Chapter 58: Chapter 50 We met again

Belgrynd's POV

Huh... wasn't I with the gang just now... where is this place...

I don't know where I am right now, I should be on the yacht that I think is the work of Peter... but no, this place looks like some sort of garden... I can see the clear sky on top of me that seems a bit fake, to be honest. The clouds look real but there is no sun not there is a moon...

I stood up and realized, did I get taller again? I feel like I'm around 10 cm taller than before now... And when I look down, I can finally see a bit of bulge coming out from my top. I'm not a flattop now huh, at least there are some bumps now.

" You sure took it well despite your previous life as a male huh. I guess my world didn't treat you too good that you are literally forced to adapt to your body fast." I heard a woman's voice. Though it sounds like the one who said that is pretty far away...

" Continue walking, I will be waiting little girl." The voice said... Since I don't know what to do, I decided to follow the voice and continue walking down the path through the garden. 

After what I assume is a minute, I reached the center of the garden. Within the center is a huge holographic model of what I think is the solar system of the world we are in now. The planet that I am on just now was the 2nd in the solar system, as that is the only one that seems to contain water and consists of 2 moons.

" Good observation. I thought you were too busy hiding and fighting to notice that the planet has two moons." The voice said, this time, I noticed something. Below the model of the sun, is a woman that looks like she is in her 30s. She has curly blonde hair that reached the waist. I'm not sure how tall she is as she is lying down on a couch, but she seems to be around 165 cm tall.

" 168 darling. I'm not that short. But you are close enough so I'll let it pass." She said. She must be a god or goddess since she can read my mind. So I am able to meet two gods within this life huh. Would I meet the third one?

" If you consider that he will soon be downgraded as a god, you can say you have met three. But that isn't the point. I called you here because your senior had a very fun idea that I would want to see too. You see, do you know why your life after reincarnation is so bad? As in you reincarnated into an entire continent hostile to non-humans, then got tortured mercilessly for the past months. What if I said that those aren't really natural courses, but are because of a certain someone's interference." the goddess said.

" So what, it is not like anything will change... what do you even want me to do by calling me here? I doubt I could help a Goddess to do anything. Unless you somehow want me to be an ambassador for you to the ground spread your religion or something if you have." I said to the goddess. Not that I am disrespecting them, but I'm really too tired to do this kind of stuff. I just want to be with my friends.

" I understand that, but you know darling, your soul isn't that stable because of what happened, hence it is better if you could endure this time and allow us gods to fix your soul first before you can enjoy your time with your friends. He went through a lot to make sure your soul will be in a fixable state and in order to complete it, he might take a few days." The goddess said. A few days for complete recovery huh... But if I didn't guess wrong from what she said, it wouldn't matter if I am asleep right? Why does she need me here?

" Ah.... Don't be so cautious. I'm not going to do anything bad to you! Don't worry!" The goddess said. I forgot she could read my mind... Also, everyone who said they won't do something often ends up doing it. 

" Stop stereotyping... Anyways, since your soul would require several days to process, I would like to present to you a gift! I'm sure you would love it." The goddess said. I can't help but feel this is not good. Gods and goddesses normally don't give out gifts for free... There must be a catch for this.

The goddess stand up and clapped her hands. With that, another one who I assume is also a god came in while carrying another person. But the one who did the carrying seems familiar... I felt like I saw his face before...

" My name is Kur Edzard, you fought my so-called 'religion' members already and killed a lot of them. But don't worry, I am not a patron god so what they are doing is just using my name to kill innocent people. I don't even know how in Astrea did they got my name." Edzard said as he throws the one he's holding onto the ground in front of me.

" There, this guy is the one who messed up your life here. Originally Astrea here wants him to serve his sentence of harming souls within her realm by working under her for 100 years before returning to the reincarnation realm to be punished there. But since just right this moment, your soul is being repaired, Astrea decided that she will bring you here and let you do what you want to do to him. After all, if what I heard isn't wrong, not only did he messed up your current life but also your previous one." Edzard explained. 

" Oh, feel free to do whatever you want. He won't die, that is for sure, but I have made sure that he can feel pain so you can do whatever you like, I'm sure you would want him to experience missing limbs right? Since that is the most painful torture that you had endure so far." Astrea said. Oi, is it ok for a goddess to say something like this?

When I saw the bounded guy... I felt a rush of emotions... fear, hatred, agony a lot of them...

Astrea's POV

" No... no... NOOOOOOOO!!" the girl suddenly shouts out, and fell down, grabbing her head while shaking, as if trying to forget something.

" Wait wait, calm down calm down girl!" Kur ran ahead while trying to comfort the girl.

" This is your work right?" I ask Berth, the captured god that is said to caused the soul of the girl to almost collapse. 

" Ha, what do you mean, I didn't do anything now, I'm bounded by this power-sealing rope. I can't even use my powers, now I'm just your average human being." Berth said, trying to act innocent.

" Look, I don't care what the reincarnation realm gods treat you, but currently, you are in my realm, my home turf, you either confess what you did, or I will ask the reincarnation administrators to hand you to me for further punishment. Kur, bring the girl away for a while, I have to deal with this guy alone and preferably not within the sights of the girl." I said towards Kur while I walk towards Berth.

" Roger!" Kur then forcibly carries the girl away... despite the girl rejected what Kur is doing, you are still a mortal being and can't fight back against a God. But from what I can see, this soon-to-be-former god sure did a number on her huh... poor girl... I will need to ask Akre to help undo it. 

" It seems like you haven't learned your lessons huh, doesn't matter, I will make sure you will enjoy your punishment later. You disgrace of gods." I said to Berth before asking another helper of mine to bring him to his 'workplace' and head towards the resting quarters.

" How is the girl Kur, is she still having a mental... nevermind," I asked as I opened the door, judging by how the girl is hiding in the corner cowering, I can say, she is still having a mental breakdown. Poor girl...

" Come Kur, I need your opinion on this," I told Kur and head out of the room.

" What do you think of this situation," I asked.

" I believe that the reincarn- *ahem* I mean former reincarnation god used his powers to instill many fake bad memories within her mind during the transmigration process. According to what I heard when I was bringing her here, this definitely isn't the first time she had memories like this coming up, I think letting her and Berth met has triggered all of them at the same time and caused that mental breakdown. If we really have to help, the only thing we could do is to knock her out forcefully or at least try to calm her down. Though I have zero ideas on how to calm her down that is." Kur answered. Jeez, this surely is a tough one.

" Akre, quickly finish your soul fix progress... I need help here..." I murmured.

" You call?" Akre suddenly appeared in between me and Kur, startling both of us.

" Damn it! I know reincarnation gods are eccentric but could you at least not appear in front of us so suddenly!" Kur yelled. 

" What, I heard someone calling me then I just come, anything wrong with that?" Akre said nonchalantly.

" Seriously, but thank you for coming so fast, we had a problem with the girl. Apparently, Berth instilled some fake memories in her that are now causing her a mental breakdown, think you could fix that?" I asked Akre, he is a reincarnation god so he should be able to fix this.

" Huh, he even did that? Damn it, thanks for noticing, I guess I have to fix that within the soul too, I will do that later after I help the girl, where is she now?" Akre asked and I pointed to the room behind Kur.

As we enter the room, the girl is still cowering at the same corner that we left her... somehow seeing her in this state wants me to keep her by my side...

You are reading story Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here at

" I'm guessing this didn't happen until she met B right?" Akre asked, B... oh Berth... I nodded and he went back and continue to think of something.

" Young one, I'm sorry that you had to endure this nightmare, just a little more and you will be free, I promise." is what Akre said before forcibly making her sleep.

" Oi! And I was thinking we don't need to do things so forcefully!" I yelled at Akre.

" You think I would want to? B ingrained these fake memories into her soul, without modifying it, I can't erase them! And if the host is still conscious, it is still easy to left out some part. I don't want her to remember about it again." Arke said as he lifted off the girl and placed her on the bed. He then took a chair and sat next to her while preparing to modify her soul.

" This won't take long if it just memories I have altered a lot of them, so if you are really interested in her, you could stay and accompany her after I am done, though you better organize your realm staff first so they won't panic with you gone for a while, and Kur, you better learn this, I heard you also want to be a reincarnation god, remember what I did, as this will be a very common process while working as a reincarnation god," Akre said as he starts modifying the girl's soul. I left the room and let them do theirs while I went back to the main garden to start dividing some of my and Kur's job to the other staff. Good thing that I used a lot of currency in getting more staff members... if it was the previous me, I would just save up currency to buy the goods that I wanted... though I still save some of them though...

3rd Maelach of Juriel Year 1237

Lucy's POV

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I heard a loud scream, and it sounds like Bell! I woke up and immediately rushes to her room.

In front of her door, I can see May, Amy, and also Petrasha rushing towards there. With Flux and Frux following suit. 

" What the hell was that... what happened to Bell?" May asked. 

" As if I know, we all are sleeping, how the hell should I know what happened to her?" I replied.

" Shut up and quickly go in and check what's going on with her!" Amy said which we then opened the door and went in.

Inside the room, is Bell who has covered herself with her wing and is even holding her head with her hand. But she isn't awake...

" Did she get a nightmare?" Petrasha asked. What nightmare would let her scream like that? Plus it isn't like this a few days ago.

" Just what kind of nightmare would make one scream like that, while making her reflexively go into that position... plus, wasn't she supposed to be unconscious? Can someone unconscious still dream?" May asked... I don't know...

" That is true... even back at the hideout, she never screamed this loud despite having nightmares... sure she often has nightmares, but at most, it's just groaning and thrashing around... it never went like this before." Flux said. Wait, so this isn't the first time already? 

" What's with the noise..." Christine said as she walked towards us groggily... you useless elf.

" Quiet, the lass seems to be saying something... I think it's sleep talking but I think it will give us some clues..." Frux yelled out as we all quite down.

" Please... forgive me... I didn't mean to... don't kill me..." Forgive? Ask who to forgive? Who is killing you?

" I didn't mean to leave you all alone... I really didn't... forgive me..." I can feel where this is going... the only one who is "left alone" is Beno back on Earth... is she guilty that she is the last one back on Earth?

" I didn't kill you all! It's not my fault! I didn't know you would die!" Huh? This is getting more and more complicated...

" I'm sorry Adeline... I didn't mean to kill you... I don't know!" Bell said as Amy suddenly feels shocked with her name being mentioned. 

" Me? Why are you sorry for me? What did you mean you didn't mean to kill me... I didn't die to your hands... didn't I die being struck by lightning?" Amy said to us which gotten us confused...

" I'm sorry Marco... I didn't mean to let you die in a fire... I didn't know the stove is on!" this time it's May's turn.

" What? Me? You aren't even remotely near me at that time to kill me????" May said. This is getting more and more confusing.

The rest of her words are either incoherent, or we can't form a sentence out of it. But we do hear all of our previous names getting called out. She even mentioned her previous mother, father, and also sister... but... Beno didn't have a sister... Then as abruptly she starts having the nightmare, she stopped having it suddenly too... a second ago she was murmuring about getting all of us killed, then a second later she just stop talking at all...

" This is really weird... she mentioned all of our names... previous and current, even Kent is mentioned..." Amy said.

" It seems she thought that she killed us all? But none of us died remotely near Beno back in our previous life..." May said...

" Do you think she is blaming herself for all of our previous death? Including Kent's death?" Christine said but something isn't right...

" If she is blaming herself for that, I can understand a bit, she seems to be facing harsh treatment after all of our death according to May, but what isn't right, is she also mentioned our current names... we haven't even died here and she thinks she killed all of us here too? That is a bit too weird now..." Petrasha answered with her analysis.

" Not to mention she just suddenly stopped just now. Back then she would just continue until she wakes up... it doesn't end so abruptly." Flux added. 

" You think there's someone doing stuff? I mean, didn't Lucy got some info about God fixing her soul? Maybe this is the process?" Christine said.

" If it is... I think we better look out for her in the future... something isn't wrong with her mind if she keeps dreaming things like this..." I said and all of them nodded.

" Speaking of which, where is Kent? Don't tell me he can still sleep despite that shout. If he really is still sleeping, my opinion of him really dropped a lot..." May said. At the same time, Neo and Jasai rushed in.

" We heard someone screaming even from underwater... what happened..." they said.

" Ok, minus some respect for Kent..." our entire gang said, though everyone else feels confused about it...