Chapter 133: A Dreamy Mind II

When we arrived in this universe, we met the guardians. A set of exceedingly powerful beings who called themselves, the primordial divines. They too had encountered this shadowy figure. From their explanation of the entity, we came to know that this universe was one of the first creation. The entity found it impossible to conquer the Alpheron core. Together with the divines, the core had managed to rebuff it's aggression, hence, we made the decision to stay in this place. It was far safer than any other place in the universe.

However, there were two of rules we had to follow, if they were to allow us into the universe. These were rules we could live with, after careful consideration. First rule was not to kill any living entity in this universe without a just cause. Second was to fight alongside the divines whenever it was necessary since it would be our universe too in the nearest. And if we were to accept, we would have worlds of our own. A world to a Hypabeast and these worlds were closer to the primordial holes. Since we were not a killing type, this agreement we readily accepted.

We were here during the great wars of the primordials between the primordial divines and the primordial beasts. Though, some of our chaotic brethren were with the primordial beasts, we never indulged in any confrontational battle between us, as we fought alongside the divines. Our core values wouldn't allow us to wallow in killing. And after the last battle, we did our possible best to help the divines in creating the cosmic seals that blocked off the primordial holes. We never wanted another battle that would force us to kill. With seals done, we returned to our worlds to live peacefully. And this peace continued until one day when a crystal with immeasurable power, arrived in my world.

On this fateful day, I was roaming about in my world when my nemesis, Fotios, appeared right in front of me to taunt me as usual. He had just arrived in my world through an opened portal, when a crystal entered my world through the closing portal. I was the quickest to react and with a flick of my hand, I caught the crystal. The moment my hand closed around the crystal, there was a massive energy surge that got me reeling in absolute shock. It was then that I realized the nature of the crystal in my hand. 

I took a glance at Fotios and saw recognition in his eyes. He too had guessed what the crystal was and there was more anger and hatred in his eyes. I still remembered his first words to me that day.'

"Zothikos, hand over the crystal. It followed me through the portal and by its right, belonged to me. Now, hand it over."

'That was the beginning of Fotios' obsession with the crystal. For many millions of years, he had been devising means to take the crystal from me. Though, he was an irritation and I regularly chased him away, any intention of killing him had never crossed my mind. Now, I watched as my nemesis had finally abandoned the values of his existential core and succumbed to the dark side of chaos. He had finally decided to destroy me through the cosmic void rift seal. How he came about this, I had no idea but I knew something was amiss.

Yet, there was nothing I could do now. The end of all these was near. With my impending death at the corner, I would have to seal my memory in a spatial dimension and hope it would sift through the void rift. Only a truesoul would be able to find its existence. For I know that since I wasn't an entity of this universe, my soul essence would have to make the journey back to my home universe for a time of rebirth in limbo. If it was still in existence. '

As Ju Feng continued to watch, the turtle's head suddenly turned in his direction, staring him dead in the eyes.


Ju Feng's gaze was held by the turtle's glowing eyes. He tried to turn his head but couldn't. The turtle's eyes suddenly released a gust of powerful energy blast that knocked Ju Feng off the floating cloud, into the fiercely cold water. But just as his body was touching the water, Ju Feng woke up with a big jolt, sitting upright with his hands still shielding his body. 

He checked his body for any sign of blast injury and wetness, having satisfied himself there was none,  he heaved a sigh of relief.  This dream was really getting weird and strange. Him? What about him? What did he do? And hypa-beasts? He had never heard of them before. Could the dream be a cast dream? Work of a dream cultivator? But, why would a dream artist cast such a dream on him? Was there more to it?

What was he even rambling about? Sometimes, dreams could have ways of disarranging the minds. He rembered when he first had the dream about the two enemy beasts. At first he thought it was just a simple dream, but now, he was too sure about that anymore. But that was a dream he wouldn't want to have again.

Well, time to go to Charat.

He sat down in a lotus position and placed the pagoda in front of him. He sent his energy into it. He watched as the pagoda grew into an average sized door like before. This door was a risk if seen by anyone when he wasn't around, Ju Feng thought. He would have to think of a way to avoid this. In the meantime, he simply had to go to Charat planet. His house master would surely be expecting him to come out of seclusion by now. He shouldn't delay any further.

Standing before the portal door, he turned his head to take a look at his room. He knew He wouldn't be coming back until the luminary week was over. He had so much to do on the other world. With a great anxiety, he stepped through the portal door.

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