Chapter 5: Chapter 005 Peter Parker

Chapter 005

"What if you had gotten hurt?! Do you even know how I would have felt if you had gotten hurt? That man had a gun–"

"It had fallen on the ground–"

"It doesn't change the fact that he had a gun. You were really careless tonight!"

"... I was just trying to help."

Alex muttered, but his voice soon died down under the intense glaring of his mother. There were a hundred arguments he could make here, but he knew nothing worked with his mother when she was like this.

That's one thing the previous soul's memories have taught him.

Everyone in the police station looked at Alex with a little sympathy in their eyes. He had just knocked down a criminal.

He was a hero!

But rather than praise, he was getting scolded by his mother.

"Excuse me, I don't think you should scold Alex like that. I know what he did was dangerous, but he saved my life."

Thankfully, Uncle Ben, who was also there as a witness, quickly interjected before the scolding got worse, saving Alex.

He also nodded at the old man's words, leaving his mother tongue tied.

"I know that... but what if I had lost him? I don't want him to do anything dangerous..."

"I understand your concerns, Mrs. Krown."

Uncle Ben consoled her and it took a while before his mother finally calmed down. 

Standing next to her, Alex sighed.

He could understand her emotions. After all, she was a protective mother and fighting criminals was one of the most dangerous things a teenager could do.

He could still remember her face when one of the officers had told her that the man who he had knocked down, Dennis Carradine, was someone who had committed lots of theft and even a murder.

'I'm sorry, but I will just get into more and more dangerous stuff from now on.'

Alex frowned as he glanced at the prompts that were still flashing him in front of him.

[You have chosen the hero path.]

[Your stats have gone through a modification. New powers have been granted. A special gift has been granted.]

[Do you want to check your status? Y/N]

There were more prompts like this in his vision, but only he could look through them.

He was scared of being a hero, but at the same, he was excited. No one disliked being special.

But he couldn't see his status in the police station.

Alex decided to wait until he was alone before checking out his new powers and deciding his next step.. For now, he decided to focus on something more important.

'Peter Parker.'

Standing in one of the corners of the police station, Peter looked to be in a daze, still thinking about the masked man that could have potentially hurt his uncle.

Unlike Tony Stark who looked exactly like Robert Downey Jr, Peter didn't resemble Tom Holland too much. With hazel eyes, brown hair and an average height, his looks resembled the original Spiderman, Tobey Maguire much more.

Although not the exact copy, there were certainly some similarities.

Somewhere in his heart, Alex was glad that he didn't resemble Andrew Garfield. After all, the rendition of Andrew made Peter look more like a lonely outsider rather than an awkward nerd.

'Moreover, Andrew's version was too cool… Wait, I don't have time to think about his looks.'

Alex shook his head as his thoughts started drifting from the topic.

He focused on his earlier actions and the consequences they could have.

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He had saved Uncle Ben from the claws of death, but that was going to be the moment which would become the reason for the birth of Spiderman.

Now that his uncle hadn't died, there was no guarantee whether Peter would become Spiderman.

If Spiderman wasn't born, what would happen to villains like Green Goblin, Vulture and Mysterio? He didn't have a clue about that.

'I remember in one of the comics where Uncle Ben hadn't died, Peter had gone on to become a scientist like Reed Richards, not using his powers for others but for himself.'

Alex thought of one of the possibilities and felt a pain in his head.

With no choice, he made his mind up and walked up to Peter.

"Hi, Peter." 

"Alex... again, thank you for saving my uncle. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there."

Peter said with a grateful look.

His conflicting emotions aside, he was really thankful to Alex because he had saved his uncle. He knew him from the chemistry classes they have together, but they had never talked much.

Just like him, Alex didn't have any friends and he was often on his own.

That's the only thing Peter knew about him.

"You don't have to thank me for it. I just did what I thought was right. Although, my mom doesn't really like me doing anything dangerous." 

"Yeah, she seems to be really angry at you." Peter glanced at Alex's mother, then suddenly asked. "Why did you decide to risk your life?"

"What do you mean?"

"You could have gotten hurt. You probably knew the man had a gun and you could die. Still, you risked your life? Why?" 

It was easy for Alex to guess that Peter was trying to find answers to his questions through him. 

'He must be finally thinking about the responsibility that comes with his powers.'

Alex thought and prepared to give an answer.

"I just did it because I didn't want to feel guilty." Peter looked at him in confusion as he said that. "I didn't have much time to think when I saw that he had a gun but someone once told me something and I just remembered it."

"What was that?"

"If I have the power to do something, to save someone, but I don't use it. Then, if bad things happen, they happen because of me."

Peter widened his eyes hearing that and Alex continued, happy that his words were having an effect.

"If I hadn't knocked that man out, your uncle would have gotten hurt. Maybe other people too, and I didn't want to feel guilty for not doing something when I could have. It's just that."

"Even if that meant risking your life?"

"Yeah, even if it means that."

There was silence for a while after that. Usually, silence was awkward for people but both Peter and Alex were used to it. 

Alex just glanced at Peter until the latter opened his mouth.

"Who said that to you?"

"Just someone I met once. I don't really know his name." Alex smiled, wondering what would Peter's reaction be if he knew that these were his own words.

"That someone must be wise. Uncle Ben often says something similar too. With great powers comes great responsibility."

"Your uncle is wise too."

"Yeah, I'm finally understanding what his words mean."

Peter smiled as if he had gotten the answer he was searching for.