Chapter 028
From what Alex remembers, The Incredible Hulk was the second movie for the MCU and although it was a forgettable movie for most MCU fans, it had introduced Bruce Banner aka Hulk to the big screen.
One of the reasons it was forgettable was also because the role of Hulk was recasted later.
Edward Norton, who had originally played the Hulk had fallen out with the studio and Mark Ruffalo was then cast in it, becoming fan favourite later on.
Just to know which actor Bruce Banner resembled in this world, he had searched for information about him and was surprised to find out that Bruce didn’t resemble any of the two actors.
It wasn’t the first scene that he had witnessed something like that as even Matt Murdock didn’t look exactly like Charlie Cox.
Although the resemblance was there, the faces didn’t match.
Alex didn’t actually hate it as for him, it was more weird if every Marvel character really looked like the actors that played them on the big screen.
It was fine with characters like Iron man or Spiderman but it was more than just weird if everyone looked like movie stars.
‘I should focus on what’s ahead.’
Alex shook his head of all these thoughts and jumped on top of a rooftop, then he looked down at the streets that were burning.
Cars were thrown here and there and some of them even had dead bodies inside them.
The police were trying to get the people to safety, already given upon any chance of fighting with the ugly, green monster that seemed to have gone on a rampage.
Even with that, many people were dying and the rest of them were busy running to safety.
Standing in the middle of all the chaos was Abomination.
He looked like a giant monster with bones protruding out of different places in his body.
His appearance resembled one of a fish and Alex felt like he looked even more sinister than what he had looked in the movie.
In front of Alex, Abomination picked up a police car and slammed it down on some civilians, killing them in an instant.
Then, he let out a roar and laughed like he had gone mad.
Although Alex has seen some bloody scenes till now in his short career of being a superhero, he still felt his insides churning out seeing so many people suddenly dying and body matter and blood spilling here and there.
'MCU does well in keeping it PG. But in real life, it just looks disturbing.’
As soon as he thought that, he heard a loud noise. Turning his head around, he saw Hulk jumping out from a crater in the earth.
Most of his shirt was ripped due to his transformation and he looked angry like someone had disturbed his sleep in the middle of the night.
“Finally! Let’s see who is more worthy!”
Abomination laughed like he was in ecstasy seeing Hulk. He always wanted to prove that he was stronger than him and now, they can finally duel it out once and for all.
Hulk grunted in response and ran towards Abomination.
Both Hulk and Abomination let out a roar as the world shook with each of their steps. They lunged at each other, only for Abomination to counter Hulk's attack and throw him across the street.
Alex could easily see that Abomination was way more bigger than Hulk and his strength seemed to be on the greater side too as he was easily able to overpower Hulk.
“Get up! Hulk!”
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Abomination laughed and sneered at Hulk as he struggled to get back on his feet due to the impact of the previous attack.
“You are just a coward!”
Maybe due to being too angry because of the insults thrown at him by Abomination, Hulk got up and smashed a police car that was parked beside him in two pieces.
Then, using those pieces as brass knuckles, he smashed Abomination when he came close to him.
Abomination tried to hit back but it was of no use.
With the huge metallic boxing gloves, he punched him into the pavement with a deep crater forming.
“That fight is too intense.” Alex muttered watching the whole fight.
He knew that it was just the beginning of a duel between two overpowered giants and even if he tried to get involved in it, he would just get killed, especially when the Hulk didn’t know that he was on his side.
The last thing that Alex wanted was to die in friendly fire.
So, he focused on the stuff he could do and that was helping the Innocents that needed his help.
Due to the impact of the battle between Hulk and Abomination and the random debris flying here and there, a lot of people were getting injured.
The police were busy getting people out of the area and there was no one to help the people that were stuck.
Alex saw a man trapped under a concrete slab with blood marks on his legs. He was crying and besides him, a black guy was trying hard to move the debris but to no avail.
“Let me help you out.” Alex landed straight beside the two men and offered to help.
Although he was surprised due to his strange appearance, the black man nodded his head. The concrete slab was too heavy for Alex but due to the help of the black man, he was able to hold it for a moment.
It was just enough for the man to crawl out of it slowly.
“Take your friend and leave. Otherwise, you two will lose your lives here-“
As Alex was saying that, he suddenly saw a broken car flying their way through the corner of his eye. He immediately turned around as for a moment, the world slowed down for him.
He focused on the power inside of him and released it in the form of a wild, ferocious wolf. The wolf immediately understood his master’s orders and took out his claws.
His claws shined as they striked the car, breaking it down into several pieces.
The two men who had just seen a scene straight out of a fantasy movie exclaimed in shock. Alex looked at them and shouted.
“Go leave now!”
Although shocked, the two men nodded their heads and left.
Alex took a glance at the ongoing battle between Hulk and Abomination which was destroying the whole Harlem and frowned.
Like their fight, his work was just starting too.