Chapter 32: Chapter 25: Stealing a Train

Amity was jumping roof after roof and the guy on full armor was actually following her. How that heavy looking armor isn't stopping his movements is beyond me.

"Little gecko, even tho it pains me to say this, you'll need to go back to your dragon self. I'm about to throw you into a magic cart and you need to steal it for us" Amity spoke.

Wait, what? What's happening? And I need time to prepare my mind for the pain that comes when transforming.

"You'll need to use your little wings or else you'll hit the ground face first. Now remember, go to the control room and connect the disk on the left. Now go!" I didn't have time to even understand what she said before I'm sent flying towards what looks like a train garage with a locomotive looking thing in the middle of it.

I didn't have time to think or to feel fear of using [True Mimic] and feel the pain of using it, I simply had to do it or hit the ground with the full force of Amity's throw, which, by the way, it's super strong as just 3 seconds have passed and I'm already 30 meters away from her. I gather enough courage and deactivate my skill. As I was sure of, heat and pain assault my whole body as my bones and muscles are torn apart and rebuilt. What is weird is that it hurt more the first time I used the skill, don't get me wrong, the pain is still insufferable, but it was way worse before.

My body slowly shifted back to that of a dragon, my mind was almost blank from the pain and when I regained my ability to think properly a thought occurred to me.

How will I fly towards the train? I never used my wings since I gained this body, I just sort of dragged them around as I don't know how to move them properly at all. This was a bad idea, a super bad idea. My face will get planted on the ground unless I do something about it, but what can I do? It's not like I can download a 'how to fly' manual.



… Nothing? Not a thing? I guess the language skill got my hopes up and now they're shot down without mercy. 

The ground was coming too fast and I couldn't do anything about it. I closed my eyes and put my front legs in front of my face to protect it as instinct, waiting for the pain of hitting the stone ground to come, but it never came. I opened one eye and saw that the ground was still close but it was approaching a lot slower, but my horizontal speed was the same. It took me a few moments before my brain processed what was happening together with a new sensation on my wings. I was flying! Ok, more like gliding as my wings weren't flapping to generate any lift to push me in the air, I guess you could call it falling with style as well, but the thing is, I wouldn't kiss the ground anymore. Relief flooded my mind together with a new sensation I've never felt in my life, the air blowing on my wings felt so liberating. I’ve never felt so good like now so I just closed my eyes and let that feeling embrace me, making me forget all my surroundings for a moment, but that moment was all it took.

A loud Clank of metal being hit echoed in my ears together with pain that attacked my face and I felt myself hitting the ground before I could open my eyes. When I opened them I saw that I've hit the train face first and the pain will teach me to never do something like that again. At least my face is just hurting and not wounded. The smell of blood filled my nose and I saw a pink liquid running down my nose and dripping on the floor. I guess that’s the color or my blood? Wait, I don't feel anything from seeing my blood and it’s probably because it’s not red? well, i won’t know if i just stay here thinking about it and it’s not like there’s a psychologist around here, so the only thing i can do right now is to put it on the back of my mind together with everything else i put there to not think about.

It didn’t take long before my nose stopped bleeding, in fact, while I was thinking about why I wasn't affected by seeing my own blood it stopped bleeding, impressive. I looked around to confirm my surroundings and it was as I somewhat expected, it’s some kind of garage to this train, there were various types of tools hanging on the walls above some tables I'm too small to see on top of, but what caught my attention was a type of animated drawing on the ceiling. It’s a circle with a lot of weird letters written inside of it in a circular manner, and on top of it the whole thing is rotating. it is a hunch, but i guess there’s more to see if i activate [Magicule Detection].

I activated the skill and suddenly my eyes are assaulted by two bright lights, one inside the train, right beneath the drawing on the ceiling, and the other is a pillar made out of light that looks like it’s moving, it connects the drawing with the light inside of the train. By turning my face away from those two blazing suns of light i could see lots and lots of blue light strings in the air, moving in a circular movement towards the drawing, i think the drawing is pulling those things in the air and shooting them in the train, at least it’s what i think it is by just seeing all of this. I deactivated the skill and began to look for an entrance.

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“Hey, do you think that letter was right about this?” I suddenly heard the voice of a man coming from behind me, thankfully whoever said it was behind the wall of the garage, giving me time to run inside of the garage looking for the entrance of the train, but my luck ran out as soon as i found it as i heard another man saying.

“Holy shit, it really is a white dragon”

I turned my head to the sound and saw three men just outside the garage, they’re using some kind of metal armor and two of them are wearing swords on their waist while the other one had a bow on his back.

I was frozen in place but thankfully what the man in the middle said soon after made me jump inside the train.

“Don’t damage the body, each piece damaged will be a gold coin less in your pockets”

I couldn’t let them get me or I was dead, I jumped inside the train and began to run towards the front of it with all the strength I could muster. one of the three men shouted after I got inside the train.

“Hey, don’t let it get away!”

“Hey, you three, do you have any authorization to be here?” Another voice came from outside the train, but I was too occupied running to care.

I passed through a room with a single corridor on the side and the rest of it was a giant crystal emitting a fade blue light, by the position it is inside the train it is probably the source of the light i saw when activating [Magicule Detection], and if being close without the skill is enough for me to see light, i don’t want to imagine what’ll happen if i activate the skill, i’ll probably be blinded for good.

Passing the crystal room I reached the final room of the train, where the controls are, or at least should be. The room was simple and only had a chair close to the front of the train, a lever on a corner and two disks with a metal ring on the outside and glass on the middle, in front of the chair, each metal ring had some metal pin to rotate it, and a panel right below the windows, there were also a couple of lines painted on the panel, going through the middle of it, and entering both disks on top of them and leaving below them. Inside of each disk is a single tubular blue cristal, just like the one on the room behind, but this one is completely devoid of light, they were also unaligned with the lines of the panel.

Remembering Amity’s instructions I jumped and pushed the metal pin on the left disk, which caused the whole thing to rotate, even the crystal inside, and I understood what she meant by “connect the disk”. I jumped again and pushed once more the pin, and the whole thing once more rotated, this time I pushed enough for it to stop aligned with the lines and it looked like it was the right thing to do, as the crystal began to glow and the room shook. looking through the window i saw the train started to move backwards, meaning the disk i connected was the reverse pedal of this train? and I guess the disk on the right is the forward pedal with the lever on the corner being some sort of emergency brake?

The train was slowly gaining speed, but any person could run and jump on the door I used. realization struck me and i turned towards the door. If I entered this room without anything stopping me, the same could be said to the men after me. I turned towards the door with my eyes wide open.