In the middle of the room that was used as the battleground for the Dungeon Boss battle against the Vile Queen, I started to look up the rewards in the now-empty room sans for me. Even the Queen's remains had become dust in the wind, leaving nothing..., oh?
It seems like the Queen had dropped a key upon her death. It seems to be made of pure gold and is quite heavy...
Is this related to the "The Treasure Vaults of the Dungeon are free for your taking" line in the System Message? In any case, I'll be holding on to this.
After storing the key into my [Small Inventory], I returned to check out the other rewards.
The first and easiest one is my AP. It had increased to 15.7. That's a lot. 10 came from the Quest I started, but the rest came from defeating the Dungeon Boss. Meaning there will be more people actively hunting down weaker Dungeons if this gets known. So I'll keep quiet about it for now.
The next is the titles. I got a whole 3 of them in one go. It's easy to figure out why I got them from their names, but still...
Hey, wait a sec! What's up with these titles?! They boost all my stats! And the [Dungeon Ruler] is plain bad! Both regarding the amount of stats, AND its effects! I mean, can I even enter a human city from now on? Probably not. Damn...
That's..., a lot, yes, but less compared to Ruler. This is for a World Quest, no?
Oh, maybe you just need to be part of the "winning team" to get this title? Like, Nameless Soldier A would get it even if a Super-OP-Hero defeated the demon king? Yeah, think that's the case.
Still, all three titles boost all the stats..., because there are no special class requirements for beating a Dungeon or clearing a World Quest?
Maybe I should start using the Ruler title while fighting outside public eyes, and the World Quest..., no, that won't work. If I'm right, the "World Message" that was separated from the System Message may have been given to the whole "world". If that's true, then every player out there now knows that "player Garami owns a Dungeon". The bulletin boards will give me more clues about that.
All that's left is evolving..., or not. There's still the whole Dungeon business.
I used my map to reach the opposite side of the room compared to the stairs I and the devil used to climb down and found a new door. Typical game logic. The next door is always behind the boss.
Inside the next room was..., nothing much. Just a room small enough that even I could see all of it from the entrance. In the middle of the room stood a pedestal with a strange crystal ball on top. It's sorta black-ish and purple-ish..., and I think the colors are moving around like fog inside the sphere. Weird.
Such a message appeared after I touched the sphere. Then this thing's the Dungeon Core. I had a guess, but you never know. But how do I "use" this thing?
I tried touching the Core a few more times, but nothing happened. Feeling fed up and tired of the long day, I turned around to the door that had appeared in the room. From its appearance and the System Message, it's safe to say it leads to my Player Room. It looks no different than normal.
Deciding to take a break, I entered my room and noticed a new contraption having been placed there. It looks like a touch screen terminal that you can find in high-tech buildings. Does the Player Room menu have some explanation to it?
You are reading story Nightmare Fantasy Online at
Dungeon Terminal!? So that's how you do it.
To test it out, I tried to start up the Terminal. It lit up without any problems and showed me the data of the Dungeon:
Oh-ho..., I don't get it. Ah, I can get more info here.
Ugh, my head hurts. But I think I get the gist of things. It's better not to let these "Dungeon Points" overflow, right? Because it would be a huge waste not using them if they recover automatically.
Then..., let's just add some new stuff to the Player Room for now. I'm starting to feel sleepy..., beeeed...,
Ah? I need to choose a primary element for the Dungeon. I'll just pick Darkness. I'm too tired to think of the other alternatives. Plus, if this "re-creation period" thing on the special tab is telling the truth, I still got a whole day in fixing up this place. I can add monsters and traps and make a shithole of a Dungeon tomorrow.
For now, new Room Furniture~. The best inventory I can get, and..., that's it. Wow, that's some expensive item box. I'll take a better look at it tomorrow.
Unfortunately, there is one more thing that blocks me from my sweet sleep. But this one is something I'm willing to spend some time on!
The two evolution options I had from the start are still there, along with the new addition: "Dark Udug". Strange name.
It's no surprise that I want the "Udug"-evolution. Its stats are high and highly compatible with my current style. That my defense goes down is no big deal, as it seems I'll become faster as a trade-off. And it may even allow my poor STR to go up a little if the "high attack power" part is something to believe.
There's just one thing that bugs me. This part that talks about "extra evolution". Can I see what that means?
Ah, I could. And after reading this, there's no other choice than "Dark Udug", right!
Sure, I could take a normal evolution and have enough AP to take a skill after my design instead of risking another fail like [Sleep Demon's Touch], but that would be your common-Joe type of skill, right? Rarer is always better!
Yes, please!
Then I'll do just that. Log out!