On a dirt trail in the mountainous forest, I ran non-stop. In spite of my panting, ragged breadth, or my burning, screaming muscles in my legs I continued to run as fast as I could. The twilight of the setting sun practically blinding me, but I don’t care.
I’m no longer welcome at the village; those elders will make sure of that. Even though I took care of their usurper, and saved Sarduna, they insulted me, humiliated me and threatened me like that. They rejected me, they all rejected me, all because I killed Makuri in their precious shrine.
I don’t think anyone in that village wants anything to do with me anymore. So now all I can do is charge forward into the world, for there is no home for me here.
For some reason my cheeks feel wet, as if it’s raining but the darkening skies are clear and its only face that seems to be hot and wet.
I should have been praised for ending the revolt quickly, instead I’m now alone in the mountains. They all berated me, heaped scorn upon me for trying to save the one I loved, someone who was one of their clanswomen. Everyone I know in this world have condemned me.
‘Excellent.’ Well, except for one. There was only one person who praised me when the others condemned. The one who created me, the one who watches over me, my mistress and patron goddess. The Primordial Dragon-Goddess. Of course she would congratulate me, for I’m her champion, an extension of her will in this world. Everyone else have some scheme against me, to use me, to exploit me or to harm me. Only my Goddess will watch over me, I serve to advance her goals and she rewards me for my faithful service.
Once I finally exhausted every ounce of stamina I had, I stammered to the ground flopped onto the dirt like a dead fish. My chest heaving as my lungs desperately moved oxygen to my overtaxed muscles. I flop around as I wiped the dirt and tears from my face.
While rolling around in the dirt I noticed that the copper dagger was still in my hand. Raising it above my head to inspect the blade, the copper shimmered beautifully in the fading light with flecks of blood on the blade glistening alongside. This was probably all I had left to remember the two sisters.
Staring at it mournfully, I fell asleep, once I woke up I had lost track of time, but since I recovered, I got up to find my surroundings to be completely dark. It was night and the forested mountains were completely dark. Lucky I was still on the trail Sardura had shown me, I could even make out the stream that ran parallel with it.
Following the trail and stream I continued down the mountains. Thankfully I had no trouble in reaching the valley, it took a few hours, and it was still dark.
I immediately started exploring the area in the hope of finding one of these caravans that are supposed to be travelling through this valley. The valley itself was a narrow, meandering strip of land with a small river, being fed by streams flowing from the mountains, in the center. Patches of swampy terrain dotted the landscape. Small wisps of light started rising from beyond the mountain tops.
Wondering up and down the river I’ve yet to find any signs of anyone passing through. As I walked, I felt a twinge in my belly, I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, of yesterday. Great now I’ll need to beg for food once I find somebody, that or I’ll have to try to scavenge if I can’t find anyone.
Anyway, all I can do is to continue following the river until I stumble across…wait is that smoke? Then that must mean there’s a fire, and maybe a camp.
I immediately ran towards the source, cutting through some foliage and into a small clearing. In that clearing was a cluster of tents and pack animals with several girls roaming about the campsite, doing various chores.
As I’m staring at the camp a hand slams roughly onto my shoulder.
“Hmm, why are you so eager to reach this camp?” A calm almost casual voice reverberated from behind me.
Surprised, I cautiously turn around to see a tall, well-built woman with lustrous red hair gripping my shoulder. This woman was extremely beautiful with her fiery hair framing a dazzling and sharp face. She wore a medium length skirt with two swords hanging to either side of her hips. A layer of leather and a bronze cuirass covered her chest, with a fur lined cloak draped over her shoulders. She also had arm and knee guards, gloves and thick leather boots. Honestly, she seemed to be over dressed for the current climate, I’ve found it quite warm around here, even at night I’ve been perfectly fine in this thin, skimpy dress I’m wearing.
“Umm, hoping to tag along.” I responded as candidly as possible.
“Really? You just want to follow a caravan around?” The woman questioned with one eyebrow cocked, though she had a casual smile as if she really didn’t care.
“Yes. I want to leave these mountains and explore the world.”
“Hmm.” She looked me up and down, her scrutinizing gaze obviously sizing me up. Her eyes eventually settled on the dagger in my hand.
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“Well at least your trying, but that’s not really enough to protect yourself out here.” She said while pointing at my dagger. “*SIGH* Though it’s not my job to stop you.”
With that the woman started pulling me by the arm towards the camp. Quickly moving through the perimeter of the camp we reached a tent at the center. This tent like the others of this camp are not the tents from my foggy knowledge of a different world, these tents were mostly just poles with sheets of rough looking cloth draped over them leaving gaps open and generally leaving something to be desired, at least compared to my hazy memories.
Escorting me into one of the tents the woman brought me before another woman who stood in the center of the tent. Despite her relatively plain appearance, wearing a simple brown cloak and dress, she had an air of authority with an expression on her face as though saying she expected various matters to be brought before her.
“Who is this?” She demanded after just a single glance at me.
“A local it seems. She wants to join the caravan.” My red-haired escort answered.
She inspected me with her own scrutinizing gaze. Her eyes lingered only for a moment before turning back to some sort of clay tablet in her hands.
“Whatever but keep an eye on her and she’s responsible for her own food. Oh, and Aura if this girl is pulling some convoluted plot against us, then kill her.” She muttered while staring at the tablet.
“Well, that was easy.” I muttered while choosing to ignore the part of me possibly being killed.
“Yeah. Well follow me and stay close.” The red-haired girl, Aura, stated.
While walking away from the tent I decided to try to be friendly.
“So, your name is Aura, I’m Louise Yuri.”
“Louise…Yuri. Never heard that name from around here before.” Aura replied with a coy smile.
“Well, that’s just it, I’m not a local.”
“You speak the tongue of the locals.” Aura said quietly.
Speaking the tongue of the locals? I have no idea what she means by that, I’ve never had any problems communicating with Sardura, Sarduna or any of their clanswomen. Does that mean I’m able to talk with everyone or is there something else going on here?
Well, let’s put that aside for now, there is something more important I need answered.
“Can I ask a question?” I asked after a short pause.
“Where is this caravan going?”
“…” Aura stopped to stare at me with a dumbfounded expression. She held that expression for an embarrassingly long amount of time only to be broken by a long, deep sigh.