Chapter 65: Chapter 53: Melting Doors

We rushed past the few people who were awake at the night hours and entered the Guild Society building again, and yet again, the moment I passed through the door I felt the energy field washing over me, but this time it made me dizzy as I ran through it and into a nearby wall.

I crashed through the wall as I rammed into it with considerable speed and went face first to the floor.

"What the fuck?!" A voice coming from the place I crashed into said.

"Oh, wow… that's a way to enter" Eugeo said, entering the place through the normal door.

"You know… I'm getting tired of hitting everything with my face" I said as I got up and scratched my face that was a little itchy after busting through wood and leaving a mark on the floor.

"Excuse me, what the heck are you doing?" The voice said.

I turned to see the person who was talking and saw a canine beastmen looking at me with a frown in his face.

"Sorry, I lost balance while running" I apologized.

"Aham. And I'm a human" he dismissed my apologies. "If you're going to lie, at least make it a little realistic. How old are you? 8?"

"What? No" I answered.

"Anyway, you or your little group will pay for the damages" he said.

"Wait, we're here for something important!" Eleno said.

"Hmm" he said while looking at the me-sized hole.

"Yes. There will be someone who's going to try to invade the dungeon and cause a dungeon break" I said.

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"A dungeon break? Look, kids, why don't you go with the soldier behind you to the police station?" The man said while gesturing to something behind us.

I turned and saw a soldier putting his hands on Eugeo and Joh'ner's shoulders.

"What is happening here, if I may ask?" The soldier said.

"We're here to report someone trying to cause a dungeon break" I said urgently.

The soldier looked at the beastmen in the counter behind us with a questioning glance.

"The small one broke the wall" he said while pointing at the hole in the wall. "And now they're trying to prank me, and apparently you, to believe someone knows how to cause a dungeon break"

"What? But it's true. They'll use something called a Quantum-Flux reactor to increase the magicule levels inside the dungeon and use it to cause monster spawns" I said.

"Kid, now you're just spewing jumbled words" the beastmen said, clearly not understanding what I said as I used the arcadian words as I read them.

"Let's go to the police station and you can tell me all about it, okay?" The soldier said, and with no other option, we followed him.

In the police station, that really looked like one but with a medieval fantasy theme going, I was put in what I could describe was an interrogation room. It was a small room with a table with one seat on one side and two on the other side.

"Wait here, I'll be with you shortly" the soldier said to me and closed the door, leaving me alone in the room.

There was a tingling sensation on my fur the moment I stepped inside the room that wouldn't go away no matter how much I scratched it, and it was covering my entire body. I sat down trying to think about how I would tell what I saw to them, but the itching was bothering me more than I realized, I couldn't focus properly as the only thing I could think about was the itch.

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