Chapter 13: Chapter 013 Hell’s kitchen

Chapter 013

The hero shop has an insane amount of things to buy. From weapons like guns and swords to specialised vehicles like gliders and superbikes.

There were even undergarments listed in the shop.

The prices of the things obviously vary and there weren't too many things that Alex was able to buy. But there was one item that was very important for him to become a hero.


[Black Wolf Outfit]

–Made from the leather of the Black wolf.

–Add 5.0 to all stats.

–Can protect from lethal attacks from time to time.

–Hard to spot at night.

–Can adapt in different temperatures.

–Can transform into a pendant.


Yes, it was a hero costume!

Alex had been planning his debut as a hero for a week and the first thing in his mind was a hero costume and after searching around for an affordable and cool looking costume for a week, he finally found this one.

It had cost him 150 HP which was more than half of his total HP but Alex felt that it was totally worth it. 

After all, a costume would help him a lot in the long run.

'This sure looks really cool.'

Alex said as he looked at the costume, his eyes shining with delight. The black piece of cloth resembled an assassin outfit and it came with a hood and a mask.

It was perfect to hide his identity.

The costume even had a wolf symbol drawn on its back, representing his identity.

One of the reasons he has chosen a wolf as its identity was also because he wanted a symbol like Spiderman and Batman.

Staring at his costume, Alex waited for midnight.

His parents weren't going to be asleep before 12 and he needed to wait till that before leaving his house. At the same time, he was also making some precautions in case his mom woke up in the middle of the night and decided to check up on him.

"I really hope this thing isn't going to be a waste of my HP."

Alex said as he set up a hologram projector around his table.

He turned it's switch on and instantly, a hologram of his sleeping figure was projected on his bed. It looked exactly like Alex himself sleeping and even he was surprised by it.

He had bought this hologram projector for 15 HP as a precaution against his parents.

Although Alex felt like the price was too high, seeing the holographic image made him feel better about it.

As it was from the hero shop, the quality of it was top notch and if it didn't manage to fool his mother, nothing else will.

With all the preparation done, Alex waited for midnight. 

He stared at the clock on the wall while taking a look around his parents room from time to time.

The light of his parents room turned off at 12:03 AM and at the same time, Alex leaped through the window with a pendant engraved with a wolf design around his neck.

Although it was late, there were still many people around the streets.

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The area where Alex lived in has a relatively small crime rate and even if he started his vigilante activities here, it won't be much useful as no major gangs were based around here.

If he wanted a good amount of HP, he needed to target the high crime rate area of New York.

And there was one special place in New York like that.

'Hell's kitchen.'

It was the district where most of the gangs in New York City were situated. 

From the Hand to the Russians to the Yakuza.

Reigning over all of them was obviously Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin who was the crime boss around these areas. From what Alex can find out from the internet, Kingpin was more of a shadow rather than an actual person.

His true identity of Wilson Fisk was something no one knew of and Alex only knew this because of the comics he had read.

'I need to begin with the small goons before taking on the big fish.'

He thought as he reached Hell's kitchen.

Making use of his flexibility skill, he climbed on top of a building using whatever he can grab to propel himself higher.

After reaching the top, the first thing he did was to put on his suit. 

Wearing it was really easy as Alex just had to think about wanting to wear the outfit and his pendant would react to his thoughts and envelope him.

With all the preparation done, he jumped through one building to another.

The feeling of jumping through buildings was a great one and an excited feeling flowed through his whole body, making him feel like a parkour expert.

Doing that for a while, Alex wondered where he would really find someone in trouble today. As he was taking a break on top of an apartment complex, he suddenly jerked his head as a noise touched his ears.

'What was that?'

He tried to perk up his ears and focus on the sound.

"Somebody please help..."

"Don't hurt my dad!"

It was a cry for help and he was able to hear two voices, one was of an adult and the second one was of a kid. 

'Is a kidnapping going on?'

Alex wondered and leaped through the building, landing on the top of a wall with a somersault in the air. He ran on top of the wall and moved towards the voice.

His heart rate increased with his speed as the screaming went higher in pitch.

Finally, after a minute, he got a view of what was happening.

"Didn't anyone tell you to always pay your money on time, Steven?" A man with a rough face said in a deep Russian accent as he punched a man in the face.

"You even dared to run away with your kid when we were being nice to you?"

"Stop? Don't hurt my dad!"

"Shut the fuck up, kid!"

Another Russian said as he slapped the kid.

'Great! Russians for the debut.'

Alex smiled as he checked his hood and mask for one last time. 

It was the time for his superhero debut!