I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. A bad feeling hovering in the air.
I get up from my bed and take a look around the room, there's nothing out of the ordinary in it. But the feeling refuses to leave.
I look at the clock I have on my vision thanks to my unique skill [Game HUD], it's 02:34 and I can't sleep. I tried to, at least, I've spent almost 20 minutes with my eyes closed, lying on my bed not moving, but I still couldn't sleep, the sensation of dread lingering. Maybe some fresh air will help me calm my nerves?
I get up and walk out of my room. The entire place is silent except some snoring coming from some of the rooms. It's so peaceful that I almost think my guts are just responding to something I ate, but I know better than just discard this feeling like this, mainly because it was feelings like this that saved my life in that dungeon when we got transported here.
I arrive at the armory, I grab my armor and sword, put them on and when I opened the door to exit the building, Alex was standing there, looking at me with a sleepy face.
"Hey, you know it's the dead of the night, right? Whatcha doin'? Yaaaaawn"
“Oh, hi Alex, nothing, really. I’ll just go for a quick walk”
“In the middle of the night?”
She looked at me with suspicious eyes. Yeah, I guess it’s a little strange for someone to just leave the (temporary) house you’re living in, right? There's nothing I can explain though, so I’ll just be honest with her.
“Sigh I’ll be honest with you, I woke up with this feeling of dread and I can’t sleep. I know it may be nothing, but I won’t just discard this sensation, because it was it that saved my ass those times in the dungeon, remember?”
“Yaawn Yeah, yeah, I remember. Fine, go for a walk, if I go with you I would just bother you. And I’m too tired to walk anyway”
She grabbed my shoulders and looked dead in my eyes.
“Just don’t do anything stupid, ok? Remember that today we need to go to that obligatory “fast magic course” our teachers schedule for the class”
“Yes, yes, I know, but it’s just in the afternoon, there’s still time for me to sleep more than enough”
I just smile at her, but she just rolled her eyes and left to go to her room. I equip my armor and put my sword on my waist and leave the building.
Walking through the city during the night is another experience completely different from walking during the day. First of all, there’s three moons in the sky, a classical theme on fantasy worlds. I mean, really, I bet you can’t find a fantasy story where there isn’t more than just one moon in the sky. For what I’ve been told, the furthest moon, the one who has a giant crater in the middle of it, bigger than anything I’ve seen, was habitable once, but no one knows what happened to the inhabitants of it. The other two are orbiting each other while they orbit the planet, nothing much to that. Just the distances involved are way bigger than anything on Earth, and for them to be maybe bigger than our moon says something about the size of those things. Actually, the third moon, the furthest from the planet, is twice the distance away from us than the two orbiting moons here, and yet, it is around the same size. I'm no physicist but I know the further away an object is, the smaller it is for us. Meaning, those three moons are just gigantic.
As I walked around, just looking at the moons, admiring them, I saw someone in an overcoat traversing the street a little away from me, moving with relatively quick steps, almost as if he didn't want to look suspicious. Weird, that’s definitely weird. I think for a moment before deciding to follow the suspicious man.
He walked through backstreets and alleys, I almost lost him a few moments, and as I was starting to wonder if it was worth it to follow him to somewhere I don't know, he stopped at a door. I hid myself behind a wall just in the entrance of this alley, it was the right call, as he looked around before knocking four times in a row, waiting one second, repeating the knock. Huh, I swear I heard that knock somewhere, but I don't know where, anyway, it doesn’t matter. After a few moments, the door opened, revealing a woman behind it. The moment she saw the mysterious man in front of her eyes went wide in an expression of shock.
As the woman was about to scream, the man in overcoat moved so fast that caught me off guard. In a moment he was in front of her, the next, his hand was on her neck and forcing his way through the building. I couldn’t just ignore someone doing this kind of stuff right in front of my eyes. I grab my sword on my waist and move silently towards the door, stopping just a few centimeters from it. I turned my head to hear what’s going on inside the place, but it was silent. The right word is “was”, because the moment I thought about entering the building I heard someone shouting inside.
The second the voice I don't recognize shouted for someone to kill another one I heard some people screaming and heavy metal footsteps. I take the chance and get closer, using the sounds to hide myself, getting close enough to see what was happening.
It was a large circular room, with one more entrance, on the other side of the room. There was a singular large circular table, with five people around it, 3 men and 2 women, each with a visual different from the other one. The man who seems in charge of everything is on the other side of the table, facing this way. There are in total twelve men in armor, by the looks of it, mercenaries. The man in the overcoat takes the opportunity to take off his overcoat, revealing his identity. It is the man from earlier today! Mainyoka!
He just took his time extending his own arms towards the mercenaries and the next moment, a flash of light and a loud ZAP was heard. Wait, what the hell was that? Did he just use lightning magic without chanting?
The lightning bolt he released was enough to kill all of the mercenaries, not a single one survived. all of them took the magic and dropped dead on the floor like flies.
You are reading story Nihility at novel35.com
“Let me make this straight, I won't ask more than once. Now, where is the seal?”
Mainyoka asked the men in charge.
“What are you talking abo...ZAP”
There wasn’t time for him to finish his sentence, he was killed in an instant, just like his mercenaries.
“So, who 's next? you over there, yes, you, woman, answer me, or do you prefer to be fried alive just like your friend over there?”
I can’t take this anymore, I can't let him just randomly kill other people like this.
“T-the s-seal…”
I shouted as I revealed myself behind him.
“Oh, look who finally appeared, I was wondering if you were just going to watch”
He said, turning to face me.
“I can’t let you kill anyone else, you’re coming with me”
“Oh, how cute, you think you can stop me”
“It’s my job as a summoned to protect the people of this land, so yes, I’ll stop you and bring you to the guards, Mainyoka”
“Mainyoka? who(?)...oh, him, thank you, now I know he is here. you’re not as useless as I thought. Thank you”
“What are you talking about?”
Before he got the chance to answer, a fireball came flying from the other door, exploding on contact with him, launching him towards a nearby wall breaking it and not stopping until he was on the floor in the middle of the street. I turned to the door and my eyes widened as there was another Mainyoka just by the door.
“Thank you for distracting him for me”
I’m speechless and the only thing I managed to mumble is.
The Mainyoka who was on the door made a ball of light on his right hand and threw it towards the other Mainyoka. but a fireball came from the direction the light ball was going and both exploded in midair. My entire vision became white.