Ju Feng remembered the Circle-Of-One. The heart pulse. If he wasted time, he would die. Other disciples would come to his aid if he could call them. He closed his eyes and sent out a mind pulse. The dragon was squeezing Ju Feng harder when a shadow warping arrow hit it on the side, knocking it against a wall. Arrays of weapons began to hit the dragon as other disciples began to arrive. When all the disciples of the lightning faction had artived, they formed the Circle-Of-One around the black dragon. While the seals prevented the black dragon from leaving, it also reduced its power.
Then Yan Zhihao used his ultimate lightning technique. The Tyrant Of Heavens. This was a mystical technique that had passed the level of any Zhuji cultivators. The black dragon was a sacred beast for a reason. Seeing the danger, it activated a powerful technique of its own. Before Ju Feng could know it, he was already in a dimensional portal. After he landed on the hard ground, he slowly stood up while looking around cautiously. From the looks of things, he was in another place entirely. A place that resembled a summoning ground. A little distant from him, he saw many people, preparing to enter the area ahead. But they didn't pay him attention.
A little closer, he saw the sign indicating the name of the place. Valley-Of-A-Thousand-Death. Immediately, he realized he was in a summoning world and where he was standing was one of the summoning places. A deadly closed-valley with an appearance that proved true to its frightening name. Located at the centre of three enormous ash mountains that co-joined together to form a terrible arc, this could be one of the summoning valleys for soul weapons, divine beasts, demon gods, divine angels, fairies etc. But before he could speculate more, he saw that the large entrance to the valley was divided into five smaller entrances, with each entrance leading to a seal-demarcated section of the valley.
Each had symbols which indicated their uses. Soul weapons, divine beasts, divine armour, divine pills, and divine artifacts. At the entrances, were fairies who handed out seals and instructions to the summoners. Right from these entrances were the exploding death shards that were rotaing over the craters of poisonous bubbling ash-coloured liquid. However, the most dangerous were the phantoms lining the sides of the valley. These dangerous entities were placed there in the event of any young deity that failed to come for summoning within three days after the awakening.
Once inside, there was no other way of escaping the valley apart from the entrance, since there was only one way in and out of the death valley.
Here on this day, at the outskirt of the valley's entrance, were many people, both young and old,mwaiting for their turns. Not to raise any suspicion, Ju Feng waited in total apprehension as he continued to watch them going went into the valley, one after the other. Since he had arrived, all the people had been completing their summonings with no greater difficulties. And when he saw some of the things they brought out with them. He couldn't help but wondered where he was.
However, Ju Feng was particularly fascinated by the weapons summoning area. There were seven types of weapons in all of the universe. They were — generic, imperial, legendary, epic, mythical, astral and cosmic weapons. And during summoning, lightning was the universal indicator of the nature of the weapon coming to the summoner.
White lightning was an indication for the generic weapons[basic weapons], blue lightning for imperial weapons, yellow lightning represented legendary weapons, red lightning for epic weapons, mythical weapons by green lightning, astral weapons was heralded by orange lightning, and the cosmic weapons through the violet lightning.
Six times, he witnessed the blue lightning summoning which meant an imperial weapon. Four times, the yellow lightning struck, indicating legendary weapons, while epic weapons were summoned three times through the red lightning. And once, he saw the green lightning which greatly increased her anxiety. Although she had been preparing for today for a long time, being here now, was totally unnerving.
Ju Feng also decided to try and see what would happen if he tried. He slowly but steadily made his way to the entrance and entered the valley. As he walked on, he noticed that with each foot he placed on the ground, there was a loud thudding inside his soul that made his head banged achingly.
Reaching the centre of the valley, he stood in front of the giant monolith and recited the words written on it, just as he saw others did. After the recital, the air of the valley began to form a raging wind while the ground started to vibrate uncontrollably. He quickly took out the summoning scroll he received from the fairies at the entrance, and threw it into the air which slowly calmed things down. The summoner's soul would be linked to the given summoning scroll to be used in a summoning valley.
As he watched, the scroll suddenly let out a wailing scream before busting into flames, sealing off the entrance to his section. He rapidly check his robe and planted her feet firmer on the ground. He didn't know before-hand how the events would happen here, but he had read about things like this. There would be a thunder to indicate the beginning of the summoning, but she had no idea of what would come next.
Just as expected, there was a thunderous sound as a gigantic white lightning descended on his section of the valley making him shield his eyes with his hands. Seconds later, after the lightning had vanished, Ju Feng saw a gold coloured sword floating in front of him. Ah, his soul weapon. His own weapon. His heart was beating faster as he kept on looking at the weapon. This was the moment. Ju Feng moved closer and grabbed the weapon with his extended hand. Instantly, his mind went blank.
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