pimp and his men. 

Nela put on a stance with tough legs, back and forth to find a square because her business was being interrupted by the lecherous man. 

"I won't let a bastard slut like you do that rotten act as long as you're alive!"

That pimp, a man who sells women as material for his customers' debauchery to earn a lot of money. Nela does the same as her enemy, but some variations and potions are illegal. 

The pimp stepped into the direction of the Succubus, delivering a heavy blow to the her head. However, the blow hit the wind instead, there was no damage to Nela's face. 

Nela instead dodged and retreated backwards, not responding to the attack with unformed momentum. There are no gaps in the fat body and it looks uncomfortable to look at. 

The fat pimp didn't want to give up, wanting to prove himself that he could still beat women in a fight. 

Meanwhile, the pimp guard didn't help the whispered pimp, seeing Nela's strength in her martial arts. The barrage of blows was still not satisfied and continued to beat the wind. 

Nela's feet dragged Nela behind, decided to run away from the fight because she wanted to find an opening from the black pimp. The wings and tail of the succubus are shown, straight away from the opponent. 

The pimp was furious, letting the succubus walk away. Many annoyed faces after getting an unwanted response from the opponent. He needs the help of a guard who accompanies him for business purposes.

"Don't run, you cowardly bitch!" The pimp shouted, annoyed that his opponent had left the fat and fat man on the market street.. 

"Hey you guys! Go after her right now!” The pimp turned around, ordering his men to attack Nela. 

"Fine, Master!" They decided to go forward at full speed, their feet lightly touching the ground and their running speed willing to make the best possible contribution. 

The pimp ran in a different direction, only at 45 degrees to the cardinal points, it took a while for Nela to lose a lot of strength for quite a long time. 

Male sex slaves were abandoned and deemed not to have purchased the item. Nela had ensured safety before that bastard conflict came to her. 

Nella stopped her running, looking for a good place to fight. There is no gap from the market atmosphere. The two pimp guards came suddenly, directing a punch at Nela's head.

Nela took a step back, turned her body and straightened one time. Nela's legs grabbed one of the pimp guards' waist and flung her to the left.

The waist was hit by multiple blows from the outside, flung rapidly into the air and fell to the side, almost hitting another illegal shop. 

One guard weighs, only one more person will target Nela, almost heading to the market crowd buying firearms. 

"Damn you Bitch!” The last guard decided to attack Nela completely, wanted to get a chance to catch that succubus to rape after being caught. 

The guard approached Nela, threw a punch at Nela's chest. Nela's breasts look more agile and difficult to hurt. 

There is no intention to squeeze Nela's breasts because her breast look sexy and beautiful. The pimp guard's fury looks more agile and hard to touch. 

Nela fell for a moment and rolled onto the grid to dodge enemy attacks. The pimp guard didn't want to stay still and slid to the left for a hard hit. 

However, Nela reflected first to get up faster and made sure to attack the pimp again. Already got up first and pressed the pimp guard with a right elbow. 

Nela's smack down was too terrible, it could almost be done 2-3 times. With the support of the wings, she was able to defeat the troubling pimp guards. 

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Nela stood back up, greeted the horses swiftly and allowed the opponent to advance, provoking anger and making the opponent uncontrollable. 

The pimp who had had many women to serve as sex slaves was back in action, his hands ready to make multiple fist attacks.

He screamed like a primate, the loud sound was able to hit several obstacles in the vicinity. However, not with the auccubus. He wasn't afraid of being threatened with death by someone. 

"This is what it feels like, you bastard bitch!" 

Instead of using a hand as a shield, the succubus chose to flee to the right and glide through the air. After that, his hands hit the floor and floated in the air through the crowd. 

The pimp couldn't contain his emotions any more, instead he had to enter the crowd at full risk. 

Nela ran with a forward look on her face, not seeing the pimp rampaging and brushing the crowd away with his power. Forced, they had to let the pimp pass.

"Get out of the way, you idiots!"

"Don't get in my way! I want to beat up that rotten bitch!" 

With that shout, the pimp was able to run arrogantly, his gaze focused on Nela who was actually avoiding the pimp. No one in the crowd settled the riot. 

Nela looked for another loophole, making sure that the succubus could damage the pimp's psychology by taking advantage of the chaos. Much of Dorment's market activity was disrupted by the pimp's anger. 

The pursuit of the noble succubus drew near, giving an air of irritation to the woman who thought like a prostitute. 

Nela still calmed herself down, kept running and took the initiative to use her two wings to fly low. However, Nela's flight activity could attract the attention of the Freinte Kingdom's cavalry. 

After running for a long time, Nela stopped running. Her two legs had trained easily, there was no need to hold back from running away and running from the pimp. All Nela had to do was fight back. 

The pimp's power seems to be drastically reduced, unable to follow the movements of Nela, who looks skilled and shrewd when being chased. The sweat that came out of Nela's body stuck for a long time, but there was no foul odor that formed from her body. 

A good chance for Nela to counter her attack, trying to put up some resistance to the bastard pimp. This is so that the business is not disrupted.

Nela still has some strength left, instead she returns to her original place in a different state. The pimp was alone, unaccompanied by a guard. 

The pimp sighed, looked straight ahead, instead saw the succubus running by jumping, kick the pimp back and take damage from the kick. 

The pimp screamed, collapsing easily as his legs couldn't hold himself any longer. He fell backwards and was badly injured. 

"You die, you bitch!" Even though he was injured enough direction, the pimp still had a big mouth. 

No mercy for Nela, go straight to that fat pimp and teach him the best lesson. Nela's legs could not be held back anymore, to finish off the helpless pimp. 

The succubus' chance to gain victory was right in front of her eyes. Nela's gaze was still calm to deal with such an asshole. 

"Enjoy the sad night! I don't want to be bothered by a goddamn bastard like you! You always turn a woman into a whore. You should know that." Nela's expression reddened, watching the pimp's behavior after being beaten so badly. 

Although the anger was still burning, Nela was able to suppress it and just let the pimp limp helplessly, just sleeping on the streets like a tramp.

Nela goes back to her business and collects as much stuff as she can, including the sex slaves who don't have customers in the middle of a fight. 

She already earned more than enough. Only, he had to quickly move to another place before she got into a lot of big trouble.