“Yuri!” Sarduna squealed in delight as she jumped into my arms.
Slamming her entire body onto mine while wrapping her arms around my neck so that she pulled me in for a kiss. Her tongue prying its way into my mouth, not that I was particularly resistant to her enthusiasm. The warmth coming from her body soothed my previously soured mood from just a few moments ago. I felt reassured by her presence, so much that it took a while till I realized that I had wrapped my hands around her waist.
“Okay, okay, that’s enough.” A harsh, somewhat angry voice interrupted our intimate reunion. The words came from Sarduna’s companion, a dark haired girl dressed in the same knee length one piece dress that was typical of Sarduna and Sardura clan’s warriors. On her back was a bundle of cloth that seemed like a backpack, with a single strap weaving between her breasts as it looped around her body.
With our kiss interrupted by Sarduna’s friend, both of us had glanced at her when she had made her short outburst before returning our attention to each other. Still holding her in my embrace I stared into her beautiful, enchanting face. She was wearing the light blue tunic that the warriors of her clan seems to prefer, with a belt tied around her waist. Dangling from the belt were several items, a hatchet, a pair of knives and small bundle of rope. Basically, she looked ready to venture out like some valiant warrior… wait, that’s exactly what she’s been doing.
“Why are you here? Hah, Where’s Sardura?” I asked puzzled while catching my breadth.
“After you took care of Makuri, sister was made the new chieftain. She had wanted to come along but the elders forced her to stay, they only let me come to get you because Naira volunteered to help.” Sarduna explained leaning her head in the direction of the girl who came along with her.
“But why? Didn’t I, ‘defile’ your shrine? I didn’t think would want anything to do with me.”
“As right you should. Our clanswomen would never welcome the return of anyone, especially a foreigner, who desecrates the house of our patron goddess, and with the blood of one of our own too.” The other girl, Naira, interjected sternly.
“Stop it Naira!” Sarduna whined at the girl, still in my embrace. “What’s done is done and now that I’ve found Yuri, I’m not letting go.”
I stood rooted in place while watching Sarduna defend me and state her desire to be with me but I grew sullen when I remembered the current situation. “…You shouldn’t be here.”
“So you can run off having fun on your own? Not a chance, if you’re not going back to sister then I’ll stick with you till you do.” She replied in a confidently matter-of-fact tone.
“No that’s not what I mean. It’s dangerous here, people are dying.” I practically whispered to her The memory of the horrific state the girls who slept in that tent were left in came bubbling back to the surface of my mind, with the dreaded realization that Sarduna was mere meters where such barbarity had been committed.
Sarduna looked deeply into my eyes. “…It’s okay Yuri. No matter what I’m here with you now. Whatever the problem is, we’ll endure together.” She finally spoke after an awkwardly long amount of time.
I felt a sense of relief wash over me, Sarduna’s insistence was soothing my mood. Calmly standing in place I stared back at her as we continued to held each other in our embrace.
“Aww, a girl following the woman she has chosen to devote herself to out into the vast and expansive world beyond. Always a wonderful sight to see such a display of affection and devotion between two girls.” Aura suddenly gushed at me and Sarduna from right beside us.
For a moment I forgot that I was talking with Aura before Sarduna surprised me with her presence. Embarrassed that I’ve been ignoring her to flirt with Sarduna, I intended to apologize to her.
“Sorry for abandoning you there for a moment.”
“There’s no need for that, you were busy with an unexpected reunion. And both of you are clearly in love with each other. It’s only natural that you would want to prioritize your beloved’s needs over a defective party girl like me, take all the time you two need.” Aura assured while waving her hand back and forth.
What did she mean by ‘defective?’ My interest was piqued by what she had said, but I’m still embracing Sarduna so I noted her comments and returned my attention to Sarduna.
It was clear that she didn’t pay close attention to Aura’s words focusing instead on me. Wiggling her body into a more comfortably intimate position she tightened her grip around my body. She was getting clingy, rubbing her head against my breasts and I swear she’s purring. Is this girl a cat?
“Okay are we done here? Sarduna let’s start heading back, bringing Yuri back to the village is gonna take long enough as is.” Sarduna’s companion, Naira, spoke up.
“Why would I go back?” I asked sharply.
“But we came to bring you back. Both Sarduna and the chieftain, Sardura, desire you’re return.”
“And what will the elders do to me if I was to return?”
“Obviously they will demand you will be punished by making reparations to our patron Goddess, mistress Haous, sacrifices made in her name and worship to plead for her forgiveness. This is in addition to whatever physical punishment that the elders will formally issue to you.” She stated rather coldly with her hands on her hips.
“Then no.” I responded flatly.
“Hah, what a waste of time. It will take days to get back, and for nothing.” She sighed in exasperation, clearly ready to leave and be done with me.
“Well, anyway I’m staying. Naira you don’t need to continue escorting me if you don’t wish.” Sarduna interjected still clinging onto me.
The other girl became flustered with Sarduna’s remark. “Wait, I can’t return to the village without you… I won’t go back without you! I’m not leaving you out here alone amongst these… foreigners.”
“Then you’ll just have to stick with me and Yuri.” Sarduna stuck her tongue out at the other girl playfully.
The look of utter shock and horror upon her face was priceless to see. “…But, but…what about…” The poor girl fell to her knees in dismay, Sarduna for her part just giggled innocently at my side.
You are reading story Yuri Empire at novel35.com
“…And so that’s it.” I said wrapping up my summary to Istara on how I have two girls following me to her.
We were currently in Istara’s tent, with both Sarduna and Naira standing silently behind me, while Aura stood at the tents entrance, as I spoke.
After managing to collect both Sarduna and Naira, I brought them before Istara to explain to her and so that she could make any necessary arraignments. Honestly, she didn’t look great at the moment, she was rubbing her forehead while having a generally tired look on her face. The walk to her tent had been a little eerie, the camp felt deserted with most of the workers hiding in their tents and the ones who were out remained distant congregating in isolated corners of the camp.
“So you now have a pair of girls following you.” She said in her usual emotionless neutral tone.
“Um, yes.” I responded, slightly perplexed at what she was getting at.
“…Fine. Nothing I can say about it now. But you’re responsible for them.” Istara relented with an apathetic shrug.
“Yeah, everything else is going wrong so why not include a pair of unknown and unproven girls in this slow burning disaster.” She cynically spoke indifferently.
Her harsh words coupled with her exhausted appearance told me that she had been having trouble. “I take it that you’re having it rough.”
“Most of the servants are paralyzed with fear, in fact there’s been several desertions with them stealing food in order to make good on their escape. I’m becoming worried that those who are left might end up starting some fires or a riot.” Istara stated
I glance nervously at the two behind me. Both of them are taking note of what she has said and are putting themselves on guard. Looking past them I eyed Aura at the entrance, she just gave me a serious looking nod, most likely indicating that was true.
“…I’m honestly not surprised.” Was all I could say in response returning my attention to Istara.
“Hah, this isn’t my typical route.” She seemed to have resigned herself in some way. “I’ve mostly stuck to relaying supplies between established outposts much closer to Aruk. This was supposed to be just simple mission of traveling through these mountains, follow the trails of other merchants and bargain for the goods. But, of course, I’ve had to run into elvish raiders, phantoms and now mutinous subordinates; even before you joined there had been bouts of bad weather and tense standoffs with various bandit types.”
“Um, Don’t beat yourself up. All of this is the kind of things that you really can’t account for.” I tried to reassure her.
“I was originally hoping to avoid the local settlements, move swiftly and get back home quickly, that was my plan but now we’re going to need fresh supplies and some rest for those who are still with us. There’s a village I’m aware of not far from here, tomorrow we’ll begin heading for it.” She elaborated.
“Is that safe?” I asked concerned.
“No, but we don’t have a choice. Those deserters pilfered our already low food reserves. Do you want to travel after missing meals?”
I was reminded of the cramps and complaints in my still empty stomach. Thinking back to my first few days in this world, not having any food as I wandered around lost. Yeah, I don’t want to be trying that out again, even if I’m only handed grain and jerky it’s still better than nothing.
“…So what do they have to eat there?”
I could hear laughing from behind me, even Istara had a slight smile at my response.
“This still doesn’t fix what caused the recent drop in morale.”
“Well if you can figure out who’s responsible and kill her, then we won’t have that problem. Now if you’re done with your questions I would like to talk to your new companions for a moment.” She said, having not answered my last question.
“Fine.” I stepped away towards the tents entrance, where Aura was. Both of us walked out to give Istara and the others some privacy.
The area outside of Istara’s tent was still just as silent as when I entered it. Most of the other tents were closed up, refusing to expose their occupants. From the periphery of my vision a tent flap closed in a sudden burst of movement, seems someone ducked back into their tent. This entire camp already looked abandoned and forsaken.
“So, deserters.” I asked.
She pulls out a knife from under from some hidden pocket, there were traces of blood on it. “Yeah, had to take out three of them. That was why it took me a few hours to find you.”
“And yet some still got away?”
“When rats start scattering there’s only so many you can take down. Actually it’s a lucky break that those two are following you, most of the guards were the first amongst those rats. At least now there are two replacements to offset the losses.”
“Hah, so our phantom murderers job has gotten easier.” I sighed cynically. I’m starting to regret not taking Sarduna and fleeing when I had the chance.
Watching Aura as she put away her knife, I remembered about something that has been nagging me.
“Can I ask you a question? Why did you refer to yourself as ‘defective’ earlier?”