Chapter 63: Chapter 55 First Adventure?

2nd Sukurach of Juriel Year 1237

Belgrynd's POV

Everyone liked the food~ I'm happy~

Well... almost everyone...

" To be honest, there are better cooks, right? Don't we have that merfolk guy... Jasai was it? Didn't he open a restaurant? I'm sure his cooking would be much better." Kent commented. Why oh why, I didn't know you don't like my food so much? Last time you were eating raw meat as if it is the best food in the world, now you're commenting on how I could improve my cooking now huh. Are you sure that when the humans throw you into the water, you didn't hit anything with your head right? Cause I felt that you did...

" Hey Bell, you wanna come out? We gonna reach the shore soon. We are going to enter a harbor at the Aquarix Kingdom, restock a bit then directly head back to the Zarcara Continent. Wanna come check?" Lucy yelled out from the deck. Hrmm, this kingdom has a lot of demons right? So... I cant see many types of people right? Only demons right?

" Oh yeah, we are also staying there until evening, then head back. Petrasha seems to be getting some orders from Lord Paelisher." Lucy added. Pae-wha? Paylisher? 

" OK... so... can I go explore bit by myself? Or I have to stay here..." I yelled back to Lucy as I head to the decks. Please tell me I can go explore. Somehow Kent feels different. It feels that he isn't the friendly Kent I know back then... he only talks good things to May... I feel like he is just sweet-talking May, and I don't like that feeling. You might be a friend of mine when I was down, but I won't let you do anything to my friends!

" Well, if you come back before dinner sure. Though the time might change a bit, depending on whether Petry wants you to cook or not. They don't really like my cooking, eh hehehe..." Lucy said in a dejected voice. Poor Lucy, don't worry, you will improve~

" OK~ how about you? Are you going into town too?" I asked Lucy. While I want to go alone and explore it, having someone who knows the place would be better.

" No. I will be here helping Petry moving the stuff. I highly doubt Christine would want to go, so your only chance is May or Amy. I'm sure Jasai and Neo would rather stay in the water and we can't let both humans go out as it's too dangerous for them to go out in the Desarrkti continent." Lucy said. Hrmm... heading out alone then! But since I can't go too far... I guess I will just explore the city...

" Don't think of going too far. It would be troublesome if we cant find you. I am confident that you can come back to us even after nighttime, but I am scared you might do something bad." Lucy warned me. Cmon I'm not a little girl~ I can take care of myself~ no need to look at me like that~

" Oh yeah, one of my friends back there told me to deliver a letter to one of the locals, could you help me deliver it? I forgot to give it to him last time when I am here. Just ask the locals about Berk's shop and you would be good to go." Lucy said again while she took out a letter. Well, if you said it like that, I suppose that I can help you a bit. Yeah sure. I nodded and took the letter and place it into my inventory.

" We stopping in 5 minutes~ Lucy, call Amy and May to help me get some stuff. Also, call Jasai to get some nice fish products. He is a fish chef so I trust his eyes on this." Petrasha yelled from the outside. Well, guess my own first adventure would start now huh, even though it is only within a town, I guess it still counts. I mean, if you are exploring somewhere unknown to you, it would be counted as an exploration or adventure right? 

After a while, the port is within our views, and boy oh boy... this is totally different from what I expected. I was expecting it to be like a typical medieval port or harbor city but it looks kinda modern but not really. I can see a lot of tall stone structures that are at least five stories tall. There are even wooden cranes helping to lift cargo at the other side of the port. It is like a modern-day harbor except it's mostly wooden and stone compared to the steel structures. But it's almost there, I think... not to mention, it is also using stone piers rather wooden ones like in the human villages I raided... that is an upgrade for sure. Man, I can't wait to go and see what is there to see in this town! Though, Lucy said that this continent is full of demons... so... a lot of demons? I'm not sure.... but that is why I am going on an adventure to explore this place!

As I admire the far scenery of the entire town in front of me, I noticed one thing... we docked already and Lucy is gone... probably doing her stuff with Petrasha... well, guess I will be going then~ 

As I walked onto the deck, I found the missing Lucy. She is now on the pier with Petrasha checking stuff with the local officer guy. Whoever this is, I don't think I need to care, and since I don't want to bother them, I decided to just jump off the yacht and directly start my adventure in the new foreign town~ 

As I wander through the town, I can see a lot of things that definitely break my previous opinion about isekai towns. There are roads in the town... roads as in the one for vehicles... and it is not just that it's a dirt path for them, its paved stone paths. The sidewalk for pedestrians is built slightly higher than the paths for the vehicles. There are even drainage holes here and there. Not to mention streetlights everywhere and it's always on! Isn't this a waste of whatever power it is running on? And when I thought that the buildings closer to the sea are tall, I can see even taller buildings as I walked close to the town square... all of these are pretty damn impressive... the architecture is also great! Every building is using mostly stone if not a mixture between stone and wood. I even noticed some newer buildings use something that looks like concrete! There is even colored glass on some of the buildings too! Damn... this looks like some old historical residential area I saw back on Earth...

Come to think of it... I have been too focused on looking around, that when I noticed it... it makes me feel like a country bumpkin... damn this is embarrassing...

As I continue to walk, I also realized one thing... there are plenty of races within this town... but there isn't anyone that looks like me... and that makes everyone throwing glances at me whenever I pass by! Urgh... I won't reject attention, but this kind of attention made me look like some kind of animal in the zoo... I hate it... which made me walked faster as I head to the town square...

Damn... the country bumpkin is back again! This town square is too damn cool! The entire town square looks like an oversized roundabout as it is circular in shape and the roads actually pass around it... does this still counts as a town square? I feel like a town circle would fit it more. Within the circular path is a flat area with a circle of trees at the outermost perimeter, followed by some benches, and in the very middle of it, is a large fountain that is definitely at least 3 meters tall! There is a lot of people here that are just jogging around or is resting on the benches. I can even see kids running around playing catch or other games. 

" Nice view huh?" a voice suddenly said next to me. It is a demon I believe as he has horns on top of his head and slightly pale purple-ish skin, though... he looks old... there are wrinkles on his forehead too... if it isn't because of his dark reddish hair, I would definitely think he is a young demon and not an old one.

" Yeah... This is the first time I saw such a beautiful place after reaching here." I replied to him while I continue watching the scene.

" Reaching here huh. That's sure is a strange way to saying things. But I guess it's one of another of the trends you youngsters love." The old demon said... Damn did I almost exposed that I'm not from this world? Wait... Do the other races discriminate against the other worlders? Damn... I guess I have to be more careful now... Oh! I just remembered one thing - Lucy's delivery! Maybe I could ask this old man where does Berk lived and directly head there! Though I don't really want to interrupt him from viewing the scene.

" Are you finding someone? I can feel that you wanted to ask but are scared to interrupt me. Young ones like you are these days you know, they just tend to do whatever they want and don't care what others feel after all hahaha." the old demon said as he laughed. Er... thanks for the compliment? Does that even count as one? I'm starting to feel confused... 

" Er... I'm finding someone called Berk. A friend of mine told me to deliver a letter to him... but I don't know where he lives so I am just wandering around. My friend told me that asking people about the name Berk would lead me to them but I'm too focused on exploring the town I guess." I said which I can see him visibly reacted to the name Berk. Maybe he knows Berk?

" I see, very well, if you want, you can let this old man guide you to the shop he is working at. He doesn't go out often, to be honest." the old man said. Phew, at least with this I could do this quite easily. Just hand over the letter and continue to wander around~

" Really? Thank you! I hope I'm not interrupting you though." I said as I thanked the old man while following his lead towards where Berk is.

While we are heading towards the shop that this Berk works at, I continue to take my time and enjoy the sights. Damn, this is definitely not what I expected from an isekai world, though I can't really remember in detail what I expected anyway. But it is still impressive, the street I am walking on is full of shops that are at least 3 to 4 stories tall, and is made completely out of stone. I can even see some being reinforced with metal frames. And damn, the smell of food is also really attractive... the smell of roasted meat, grilled meat, stews and more... I really hope I can come back later and sightsee the entire continent... maybe I should discuss this with them! It would be fun if we could go on a trip together as we did before!

" It really is refreshing to see young ones like you jumping all around looking at things you have never seen before, haha!" the old man said... grabbing me back to reality... damn that's embarrassing... but fun. I enjoy sightseeing a lot. Especially places with stuff that I have never seen before.

You are reading story Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here at

" Here we are, follow me, Berk should be at his own office now." the old man said as he opened the door of one of the shops and went inside. I looked up and realized. The bottom floor is an art supplier, and the top three floors are an orphanage. I guess even though they are more advanced, there would still be children that are abandoned here and there. That is the sad truth I guess...

As I went inside the shop, I was met with even more unfamiliar stuff. I saw a lot of paintbrushes but I don't see any paints, which is weird. Normally you would sell the paint along with the brush, in fact, you would sell more of the paint than the brush as it gets used up. But I don't see a single paint bottle in here. Only various types of brush and whiteboards. Not the modern type of whiteboard, but just a board with white-colored coatings. I don't think it is paint.

" Come on girl, Berk should be upstairs now." the old demon rushes me. OK OK, but I am sure I am going to question Berk about all of this stuff. I am very interested in it!

As I climb the stairs to the second floor, I can hear a lot of people talking, or should I say playing. Well, it is an orphanage so it would be normal that kids would be playing there. As I reached the end, my guess proves me correct. Within my view is a large room with a lot of kids from various races playing around. Some playing catch, some reading books, some playing toys, and some even just sleeping. There would be around 50 to 60 of them inside this large room. Which is a lot to be honest. If it isn't because that this shop is large, I doubt it could fit this many people.

" Hurry up or you are going to be swarmed, there are still two more floors girl." the old demon rushed me again. Damn it let me analyze the scene first ok? Or maybe, I should just directly go and then analyze later... yeah I will do that. I rushed up again before any of the kids see me. I am 1 million percent sure that if any of them saw me, they will be interested in some of my body parts... namely the tail... as most of them either have fluffy tails or pointy tails...

The third floor seems to be where they sleep as I can see a lot of bunk beds on that floor. It didn't attract my attention so I quickly rushed up to the highest floor, the fourth floor.

As I reached the fourth floor, I was met with several rooms, each with a label at its side. Let's see... Kyper's Room, Usper's Room, Pebber's room... Cyber's Room and lastly, Berk's room. It seems his room is the last huh. I wonder who the other four are, his workers? Friends? Or he just rents these rooms to other people...

" Oh, old man, you are back. Good timing, I heard Lucy's boat has docked, so you should prepare for her to come soon. I am sure this time she would have a letter from Usper, she should be able to find something about that topic already in the dwarven kingdom. Oh, we have visitors huh, its rare to have one, my name is Cytherisk Berkteros, call me Cyber in short. Nice to meet you girl." Cyber said as he greets me while he er... scan through my body.

" Hrmm, not a lizardkin, lizardkin shouldn't have horns like that and wings... dragonkin? But dragonkin would have their limbs exactly like a dragon, not a half transformation... not to mention, I never saw a dragonkin with blue scales, is it a new variant? Or a new skill..." Cyber says as he walks closer to me and examines me... that is when... he touched my tail...



" That is why I told you to not touch any foreign species without their permission. Is that catkin's fury not enough? She almost chopped your hand off that time... " the old man said as he went towards the broken door that Cyber is lying at now... did I knocked him out like that?

" I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do that..." I said apologetically to them...

" Don't worry, girl, this guy is always like this to topics that he likes. He is a racial researcher. He researches each race in-depth, and every time he met a species that is not a demon, vampire, or devils, he just went ahead and examines them, no matter the gender by the way. Which is why he still doesn't have a girlfriend despite being over 120 years old." the old man said as he helps Cyber to stand up.

" You don't need to tell her that you know... she doesn't need to hear all these issues... urgh.. my back hurts... probably a broken spine or something... OI PEB-NEE! COME OUT! YOUR LITTLE BROTHER IS INJURED!" Cyber groaned as he yells out for another guy... or girl.

It is then the other door also opened up, not the one that belongs to Pebber, but to Kyper.

" Shut up stupid brother, I am trying to complete my work!" Kyper said, judging from his outfit. I can guess that he is an artist, as he has the artist apron in front of him.

" Cant you be a bit nicer to your big bro, he just hurt himself ok? Plus, we have visitors." Cyber said. This time, Pebber's door opened which revealed a vampire who I think is still half asleep.

" Stop yelling... how many times I have to fix you already... cant I have a good nice sleep... I have been overworking since two months ago..." Pebber groaned, still sleepy, but still walks over to Cyber and used magic to heal him.

" Dislocated spine, bone fractures, and a missing brain, I can help you with the first two but good luck on the other two. Now let me sleep... I only slept for 2 days..." Pebber said as she just went back into her room... wait... did she said she slept for two days? While I am not paying attention, Kyper also went back into his room, slamming his door.

" So... what is it that you are here girl? Ouch... it still hurts a bit..." Cyber said as he struggles to stand up properly.

" She is here to give me Usper's report. I assume she is probably Lucy's runner or something." the old demon said... wait... does this mean you are Berk?

" Wait you are Mr. Berk? Why didn't  you told me that in the first place?" I asked the old demon. Which made Cyber laughed.

" Ahahahah, you did that again? Damn, don't you ever get old with that trick?" Cyber asked, which Berk shrugs.

" Anyways, the letter please," Berk said as he slowly put Cyber onto a chair. I took out the letter and handed it to him, which he directly opened and read on the spot. His direction makes Cyber also can read the letter but not for me. Damn, I should read it when I was alone... I am now interested in it!

" It seems like she managed to figure it out huh, that would be good news," Berk said. Figure what?

" Very well, since Usper has made progress, how about you also start your progress... it has been several months since you are able to do your study. At this rate, Usper will enter the institute faster than you. You surely don't want to get beaten by your own sister right?" Berk said to Cyber with a serious tone... though... Cyber doesn't seem to be listening... either he is ignoring what Berk is saying right now, or he isn't interested in listening to it. Somehow I feel that he just doesn't care about it and wants to just do it at his own pace... but the most important thing is...

Should I just leave?