Chapter 21: Ch. 20 – A Rising Star (2)

"Wasn't it supposed to be a giant skeleton?" Joln asked Coal. He remembered because of the talks about it years ago.

"Your information is outdated. If you think only the layout changes, then you know nothing about dungeons. Bosses can also change in the dungeons." Coal, taking a look at his friend's guide.

 The Official Adventurer's Guild Ranking of the Caltovortta Dungeon

 FLOOR 1 - (Slime, Giant Slime) Requirement = {F} Rank
 FLOOR 2 - (Skeleton, Giant Skeleton) Requirement = {E} Rank
 FLOOR 3 - (Fire Salamander, Magma Wurm, Giant Magma Wurm) Requirements = {D}, {C} Rank

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