Chapter 65: We Are Adventurers, Are We Not?

It was around six hours after his encounter with the Revenant that Ju Feng was able to leave the haven. According to the words of the grand elder, the attack on him was a soul based one. When he stepped on the heavenly seal, It directly attacked his soul bypassing his body.

The only effect on his body was when he was thrown flying from the force-field. After regaining full consciousness, he had been checked thoroughly and was declared fit to return to his dormitory. The banging headache he was having when he first woke up had subsided too after resting.

Heavens tears.

He was not dead, and he had neither broken bones nor damaged dantian. He had been fortunate. On this, he would agree with the elders. After he had recovered, he had learned about Su Ming, the female cultivator who had saved his life. She had given him the expensive yellow pill after he was thrown into their midst. He wanted to thank her for saving his life but he was told she was still recuperating. He would thank her later, he was in her debt for that.

As he was going towards his dormitory, he tried to remember the past event but he could only remember stepping on something that felt like a thunderbolt. He couldn't remember what the revenant's force-field looked like or what happened after he saw himself flying away from it due to the impact. Nothing at all.

In many ways he could have been dead during the encounter. The Revenant could have beaten him into a pulp and then turned him into ash. Even from the effect of the heavenly seal, he could have died so easily. But thanks to the timely intervention of disciple Su Ming, of elder Wang Xiu and the grand elder.

Yet again, he was in the debt of elder Wang Xiu.

Not that he wasn't happy for her help, he was worried about dying before paying his debt. He couldn't afford to die with debt tied around his neck. He didn't want the Karma of debt to tag his soul in the afterlife on the road to reincarnation. The most important thing was for him to be alive and he was grateful for this. As long as he was alive, he would have the chance to pay his debt.

Sighing, he continued walking towards the male dormitory.

He arrived at the male dormitory, went straight into his room and locked the door behind him. He took out some turtle meat and lily tubers from his spatial sac and started chomping down on them.

Oh, how much he missed the turtle meat in what was less than a day. Maybe that was what death experience brought to his body and soul. After having his fill, he sat in the lotus position and began to meditate.

The Soul Pith technique his grandmother taught him was invaluable. He began attuning his breathing to the rhythms of the technique. Few hours later, his mind had become peaceful enough for him to think with clarity.

He had to be ready for their adventure to the forsaken palace the following day. Adventure or their demise? Why were they so much in a hurry to their death? He couldn't back out now, that would be a disappointment to himself and his friends. Besides, he really wanted to see what a place like that would look like.

His curiosity won over.

He checked his items. Food, water, milk, bronze sword and rope. What would he even do with a rope? To tie himself? After what happened to him recently, he should be getting an armour of solid steel or something. Then, he remembered the mountain bark talisman he bought at the market from the antique dealer. He quickly rummaged through his spatial sac and found it. He put it near the other items in a matter of future need.

He closed his eyes and commenced his cultivation. He was at the early stage of Zhuji but the amount of spiritual energy that he would need to advance to the next stage would be ridiculously high. This was due to the vast size of his dantian and his soul orb of liquid light. The effect of the astral primal cultivation technique.

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By the time he opened his eyes, it was the earliest period of the following morning. This was the day that commenced the sects free events week.

The luminary week.

The Last-Swords luminary week would be starting on that very day. The week when the disciples, the acolytes and the elders would be having all the days of the week to themselves to enjoy as they deemed fit. They could organize events, competitions or anything else they wanted as long as it was in accord with the rules and regulations.

But for Ju Feng and his friends? Adventure week.

All their planning led to this day, the day that began their journey into the world outside. They had all agreed to meet near the gate where they would cautiously exited the sect's premises. Being new disciples, they were not allowed to go outside on their own without the supervision of a senior disciple or an acolyte. The rules of the sect. Only disciples from the third level could go out on their own because by that time, they would have what it takes to survive out there at the least.

But Chenric and Da Xia had no intention of bringing any senior anyways. They had already planned it out.

He checked his items again before departing his room. He arrived at the gate to find the siblings were already there, waiting. Did they even slept at all?

"Hello Da Xia, Chenric."

"Hello Ju Feng."

"You came earlier than me. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long. Where's Yingjie?" Asked Ju Feng looking around.

"He's yet to arrive."

"We still have ample time for him to be here."

"You see why we came early? So we don't keep you all waiting."

Few minutes after that, Yingjie rushed over to them using the flash steps.