Chapter 23: Ch. 22 – A Rising Star (4)

The situation turned grim as they walked down the tunnel. It turned from personal belongings into a trail of blood and stench got even worse. If they did not have the frost cream to keep them cool, most likely they would have already passed out due to being here for an extended amount of time in such a hot environment.

"This doesn't look good, should we just report this to the adventurer's guild?" Coal was having doubts of whether he should continue or not. Keep in mind, he just became a {D} rank adventurer recently and chasing an unknown creature he never fought before is extremely dangerous, especially in such an enclosed space. 

"I will follow you where ever you go." Joln assured his friend that he has his back. That for allowing him to get accepted by his god, that he would repay him. The gods are seen as a sponsor but not really beings of worship, and this was due to people that have reincarnated here. They didn't know that because of the coincidental reincarnations or summoning of other human beings precisely from Earth that their perspective of superstitions has lowered.

That is why you could find things you would enjoy in the modern world while having the setting of an old medieval age. Things like pamphlet's, toilet's, train's, these ideas which are said to be from geniuses who thought outside the box were actually reincarnates who wanted to have these wonderful things in this world without destroying the culture that is the medieval setting.

Coal was thinking deeply after all he was more than used to seeing the dark side of humanity, although it greatly lowered in the past centuries it still is a problem for society. People have become more logical and civil now that we have our basic needs satisfied. Able to focus on other things that aren't really necessary such as entertainment, music, or having fun during this age. "I think..."

As Coal was about to finish his train of thought, a scarce message came before him. His eyes widening in shock and his expression turning from worry and fear into bravery and fearlessness. The reason being this...

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There appears to be a mess of belongings from an unknown fellow adventurer. Not only is this state extremely unusual as being near the stairs, which all agree to be a fairly safe location. More clues have shown that this is no simple event, a trail of blood could be found leading deeper into the tunnel.

Goal ~ Find out what happened.

Difficulty ~ {E+} Rank

Reward ~ [???]

Time-Limit ~ None

Status ~ N/A

[Accept] / [Decline]


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