Chapter 15: Ch. 14 – Arcane Academy (1)


A young, bright boy in a garden filled with colorful roses swung his sword down, striking the dummy target.



???? ⌈Target Dummy⌋ {Lv. 0}

The sound of metal striking hardened wood resounded in the backyard. The one who was attacking the dummy in this beautiful palace was Leo Vattloa, son of the sixth queen. Leo followed up his downward strike with a horizontal slash, cutting the stomach of the target. Soon after, he thrust the metal sword into the neck of the target before slashing, cutting the head off.

Slain ???? ⌈Target Dummy⌋ {Lv. 0} gained 1 xp

"Well done prince." His mentor was happy that prince Leo has finally found something he is good in. At first, he was greatly disappointed that such royal blood was incapable of doing any actions befitting one. Yet it seemed his fighting spirit and sword skills were passed down through his blood from his father, the king.

His mentor wore a tight fitted outfit, having his hair in a ponytail. Wearing glasses and standing in an upright posture, this was prince Leo's personal mentor.

"Thank you, Sir Laekota." Prince Leo gave a wide bright smile to his mentor who stuck through despite not being paid to be taught. In fact, it is a mystery as why he was teaching the prince.

"Please don't thank me, prince, I am only doing my job as your mentor." Sir Laekota pushed up his glasses while closing the book he held in his hand.

"Mother!" Leo ran towards his mother, the sixth queen, who sat at the terrace watching him train. Leo jumped into his mother's embrace, hugging with a huge smile on his face. He was finally capable of wielding a heavy metal sword and destroyed a target dummy. Just like his older brothers.

Sir Laekota followed the prince. "Thank you for allowing me to become prince Leo's mentor."

"No, thank you for teaching my son." She replies sweetly with a smile.

"May you be blessed, fortune shall shine upon you." He bows deeper, placing his right hand over his left shoulder, indicating he was thankful for the hospitality. This is his final class because tomorrow is when prince Leo will attend the Arcane Academy, a place that requires all children from the age of nine to attend. It is the future of the kingdom, a place of learning.

As they watched him leave the palace, his mother starts to quiz her son to see if he was truly studying or slacking off. 

"Leo, do you know where you will be going?"

"To the Arcane Academy, Mother."

"Correct. Then, why was the Academy created?"

"To teach the future generations and strengthen the kingdom."

"Correct!~" Clapping her arms, she hugs her son. In fact, she also attended the Arcana Academy that is where she first met the king as a student.

All children are required to attend the Arcane Academy, it is split up by age groups. Usually, kids will head to school at the age of six, but for the rich or nobles they homeschool them until the age of eight. Where it is then required, that all children must attend the Academy. The reason being is that is the age when mana formation begins.

There are five stages of mana building. Mana Formation, Mana Flow, Mana Emission, Mana Manipulation, and finally Mana Domain. By the end of the Academy most reach the third stage, some geniuses reach the fourth stage. But only the legends are able to reach the final stage, Mana Domain.

"Then, Leo, you must work hard at school."

"Yes, Mother!"

To help the children focus, the kids live in the Academy dormitories for the next years of their lives. During summer once it becomes school break they can leave the premise to visit their family or do extracurricular activities. Ages 6-7 are taught basic in language, writing, speaking, magic, history, science, math, and physical education. Age's eight is when they start to learn about the formation of mana. By the time they graduate, all of them are capable of emitting mana. 

Those who fail to reach stage three are held back, if they fail to reach stage three within that year they are sent out. These are the so-called mana rejects incapable of emitting mana most of them turned to becoming knights or guards. There is another Academy that takes these students who are not compatible with mana, the Novare Academy. 

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=== The Next Day ===

A group of knights stood upright in a respectful position. They watched as the queen dressed in her adventurer's outfit rode upon her holy wurm. Queen Sophia's personal mount a white scaled wurm a special breed that breathed holy fire able to cure many. She saved its life and to repay her the wurm agreed to become her mount.

Her son, the ninth prince, also sat upon the wurm he called Snowball. "Mother, are we riding Snowball!"

"Yes honey." Although the wurm disliked the name, it wasn't going to invite a beating because it disliked that childish name. It used to have a cool name, capable of making all those who spoke it become in fear and awe. Too bad, it will never be called Yvilnalmite. It was a pure white-scaled flying wurm. To those who see it, know it's the personal mount of Queen Sophia the Heaven's Angel.

The bringer of life and pain. Its breath is capable of healing anyone, but only used in emergencies as it takes time to recharge. "Let's go Snowball to the Arcane Academy." It cried in sadness from its name as Sophia shouted her orders. Spreading her wings out with one single motion, she took off to the skies, flying to the Arcane Academy.

In fact, many other nobles are doing the same. It has long been a sign of power for the powerful nobles to appear on a mount. The ones who do not own a mount use the normal carriage way, same with some commoners who can afford it. As they came approaching the destination a massive barrier surrounded it now allowing any form of entry or exit without a special mana signature that changes each year.

As they came close, they landed on the outskirts already planned for them. A teacher was there to welcome them into the Academy. "May you be blessed, fortune shall shine upon you." He bowed, placing his right hand on his left shoulder. This was a greeting to all royal members when you first meet them and when you say your goodbyes.

"Is that you, Vivian!?" Sophia shouted in excitement.

"Sophia?" The teacher asks.

"Vivian, it has been a long time!"

"Sophia, I didn't hear that you became the Queen!"

"As always, you keep your head in books all day. When will you ever find a man?"

"I don't need a man. All I need is magic."

"Ha~." Sophia sighs, knowing full well her friend Vivian's personality.

"I only heard that a queen along with her son will be appearing and that I must receive them. Sophia you changed."

"What do you mean?" Sophia held a dangerous look saying that if she exposed her dark past then even she might be silenced after all her son is next to her.


"Well, I must be going. Please take care of my son Vivi."

"Don't call me Vivi!"

"Goodbye Vivi!" Sophia waves as she rides Snowball back to her palace.



Vivian sees her friend's son nervous standing looking at her. Turning to look at him, she asks. "What's your name, kid?"

"Leo! My name is Leo Vattloa."

"Follow me, kid, I'll give you a tour." They both enter the Academy.