Chapter 42: Capítulo L 5: Sci Fi Armor in a Fantasy World?

[Leo's POV]

"We agreed on a month's worth of time, I still have two days and three hours left!" The Mainyoka who was launched on the street shouted as he got up and returned to the room.

My vision was still a little blurry and my ears were ringing for some reason. I could barely understand what the two of them were talking about.

"We also agreed you wouldn't do anything close to them, and yet, you're here, in the same room as he" The other Mainyoka said as he pointed his fingers at me.

"What? You mean this...this...imbecile who was about to throw his life away is one of them?" The first one said with a look of disbelief.

I was being insulted right in my face and I couldn't just let that murderer walk away, so I opened my mouth. 

"You, cucumber dog my eyes open tarnogrel" I said.

Both of them looked at me, the one who killed looked confused and the other looked with pity.

"What did you hide in that [Light Ball]?" The killer one asked the other.

"Eh, it was a psychic bomb, he'll forget about us after the effects passes, meanwhile he'll just mumble incomprehensible things like what he just said" he explained.

"The walls closed, cold cheese bus with lava vents" I tried to talk to them, but now the two of them just looked at me with pity.

What, do you think you can kill people like that and when confronted about it you just feel pity about the one asking you questions? Unacceptable.

I tried to get up from the ground after I fell. I don't know when but my body wouldn't respond to me. When I tried to move my arm a leg would move and when I tried to move the same arm again, another leg would move instead. It was frustrating, to say the least.

I'm not good with magic but I don't think I have another choice. I began chanting my [Electric Field] magic.

"Super-sized Earth, meat trees that clean the house. Dust in the water and sand in the air" I chanted.

"Is he… casting a spell?" The other asked the killer.

"I.. think so. What happens if you cast a spell with the wrong chant?" The killer said while looking at me.

"Unless it's a primordial spell the chanting can be anything you want as long as you have the mental image and the diagram in your mind" The other answered.

"Meat sized meat, grass that turns blue. [Alpha Street]!" I finished chanting and the whole room became an electric inferno.

The electric arcs began hitting both of them… why am I attacking them? Why can't I remember who they are?

My memory of them began to become blurry and started to vanish. In the few seconds I took to finish casting my magic I already forgot who they were and what happened in the room I was in. I even forgot how I got here.

I broke the spell and began to get up when a headache assaulted my mind and I was forced to wince in pain

[ Unknown demon's POV] 

"The temporal energies are converging in the capital…. Someone casted something big, but I don't care. It'll help me achieve my goals in the end" The demon said while on top of a hill near the capital of Dracius with an Arcadian Hunter on his side.

The hunter began scanning the city without the demon's knowledge, searching for something.

"Space was broken when the Church of Theo summoned that whole bunch of humans. Theo was rather easy to convince, it was weird, but I think he just needed a motive to get in war with Luminos. I need to thank that war addicted God, without him I wouldn't have convinced the God of Space" The demon explained to no one in particular but the hunter, as he was the only one there with him.

"I just wish Zwriniz was that easy to convince… I guess now I understand why his Church faded from the world… Can you believe it? The God of time without time for his believers, unbelievable" The demon ranted.

"Fragment detected. Initiating assault mode" The Hunter suddenly said, caughting the demon by complete surprise.

The Hunter summoned his rifle and pointed upwards. The barrel of the gun began to glow and suddenly three shots were fired. Each shot was not bigger than a human hand, but each of them had the capability to destroy entire buildings.

"What are you doing?!" The demon shouted but it was too late, the Hunter suddenly jumped in the air, a simple jump took him hundreds of meters in the air, in an arch trajectory towards the capital. His speed matched the three shots he fired a few seconds ago meaning he would land at the same time the three artillery ammo hit something.

[Alex's POV]

Alex. She suddenly heard a voice in her mind. 

The voice was all too familiar, after all how could she forget the voice of one of her best friends. It was Marcos' voice, her friend who was left behind by luck.

But it couldn't be him, he was on Earth not on this planet. She's probably just going crazy in this place.

Alex, it's me. The voice echoed in her mind.

"M-Marcos?" She hesitantly said.

Yes, Alex, it's me. The voice said.

"H-how is this possible? I-I thought you were on Earth. H-how are you here? W-where are you?" She began to sputter, turning her head everywhere trying to find him.

It's a long, long story. Unfortunately we don't have time for it. Alex, I need you to do something for me. The voice said, his voice tone getting serious.

"Y-yes! If that means I get to see you again!" She said, tears in her eyes.

...You...You'll see me again…When the time is right. For now, I need you to grab everything you brought from our world, then go to Leo's room and grab everything he brought from our world and head to the city's south exit. We don't have much time, you need to do it now. The voice said just a second before a big explosion occurred in the distance, snapping Alex out of her mental state.

"Marcos?" She asked, but no one answered.

"I will come back" She said while thinking about Earth and everyone she left behind.

Alex then picked up her back with the stuff she brought from her home universe. The packages of food she had were long gone to the trash, but her books and notebooks were all in her bag. She hadn't taken them off ever since they got here, even when her two teachers tried to have some form of class in this world she didn't open her bag. Those classes obviously didn't work, but at least the teachers were able to teach the scholars of this universe.

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She put her bag over her shoulder and walked to the door, but the sound of something falling made her stop and look back. It was her cellphone, or what's left of it. It didn’t survive the travel between worlds like Leo’s.

She put it back in her bag and exited her room. There were a few people there already, some confused by the explosion they heard and some quickly walking towards the exit.

She made her way to Leo’s room and opened the door. Immediately after she opened the door a voice echoed in her mind and she was already all familiar with that voice.

Please, oh great heros. Please protect K’revell. It was the all familiar voice of the high priestess, Avorá. The one who marked every student and her two teachers with a mark that allows her to command everyone with it.

She had noticed her friends’ personality change over the course of the year, making them accept their status as a “hero summoned from another world”. But she didn’t change and the voice of Avorá didn’t have the impact on her it had on others. She thought it was because of her unique skill [Survivalist] was protecting her soul and as the skill leveled up over the year, she was sure it was because of the skill she hadn't fallen for the brainwashing. Even now, as the high priestess issued a command, she could feel the pressure from the mark on her soul, trying to reach her mind, but the skill blocked every attempt it tried.

While everyone began to exit the building, Alex stayed behind packing Leo’s things. Differently from her, Leo used the stuff he brought with him a lot.

After carefully packing everything, she grabbed the last thing left, Leo’s cellphone. She remembers the only time she looked at it when Leo tried to turn it on, She was left with a headache that lasted an entire month.

She carefully put it inside his bag, grabbed it and left the building. Alex casted a glance in the direction of the explosion and saw a beam of pure energy with a purplish color coming from the sky in the north side of the city.

Alex knew Leo was there, together with everyone of her classmates. But she had already made up her mind, she was going to try to find a way to return home, and even Marcos had contacted her somehow.

She needed to do it, and as such, she began to run towards the city’s south exit.

[Leo's POV]

I woke up with a headache almost at the same level as when I try to turn my phone on. Looking around I was in a room with some dead people on the floor and a hole in one of the walls that revealed the street.

I got up slowly and headed to the nearest dead guy. He was apparently a mercenary with good armor and weapon, but it wasn’t enough to protect it from an electric magic spell by the looks of his injuries.

I tried to look around, trying to understand where I was and how I got there but the room was totally empty with the exception being the dead guys on the floor, so I passed through the hole in the wall and got into the streets.

Looking around I was in the north part of the city, but I had no idea of how I got here in the first place. The last thing I could remember was that I went to sleep and woke up with a feeling of dread and suddenly I was in a random room in a random building.

I was turning towards the center of the city to return to my room when the ground shook and three explosions occurred behind me. I look back and see smoke and fire rising from some buildings a few blocks from me. I quickly checked if my sword was on my waist and bolted to the place the explosions happened.

Getting there I saw a few soldiers already on the scene fighting what looked like a beastmen using some form of armor and gun straight out of some sci fi novel.

A few soldiers tried to hit it with arrows and sword but they got deflected by what looked like an energy shield and immediately after it the beastmen-like person aimed his rifle looking gun at the soldier who attacked him and shot.

The soldier was immediately vaporized, leaving only the sword he dropped after the gun pointed towards him.

Nex were the archers on the city walls. He aimed for them and above him a few complex magic circles appeared and when he shot, all of the magic circles shot as well. The archers tried to hide behind the walls, but the bullets exploded the walls, leaving a big hole where a towering wall once was.

I couldn’t let him do as he pleased, so I pulled my sword and readied my body to fight to death with him when I heard the high priestess’ voice.

Please, oh great heros. Please protect K’revell. She said.

I felt my mind calming with her words and knowledge she depended on me to protect the city and everyone in it.

With my sword in hands I ran at full speed towards that beastmen-looking person and attacked him with my strength that would make bodybuilders cry with jealousy, but shockingly the sword hit the shield and bounced off. Few things could completely block my attack powered by my 50.000 strength stat so I was completely shocked when not even a dent was made in the shield.

The person in the armor turned to me. His face was completely covered by a black screen when he was turning, but once he set his eyes on me, the screen on his face shifted in a blue light before going back to black. I was going to try to hit him again, this time empowering my sword with my skill [Sharpened Edge] but my arms were suddenly grabbed by my opponent.

“Fragment’s energy detected. You will bring this unit to the Fragment. Failure to comply will result in immediate termination” The person said in a kinda robotic voice.

“What are you talking about. Why are you attacking the city?!” I shouted at his face.

“Repeating. You will bring this unit to the Fragment. Failure to comply will result in immediate termination” He repeated.

I was about to say something back at him but suddenly a fist hit the shield near his face. It was one of the captains of the paladins.

“Heh, you have some nice shielding there, friendo. Why won’t you lower them and face my fist headon?” he said before pulling his fist back and hitting the shield again. Lightning and wind flew everywhere as his fist stopped dead in the tracks as it hit the shield.

“Non authorized interference. Lethal force authorized. Please don’t resist” The person said, turning his head to face the captain.

A magic circle appeared right in front of his fist and quickly charged with magicules and a light beam shot from it. The captain almost hadn’t time to evade it without using [Physical Acceleration] as it was so quickly I couldn't evade it even if I used all my mobility skills.

The beam hit a house a few meters away and in the next moment it was completely obliterated. I was left agape as if that thing even grazed me I was dead, no second chances like I gained when I was summoned here.

“Wow, you got some nice spells there, friendo. Wouldo you allow me to show one of my own?” The captain said before his fists were completely involved in a storm of fire and electricity.

The next moment the captain appeared right next to the guy and launched a series of barrage attacks, but the guy didn’t even flinch from the series of punches that were destroying the very ground we were standing just by being hit by the shockwaves. His hands were still firmly holding me in place, I couldn’t escape him even if I tried.

The person in the sci fi armor was about to launch another spell but suddenly his attitude changed. His hands suddenly threw me away and he turned his back at me.

I was thrown in the direction of some debris and was about to hit them, but the captain who was attacking him appeared behind me and caught me.

“What is he doindo now?” He said.

The person began creating a magic barrier 20 centimeters in diameter between him and the sky. I was confused for a second when suddenly a purplish beam descended from the sky and hit the barrier. Just the shockwaves from the hit were enough to destroy some buildings dozens of meters away and even the paladin captain was having some difficulties trying to keep us in place.

“What is happening? What is that beam?!” i shouted.

“Something very very dangerous, look!” the captain pointed to the sky.

I looked at the sky and my eyes went wide and my mouth opened as I was in complete disbelief. descending from the sky was a black dragon with purple eyes and a pattern in his scales that I couldn't see properly as he was black and it was night.