Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Where am I, What am I, Who am I

Where am I...

I was washing myself in the bathtub then suddenly I lost conscious...


I died right?

So this is where I will meet god right? Since I still have my memories and stuff it means I will meet god right? 

" The god you are finding is currently unavailable" 

I heard a monotone voice similar to those of the phone if your call didn't pass through. But it says God isn't here, does that mean it its the angels or archangels?

" The God that you are meeting soon will be coming in 10 minutes, please think of what wishes you want to wish for before reincarnating to Astrea."

Is this message automated... cause it definitely sounded automated... so there is even automation technology in God's realm huh.

" This technology is far more advanced than what you humans can create. Please do not compare your primitive technology to our celestial technology."


This technology sucks at comforting people.

" Mortals summoned here are in the process of being reincarnated into another world. Emotional processing is not needed to assist in this process."

Yep I'll definitely hate this bot... it sucks... what should I wish huh, for one I'm definitely wishing for my ideal fo-

" Body transformation does not count as a wish. Please choose a valid wish."

-10 respect

Well since I can get my ideal body so what should I wish for. Skills counted as a wish right, like a skill that would allow me to sense where specific targets are at.

" Correct"

I guess it works, that's one down, two to go... I want the ability to teleport to my friends and the place I visited. I also want to be able to have access to a shop to buy stuff like Shipee!

" Please wait for an additional 5 more minute before the God in charge of reincarnation arrives"


Just why do I need to wait for 15 minutes for God to come...

" Because 15 minutes is the average time for humans on Earth to think of the wishes they want to make from Gods."

What's the longest time taken...

" There is one individual that has not to think of something to wish from the gods since 8822464612 years ago."

And the shortest one?

" Fifteen seconds."

... wait somethings not right...

Humans existed that long ago????

" The definition of the term "human" varies between various galaxies, thus it is possible for a "human" to exist in another part of the galaxy at that period."

" Though the solar system that the "human" live on has already been destroyed when the nearest star undergoes a collapse and formed a black hole. Currently known as Sagittarius A by the human civilization on Earth."

Which one is that? I think Peter would know it since he's a nerd... But doesn't matter. The 5-minute wait should be over now...

" Incorrect, there are 10 seconds left until God arrived."

Be lucky you don't have a physical body if not I'm going to wrangle you.

" Don't be harsh to that thing, its only purpose is to entertain the reincarnators while they wait for us gods to handle other reincarnators." God (?)

" I am one of the reincarnation committee members to handle reincarnation issues and in terms of you Earthling terms we are Gods so remove that question mark." God

Sorry for doubting you. Never saw a God before.

" At least your attitude is better than the first one of this batch. What is the skill you want when you get reincarnated to the world Astrea. Magic is available so it is no problem to request magic-related skills. The world is in the medieval period so we will not allow tech-related skills to be brought towards Astrea." God

Wait I  thought we can wish for anything... so it is only skills? That bot of yours is such a scam... he said I could choose 3 wishes...

" Hrmm I shall send it to the technician to fix then, probably some translation errors towards your language. Again technician is the term we used that is relatable to those of your old world." God

I haven't even said anything and you answered what I wanted to ask.... 

" State the skills that you wish for." God

I want a map-based skill that I can use to map wherever I go and I can obtain the location of my friends in that world.

The second one would be a skill that allows me to teleport myself to any explored area on the map!

The third skill I wanted is a skill that allows me to purchase items from Earth!

" The first skill can be granted with no problem. Skill name will be [ Map ]. The second skill can also be granted without problems. Skill name will be [ Waypoint Teleportation ]. The third skill will be needed to be adjusted. Electrical-based tools will be converted into magical-based tools that will require mana-crystals in order to operate. Any items purchased cannot be given to locals in order to not destabilize the local economy. Beauty products will only be usable for reincarnators. Skill name will be [ Earthling Shop ]." Monotone Voice (?)

" Skill analysis complete, the appropriate guide will be given to you when you reach Astrea. Just think of a guide and the guide book will appear to guide you through your skills. Do you have anything to add?" God

Will I be able to understand the local language? Can I have the dream body that I wanted?

" Request granted. Language deciphering system granted to Reincarnator." Monotone Voice (?)

" Your body will be given to you upon reaching the other world. Good luck on your new adventure in Astrea." God

Thank you God and er you too annoying thingy? 

With that, a bright light filled my vision and when I was able to see again, I am in a thick jungle.

Back in the Reincarnation Realm

"That's the most polite one of them all. Let's hope the remaining two are as polite as her. I like dealing with polite people." God

21 June 2042

8.00 am inside the classroom

You are reading story Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here at

" So Adeline also didn't come today huh... " Beno

" I don't think she will be able to come soon. I think auntie is going to write a letter to the headmaster to request leave for like 3 months or something." Marco

" Yeah, I think it's better that way. You saw yesterday how she looks like. It feels like she could literally jump out of her bed and break your neck." Beno

" Don't mention it again... that face of hers gives me chills. It really feels like I did something colossally wrong that made her want to kill me a thousand times..." Marco

" Only you to blame for not looking at the situation. You know Adeline can't read emotions too deep. She just read what is on your face and reacts accordingly. Your face literally yells 'these guys can die and I don't care as long as it is not me'. Of course you're going to get stared at like that by her. Remember that today when we go to her house at the very least try to act sad Ok. You definitely don't want to be on her bad side." Beno

" Yeah yeah I know... sometimes you do act like a mom. I wouldn't mind you to be my wife if you do become a girl." Marco

"... how about I make you a girl right now" Beno

" Merci~~" Marco

2.00 pm In front of Adeline's house

Marco's POV

" Nobody is home," Beno

" Did they went out? " I said.

Strange they should have expected us. We told them that we could come again at the same time yesterday...

" Maybe they went out to eat lunch and haven't got back?" I said.

" You do know in Adeline's condition they wouldn't dare to bring her our nor let her stay at home by herself," Beno replied.

" Then why aren't they home?" I said and Beno replied " Beats me I'm not them"

We waited for around 15 minutes which then we saw Adeline's parents' car came back.

" Looks like waiting does give its result," I said towards Beno

" Hrmm? Adeline is not with them," Beno said which I noticed too. They wouldn't let Adeline stay at home with that condition.

We waited for them to park their car and ask if we are able to visit Adeline. But before me or Beno are able to ask, we noticed something isn't right. Adeline's parents are almost crying. This can't be good.

" Is there anything wrong auntie?" I asked.

" You go in first sweetheart, I will tell it to the boys." Adeline's dad told his wife to go and waited for her to close the door before facing us again.

" Just what the hell did all you get yourself into!!" Adeline's dad shouted in a loud voice that scared both of us.

" From what I heard from her Luca first died, then the next is Peter after that is Kevin. Now my own daughter also died! What the hell are you guys doing that could even cause this to happen!" He yelled loudly.

" But... but... we..." Beno tried saying something but is too scared of Adeline's dad.

" Don't but me! These deaths are definitely related to you two! If not why did all of them died but you two are still safe! My Adeline was such a good girl.... she doesn't deserve this..." Adeline's dad yelled at first but slowly he also started crying and slumped down next to the car.

" Give me back my Adeline...." both me and Beno are shocked at what happened.

We waited for around 30 minutes for Adeline's dad to calm down and then he tried to stand back up.

" Go and never come back again. I don't want to see you two coming near my house ever again," he told us which we nodded and walk away quietly.

I could hear the sound of the door opening and I heard the voice of Adeline's mom.

" Don't be mad at them honey, they are not the one at fault here. Who could have predicted that this would happen to our Adeline..." she said.

" I know but if I let them come back then I will only think about Adeline more..." Adeline's dad said.

" Come in and let's just cool down for a bit. We still need time to handle these things." Adeline's mom said.

And after that, I couldn't hear any more as I assume they went back into their house.

" You and me left Beno... you and me left," I said towards Beno.

Beno didn't reply and just continue to quietly continue to walk.

After 5 or so minutes I heard him say: " Don't leave me alone ok... being the last one here is going to be lonely."

 " Why are you so sure that I would die first? What if you died first and left me alone?" I said to him back.

We don't want to leave each other behind. We both don't want to be left behind. But what can we do? This is all the whims of the gods. If they want us to die, then we die. Let's just hope that at least we won't be waiting for each other for long.

After reaching the junction that separates my house and Beno's house, we said each other goodbye and went back to our own house. After confirming that Beno is out of sight I start running. I start running to my house, not caring if I'm tired or not. I just want to go back home.

I opened the door and entered the house while saying " I'm home". Though nobody will reply to me I still said the same thing every time I went home.

" Mom I'll be cooking for dinner tonight. What do we still have in the fridge?" I said as I walked towards the fridge opening it and saw that we have some minced meat and some leftover tomato sauce. 

" Sis is it ok if we eat spaghetti tonight? I will cook!" I said.

" Mom is dad going to come home and eat tonight? Really? Then I have to cook his portions too!" I said.

As I cook the spaghetti. I told my "mom" about what happened today. From going to school, talking to Beno, even joking about going to marry him if he is a girl, to going to Adeline's house and finding out she is dead.

After around 30 minutes, the noodles are ready. I prepare them into four plates and put them on the table. Dad has the biggest portion because he is a big eater while sis has the least cause she wants to keep herself slim. You are younger than me and you are already trying to get a boyfriend?

" Thank you for the food!" I said while I start eating. Together with me is 1 big bear plushie that my sis likes the most, along with a big pillow with mom and dad's clothes.

I finished eating and saw that the other three plates aren't touched at all. " I'll store them in the fridge so we can eat them tomorrow ok?" I said while I start packing the food into the  Tupperwares and store them in the fridge.

" I'll go to sleep early. See you all tomorrow!" is what I said but after reaching my room and closing the door. I start crying.


I can't stop crying. the tears are just flowing out as if a dam just broke out. I managed to went onto the bed while still crying. 

I shouldn't be crying. I'm a man.... a man wouldn't cry so easily.

But recently I have been crying every night. I don't want to cry... but I can't stop myself.

And I keep crying, crying until I can't cry anymore and fell asleep.