Chapter 35: Chapter 35 New technology, New Retribution.

1st Sukurach of Desariel 1209

Petrasha's POV

One year has passed since Lucy went to the Desarrkti continent. Although we still call each other per month, it really is different compare to when she is here together. Now that Christine is busy with her idol duties, even she also isn't at home often, making the entire house pretty quiet. The only one I am able to talk to is the maids. Even then the chat with them sounds unnatural, maybe it's because I am their employer and they won't dare to talk about something that will make me deduct their wages.  That's why with them,  the chat will only be related to something that is work-related. It is getting lonely...

Time sure passes fast when you are working, though it's even faster when you are having fun. 

" Mistress Petrasha, Lord Paelisher has come to meet you." One of the maids said. Well, even if it's a new year, nothing will happen. This year doesn't have a tradition to celebrate the new year.

" Tell him to head towards the meeting room, I'll see him there," I said and the maid went ahead and bring Paelisher towards the meeting room. Now I wonder why the hell did I make a meeting room in my house... It's pretty annoying for them to come here and meet me in my own house... but then again, I don't really go to the main hall often so they had to come to my house to find me...

Why am I holing myself in my house, because I'm researching a type of aether generator that doesn't consume solid fuels, or at least non-renewable fuel. Coal is good but they produce too little aether, pyrite produces a lot of aether but they aren't really much of them here. Solar is hard to generate aether here as aether is like electricity but is not electricity, the aether generated by solar panels is too little to be usable now. Wind turbines are hard to set up here cause well... we are inside a volcano. To install wind turbines we need to go literally out. The only fuelless generator I made is the prototype generator used in Lucy's speedboat and a thermo-aether compressor. Somehow by applying high pressure onto the hot air created by the volcano, the hot air will be converted into aether. But what if we are not inside the volcano... elven cities will also need methods to generate aether, and they will definitely not use logs as a fuel source. Which means the only thing we have left, is to improve the solar-aether generator and wind-aether generator. I definitely need a better name for them soon.

The solar generator isn't completely useless, it does generate aether but just too small, if we could increase the output it would be good. Wind generators though don't work underground, it does work above ground. We have made several testing turbines and generators at the tunnel entrance of Heart Forge. For now, what I am working on is to generate aether using wind turbines in the most efficient way. Currently, the method of wind turbines is that we use the kinetic energy obtained from the spinning turbine to compress the air within the compression chamber. The compressed air will then be sent towards the rune chamber where pre-drawed runes will then activate and convert the mana within the compressed air into aether. The remaining air will then be released and the aether will be channeled into the generator's aether storage. But this is too slow. The compression rate and conversion rate are too slow. The worst point is that I couldn't even improve the conversion rate since I don't know much about runes. These runes are the runes that Lucy gave me when she is here. Now that she went to the Desarrkti continent, I don't have the ability to improve the rune formation. 

But all of these have to stop for a while. I have to go and meet Paelisher which disturbs my research.

" Good afternoon, Lord Paelisher, what do you need with me today," I greet him with a hint of annoyance.

" Don't be so cold Petrasha, Ganmol has just come back from the mission at the Estaria Kingdom. Don't you want to meet him?" Paelisher asked me. Seriously... I am busy helping with you all in development and you're telling me this...

" I'm too busy figuring things. I don't really have time to meet him now. I want to quickly finish this turbine so I could take the break that I want and go watch a round of Christine's concert." I replied. Christine has improved her dancing a lot, and according to Neo, he even helped her improve her singing a bit, so she can at least sing a bit, though she must never get a mic. Her volume is still off but the tone is working fine. So I really want to go and know how much she improved. Too bad this work here is delaying me.

" You know, you could always just leave and take a bit of rest. Nobody would really yell at you for not reaching your own quota. In fact, no one even knew that you had a quota for work like that." Paelisher said while comforting me. Seriously, if you have time like this, then let me do my work.

" How about you come and help me so I could finally finish my work? I am sure any suggestion from someone like you would be great to assist this young dwarf." I said while teasing him. He always just stand there and watch me struggle as if enjoying my suffering.

" You know, let's see it a bit, I have time, and I am currently bored so yeah," Paelisher said. Old man... if you are bored, go find someone else! Go flirt with those other female dwarf elves! My age difference from yours is literally more than 2000 years! But I wasn't really expecting him to accept my help request. I guess that works too.

I brought Paelisher into my workshop in the backyard where I am still improving the wind-aether generator.

" Currently I am using the wind to compress the air in order to extract the mana within and convert it to aether, any suggestion?" I said directly.

Paelisher went around looking at the compressor and also the converter. He has totally no intention to look at the turbine blades.

" You said that aether is a kind of energy right? Cant, you directly use the energy from the wind to generate aether?" Paelisher asked me. Seriously... I already explained this a lot of times.

" What is generated from the wind is called kinetic energy, not mana. Aether is generated from mana, so unless there is a way to convert the kinetic energy or whatever energy into mana or aether directly, we would still need this setup." I explained.

" I already thought of using that method, but until we got a good runecrafter, it isn't possible. The only one I know is Lucy which obtained that from her skill. There isn't even much runecrafter within Heart Forge." I added, this time with a very annoyed tone.

" You know, one of the requirements to evolve into a Noble Dwarf, is to become an intermediate runecrafter. So I also know some runecrafting." Paelisher said while acting pretty cocky.

" Sometimes I wish that you would speak these things out more open. If you speak this earlier, I would save 1 month of progress!" I said angrily towards Paelisher. You are a runecrafter yet you didn't tell me? And you just watched me suffer for one month? 

You are reading story Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here at

" What do you want from me for helping me, old man," I said. If he was hiding his skills all this time but suddenly exposes them to me, it must be because he wanted something.

" You see, I heard of the boat that you made for Miss Lucy, I was wondering if you could develop a version where it will be possible to ride it on lava," Paelisher said. Seriously, a lava speedboat...

" If you want to die, do it on your own. Don't drag me in. Even if I could develop such boat, you would be cooked before you could even ride that boat." I said to him, denying his little fantasy there. He is really eager for this idea, but it is too illogical now. Maybe the moment you develop heat resistant suit it would be possible, but I don't want to waste time developing that just to make your fantasies true... Arent, I in my own fantasy now... being reincarnated into another world is my fantasy right? So maybe I should make his fantasy true... Nope.

" If you could develop a suit which makes you resistant to the immense heat from the lava, then sure I would do it, until then, nope," I said.

" Deal now let's help you with this turbine," Paelisher replied. Wait... what? Did you accept that? Just like that? I really don't know what is this 2000+ old dwarf is thinking about...

" Use this rune, it would use external energy to produce aether. I am sure this will help your solar generator too. It produces heat and light energy from the sunlight right? Then it would work there too. With the middle step of capturing the mana or heating up the air gone, you should be able to produce a more simpler and more efficient aether generators." Paelisher said while giving me a rune formation that I don't know when the hell did he draw it. If you could do these things so fast... DO IT AT THE FIRST PLACE.

" Why didn't you give me this since the start," I asked

" Because I was bored and you didn't ask," Paelisher answered.

YOU 2000+ OLD KID!

2nd Sukurach of Nezariel 1236

Prince Albert's POV

" With this the development of the berserk weapon is complete," I said towards the researchers. The berserk weapon is a weapon that utilizes the mana in the air to forcefully inject it into the enemy's body. The other non-humans in this world will enter a state of mana berserk if they absorb too much mana in a short amount of time, during mana berserk, they will attempt to seek out other beings that have mana inside in an attempt to eject the mana within them to other beings. This normally will cause a lot of chain reactions where a group of people all having the symptoms of mana berserk until the mana stabilizes. Normally mana berserk is a really tame condition as no lives are really affected during mana berserk. The only danger is when it is prolonged or the mana containment is too high. This will cause the host to lost control of their body and act on its instant to inject mana into other beings, either by force or through spells. This is the state that we want to achieve as it will disrupt within the enemies. Will it work on us humans? No. We don't have mana, we cant hold mana so these things will not have any uses against us, nor will we be targetted by the beast. Pretty useful.

" By using these rifles, we could inject this berserk ammo into the enemies. Causing huge disruption within enemies." I said and they all hail towards me. Really... didn't you humans also developed this same weapon like one or two thousand years ago... I am just bringing it back. Whatever. The next weapon should be re-creating their so-called mana bomb. Though I think I will improve it on my own. I don't want the terrain to be destroyed after all. If the world is destroyed, then it wouldn't be fun anymore.

" It is time to face your sins." I heard a voice say that. 

" Who are you, guards protect me!" I yelled.

" They can't protect you, their time has been stopped, currently the only one being able to move is you and me along with the other gods." the voice said. I remember! It must be God A! Damn it, he traced me down so fast already?

" You have caused a lot of disruption within both the Reincarnation Realm and also within the realm of Astrea. You will be punished according to both Astrean Laws and to the reincarnation realm laws." God A said.

Tsk... he is really getting on my nerves. I have to act quickly. But what can I do... Damn it, I don't really want to do this but this is my last chance to freaking punish those damn reincarnators.

I can feel that my soul is being pulled out by God A. Damn it, I hope what I did could really solve my revenge. I hope you like my little gift God A.

" You will regret this!" I said to him.

" Tell that to the other gods, especially to the one that the humans worship. He dislikes how you treated his pope and also the prince. Astrea is also angry at your actions towards the destruction of his planet." God A says. 

Even if I am gone, I will continue to make you suffer! I swear!