Chapter 22: Chapter L 3: 1 Year After

“Leo, behind you!”

I heard Alex shouting to me and quickly turned, just to see a three headed lion coming right at me, fury in its eyes, quickly I pulled my sword and pour my magicules in it, causing flames to appear from within the blade and thrusted it into the eyes of the closest head.

My sword easily pierced through his eye and cut through one of its head, causing the monster to roar in pain as his front paws rose from the ground. I pulled my sword back and took the chance to pierce the monster heart, causing it to left one more roar as his life left his body.

[Experience points reached sufficient levels, Leonardo Mattarazo has gone from Lv. 14 to Lv. 15. All basic attributes have increased]

Hearing the Voice of the World saying my level went up cause me to sigh in relief, it has been a few months since I’ve got stuck on the level 14, at least now I know I am making progress.

“So, did we finished this room?”

I ask Alex, who’s wearing a plate armor similar to mine and a rapier on her hand.

“Yeah, that lion was the last one, I still can’t believe on the existence of dungeons and how monster simply spawn from almost anywhere with a lot of magicules”

She answered with a happy smile on her face, one wouldn’t think she was fighting a monster almost twice as strong as her just a few moments ago.

“But you do believe in the existence of magic and gods?”

I ask, teasing her.

“Oh, you dork, you know that gods being real is a fact we can’t deny like the fact we’ve been summoned here last year and how Fernando and Lucas have managed to draw powers from them, just like the priest class on an RPG game”

“But still you don’t accept the spawning of monster and the existence of dungeons such as this? Even tho we’ve been taught that the goddess of Chaos is the one responsible to such things?”

Alex just shrugged and put her rapier on her waist.

“Anyway, we better see if there’s any monster core on them before we head back. Don’t want to leave miss Priestess waiting like last time”

I just shrug and start looking around the monster’s corpses we’ve left lying around after our fight to see if there’s any monster that has the possibility to have a monster core, a gem made out of condensed magicules after a spawned monster ate enough matter to have a real body instead of real-like magicule body. But we didn’t have that luck, all of the monster’s bodies around began to disintegrate after a short while, meaning they were made out of magicules and being held together by god knows what.

“We’re out of luck, Alex, all the monster we fought were spawned monsters we’ll have to go back with empty hands”

“Well, it’s not that bad, this is a training dungeon after all. Yes, they throw real monsters and real food here to have the spawned monster the chance to develop monster cores, but it’s not like they can throw enough things here to have all the monster dropping monster cores on their deaths”

“That’s true. Anyway, let’s get back, I’m quite hungry”

We left the room we were with Alex laughing.


It didn’t take long for us to reach the entrance of the dungeon, the soldiers stationed at the entrance looked at us and let us pass. The moment I’ve left the building the entrance is located at I’ve stopped and breathed in the city air. We’ve been down there for the past five days.

“Alex, Leonardo, are both of you okay?”

I hear Mr. Vinicius’s voice and see him walking toward us from a small room right beside the building we just left.

“Hi, sir, yes, we we’re good, it’s been just five days, we’re not like Juan and his gang who stayed down there for two months, only to return with severe wounds on all of them”

I simply nod at Alex words. Juan and his friends are crazy enough to go deep on the dungeon, it’s a weak dungeon on the upper floors, so it’s classified as a training dungeon, but the deeper you go more dangerous it gets, me and Alex barely are able to clean the 50th floor by ourselves, and I heard the dungeon has 200 floors, talk about deep.

“That’s a relief, at least I know both of you knows your limits, now, please go rest, I can see you’re both a little tired, and we need to be at our best if we want to win the war and go home”

We agree with Vinicius’s words and start walking to our “home”. It’s more like a dormitory to all of us to sleep, take showers, eat and go by our lives, it’s a little fancy compared to the common folk, but it would be like a cheap motel in our world. For what I’ve been told, they had to make room for all of us because the summoning ritual shouldn’t had summoned 23 people at once.

“Leo, do you truly believe we’ll get sent home after we help them win this war?”

You are reading story Nihility at

“Huh? Well, it’s not like I believe, but it’s the only hope I have, I’m not gonna lie, I like this place, all the power I have and stuff, but I want to see my family again, not to mention Marcos, I know he’s there alone and sad that we’ve just gone”

“Yeah, I miss my dad too”

As we walked on the streets of Antuxia, the capital of Auxion, the same kingdom the church summoned us, I bump into a guy who was walking around without looking where he was walking, surprisingly he didn’t fell on the ground even after bumping into me.

“Oh, sorry, sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going”

He said to me.

“Oh, no, don’t worry about it, it was a simple mistake”

“Thanks you”

He quickly walked around me to leave. While he was doing it I saw something on top of his head, almost transparent, a spirit. I couldn’t see much but it looked like a kitsune spirit, it’s not rare to have people having animals or monster as companions, but spirits are quite rare.

“Hey, wait, what’s your name? My name’s Leo”

The guy froze up when I called him asking for his name and slowly turned towards me.

“Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Ma…. Inyoka ”

He extended his hand for a handshake, I grab his hand and shake hands with him.

“Sorry, I gotta go now”

Without waiting for anything else, he walks into the crowd and I lost sight of him.

“What was that?”

Alex asked me. I just shrugged.

“He was weird, he didn’t fell when he bumped into me and we shake hands, I didn’t hold back”

“You didn’t hold back? And his hand was not injured?”

“Yep, that’s why I told you he was weird, my strength status right now is fifty thousand, fifty times the strength of a normal human”

“You know that looks can be deceiving, right?”

“Yeah, I know, I don’t know, he looked somewhat familiar”


After entering my room, I collapsed on my bed.

“So soft, I’ve missed you”

After spending some minutes just enjoying the softness of my bed I sit on it and look to the bedside table, more precisely the two things that survived being summoned here, my solar charger and my cellphone. Well it’s not like everything else got destroyed, my books and pens are still intact, it’s just that those are not as important than my cellphone and solar charger.

I grab my cellphone and gave out a sigh, wishing for it to be normal again.

I turn it on and the screen lit up, after 2 seconds looking at the screen, it becomes full of characters I don’t understand and at the same time, my brain is hit with an enormous headache, I immediately turn it off and lay on my bed, the pain won’t go away for a few minutes so I just stare at the ceiling and falling asleep the moment my headache goes away.