Chapter 45: Chapter 45 Preparation for a War

2nd Tekulach of Desariel 1236

Belgrynd's POV

I guess I took too long to make this stuff. Doesn't matter, I made it and I am happy about it. With this, I am definitely giving this freaking empire some payback for what they did to me! I stored away all of the weapons and ammunition I made into my storage and start heading back towards the hideout that Flux and Frux live at. Hmmm, I wonder if they made any progress in getting information out of those three people, who knows, they might have died for whatever I cared. Let's go back.

I walked out of my main hideout, and what welcome me is...

Nothing, just the emptiness of the vast plains here with the occasional spruce tree and shrubs. Is it even spruce... I'm not that sure. But nobody cares, the inventory just told me wood so I don't know!

After checking that there are no enemies near me, I start flying towards the hideout that I gave Flux and Frux.

After around 30 minutes of slow-flying, I reached the hideout that Flux and Frux are at. Surprisingly, there are no humans nearby, which could be a good thing or it could be that they have raided the place and left, the hatch is still intact so I believe it will be the former. But for safety purposes, I fly further away to check if there is anyone remotely nearby. After checking nobody is near at all, I landed down and opened the hatch. 

" What a warm welcome, having two of my own gunblades pointed at me," I said while the two gunblades lower down.

" Seriously, after the third day, we both thought you just abandoned us here!" Flux yelled.

" Didn't I said that you are free to go? I even said I am not sure how long will it take for me to complete my new stuff." I said while heading towards the temporary disposal bin.

" So who died. I can see this is two-person worth of fertilizers." I asked hrmm I'm gonna bet it's the priest's body, I have made three holes two on his thighs and one on his shoulders. Compared to the coordinator which I didn't hurt at all and the random passerby, he has the highest death chance.

" Its the priest's body, he resisted while we are interrogating him and we had to shoot him," Frux replied. Ah, so not natural death huh, doesn't matter, no one would punish you for killing him anyways.

" So no useful information huh, how about the coordinator. Did she said something?" This one is important, she and her team are sent here directly by the prince, her information should be more than the useless fatty I killed on the first day.

" Well, apparently she said that the prince one day received a very helpful advisor. The advisor keeps helping the prince in doing a lot of stuff, from bureaucracy to scientific inventions, even to swordsmanship. Ever since then his power continues to gain and one day, he brought these guys and told them to hunt for you. At first, they don't believe that there would be a demi-human in this continent since we never saw them. But the prince paid a hefty amount, so they just accepted it without thinking too much." Frux said.

" So, basically, the prince got a helper AI that helps him do all sorts of stuff, including finding me," I said this is probably the work of the damn bastard that caused me so many problems. Urgh, why the hell can't he leave me alone...

" I don't know what an ey aye is bit I think so." Flux said. Oh yeah, I forgot, they wouldn't know what an AI this, this world's technology isn't that advanced.

" How about the other kid? What did you two do to him." I asked because I can clearly feel that the extra guy, Jasper was it was not locked inside his room, instead, he is wandering all around the place.

" Oh, that one, Flux decided to take him in in order to make him help Flux in his peddling stuff. Plus, he could help carry your stuff to sell since the prince would be finding you here and there." Frux said. That is true... now that I cant go out so directly, I will need a middle man, and since Flux is already doing peddling business, letting that guy help him would be a great idea. 

" Oh before I forgot, you know the location of the cultist bases? I have some gifts for them." I said as I gave the evilest grin I could muster, though it probably still looks funny as I can see Flux holding back his laughter.

" From what we got, they generally make a sign at the entrance for their bases, and is most likely to be near the local church, if there isn't a church at that village, they would settle it near the mayor's house," Frux said while explaining how they locate their base. Hmmm, that should be easy to find, at least those near the plains. Those at the coast and the ones at the plateau will be harder as they would have better security or at least guard force. 

" Alright, I'm going out to deliver this new stuff I made to these cultists. Prepare to fight a prolonged fight near the coast there. After I handle most of the ones at the plains, we will head towards the coast first, then finally towards the Plateau. Prepare whatever you want that you can carry. That guy, Jasper was it... prepare him to be combat-ready. I don't want a dead weight to be there when I am going to fight humans. If he can't fight them, just throw him at some corner so he won't be a nuisance to us." I said as I left and head towards the priest. 

" Still alive huh, glad to know that. I have a very good offer for you. Help me, and I will let you go back to your little cult." I said with an evil grin.

On that same night, a large explosion occurred at the basement of the church in the city of Rye. Dozens of people were found dead wearing weird robes and the corpse of a lot of former missing townspeople are found.

1st Sukurach of Meruriel 1237

Belgrynd's POV

You are reading story Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here at

Phew, the progress is going very good. We have been bombing the cultist base one by one at the plains! Not to mention, each time we bombed their base, I got a lot of extra loot too! From metals to food and most importantly, more meat! Though Jasper keeps vomiting every time I took their bodies but not my problem. If you don't want to see this, then you shouldn't stick to me in the first place! Go to where Flux and Frux are.

" This town's cultist is also done, that means we are done with the cities on the plains! Now, let's start preparing for the coastal cities! Let's go meet up with Flux and Frux, move faster or you will be left behind." I said to Jasper as I start flying towards Flux and Frux. Why arent I walking you ask, cause I don't trust Jasper. If I walk, what if he sneaks behind and stabbed me! That is why I was flying to find Flux and Frux, better safe than sorry after all.

All of the sudden, I can feel someone from the debris. So I missed someone huh, guess I didn't finish the job as well as I expected it to be. I shot one more time at the survivor, making sure that it is dead, and without even looking at him anymore further, I resume flying to where Flux is. But it seems Jasper is doing something.

" Oi, hurry up Jasper. I am not waiting for you if you lag behind." I yelled at him and continue flying. It seems he is looting the guy. I better tell Flux or Frux to check up on him. But before I was able to continue, I got shot from behind. Yep... betrayal at its best. Too bad, normal bullets don't have an effect on... it's this substance...

" I knew we shouldn't take you in! You imbecile!" I yelled as I continuously shoot at Jasper! I knew this guy doesn't have any goodwill! It definitely is a mistake that they took this kid in! I continuously shoot. I shoot until my magazines are empty. I hate this feeling. The feeling of betrayal. Urgh... although I can feel that I have more mana within me now, it is starting to cloud my mind. Is this the effect of mana berserk? Does that someone lose their mind? 

Before I knew it, I had landed on the ground, and I can feel two people heading towards here. I guess it is Flux and Frux huh...

" I am guessing you never thought that we would plant someone like that near you huh, little dragon." I take that back. Freaking shit.

" Well servers her right, she tried to harm our god, it is normal that she got punished like this." The other one said, an old geezer apparently.

" Well, before her friends come back, let's get her out of here. I still want more of those dragon scale armor after all. Those are very useful." the younger voice said. As if... I won't let you! Even though I felt a bit dizzy, I will not go down without a fight!

" Oh, it seems she is still conscious! I guess that kid there didn't hit hard enough huh. Welp that is to be expected. He is a kid after all. I won't expect someone from the slums to be able to work properly anyways." the younger voice said. You two... speaking it out loud as if I am dead. Since you two think I'm dead, I'm going to prove that I am not!

*Bang* I shot towards them. I highly doubt it will hit since I am still feeling a bit dizzy. But it seems it did the job.

" You imbecile! How dare you!" the older voice said. It seems I hit the younger one huh, serves you right. I am not a source of dragon scales for you! Use your own fingernails if you want a scale armor that badly! Prick!

" This is bad, I have to bring you to medical care, your highness... This won't be the last time you see us filth! We will definitely punish you for the actions you have done to our god!" the older voice said as I felt him dragging the younger one away. It seems that one is the prince huh. Damn it. Urgh... I need to get away from here as fast as I can... I can't fight in this condition.

I went to where I think Jasper is, and store his body into my inventory. I had to let Flux and Frux know that he is dead, after all, those two treated him quite good. Now that I killed Jasper, would those two get angry at me? I hope not... It is self-defense... But the prince huh... I guess I need to hurry up now... urgh my head hurts.

Flux's POV

" Don't you think Bell and Jasper are taking too long?" I asked Frux. Normally those two would be here already, well mostly Bell would be here while Jasper is chasing her.

" Do you think we should go and find them? Though I'm not doubting Bell's ability to fight, she does have to protect Jasper if something happens after all." Frux said. Well, that is true...

" I guess let's go check them out. Just in case." I said as we both start walking towards where Bell and Jasper were supposed to be. Me and Frux were handling the east entrance while Bell and Jasper were at the west entrance. So I bet they should be near there.

After 5 minutes or so walking, we found Bell slowly walking towards us. Clearly, something had happened to her. We both rushed to her and ask her what happened. But before we could say anything, she slumped down onto us and fell unconscious. Just what happened...

" What happened here... why is Bell like this. I can see that there are no visible injuries, so just what happened... and what happened to Jasper? Why isn't he here?" Frux said. Oh yeah... I also noticed it. Jasper is missing, just what happened here...

" Should we bring her back to the hideout first? Maybe she could tell us what happened here when she woke up..." I said, I mean, it clearly isn't good to stay here where we could be attacked anytime.

" Wouldnt it risks letting the hideout be found?" Frux asked.

" I know, but at least it is better than staying here in the open. In the hideout, we at least could just defend it from the tunnel. While here we could get attacked from all sides." I said as I carried Bell on my back we start heading towards our hideout.

Just what happened here...