Chapter 66: Chapter 58 Escape again?

4th Sukurach of Juriel Year 1237

Belgrynd's POV




" Help me Petrasha... he is too annoying..." I begged her inside her room. 

" What can I even do... It is not like we could just kick him out in the middle of the ocean..." Petrasha said while patting my head. Somehow I start to like head pats... not gonna reject it too. It feels good.

" But but... he's annoying... I don't like him... he asks too many questions..." I said while enjoying the pat.

" I know, just hold it until we reach the port, then we will let him go back ok? Maybe just stay inside while we are going there, it's only going to take a few days after all. Not really that long." Petrasha said. A few days... cooped up inside my room... I don't want that...

" Say... how fast can vampires fly?" I asked, having an idea in my mind~

" I am not really sure... you should ask Lucy about that you know? I am not a vampire. Plus I never saw Lucy fly at top speed before. How about you, how fast can you fly?" Petrasha asked, which I gave her a mischievous smile and just...

" I wonder~" and I shrug ~

" You little... urgh fine, just come back early, it is your turn to cook today," Petrasha said as she stops petting me... aw... but wait... ever since I came here... it's always me who is cooking!!! I never saw you guys cooked! Whatever... I haven't flown at top speed for a long time too... maybe I should try and do it~

" Oh yeah, which direction we are going?" I asked Petrasha, having another idea in my mind.

" Well, we are just going straight until we can see the port, then we just stop there and parks this ship there. Having Lucy storing it in her inventory is good, but I think it's much better if we anchor it there rather than keeping it in the inventory. You know, for showing stuff." Petrasha explained, ah, being a show-off are we~ sure you wouldn't mind me~ let's try the extremes today!

" Well then bye~," I said as I left Petrasha's room.

Hrmm, I should do something first...

After doing a detour to my room, I directly rushed out of the ship ignoring the annoying bat, and just flew away~

Petrasha's POV

" I have a bad feeling... I'm not sure if I want to acknowledge that..." I mumbled... maybe I should well, throw it outside of my mind... if you think of bad stuff, then it will definitely happen... yeah... let's just ignore that feeling, pretend it never exists before, just no~

*knock knock*

" Petrasha you're in there?" it is May, I don't want to question her timing but... to come directly after Bell left...

" Yeah, come in," I said.  She opened the door, walked in, then immediately closed it and lock it. Er... why the lock...

" Don't mind the lock... It's just... nothing..." May said... I do mind the lock though...

" So, why did you come and find me? I assume it isn't just because you just want to hide here right?" I said, which got May startled. Did I hit the jackpot? Was she really coming here to hide?

" Well.. er... yeah... I really just came here to hide from Kent..." May said while looking away... feeling guilty are we... but from Kent huh, if it's Berk's son I can understand. He had to do his research and Bell just had to be the best specimen at the time being, but Kent following May? I don't see why can't be because he fell in love with May right? That would be hilarious. Actually... that might be the case... we aren't guys anymore, and I can see people might have a crush on any of us... It is a very good thing that I don't need to worry about it because I had my position~

" Do you think he likes you?" I asked May, which earned a nice blush from her. Well damn... what do we have here~

" Not really... I'm not really ready to commit any kind of relations yet... I just want to be with you all for the time being." May said while still blushing a bit. Ah well, I can understand your feeling pal, you don't have the experience like Lucy and Amy so you want to wait huh, I wonder... will I experience this in the future... meh whatever, I guess I will just think of that when the time comes~

" You know, if you feel like it, just tell him. Like Lucy or Amy, they let go of their feelings the moment they meet up with each other right?" I said, pushing May a bit more.

" Don't mention that... I really felt like the third wheel at that point... it really is embarrassing there..." May said while shaking her head. Bad memories huh, I'm not sure if you want to consider that as bad memories, oh well.

" Anyways, just take your time, I will always be here and listen to you. After all, we all are friends." I said as I stand up and hugs her.

" Thanks, Petrasha... thanks a lot..." May said while returning the hug.

Belgrynd's POV

It has been like two or three hours or something, yet I don't felt tired at all, I really improved compared to that time huh. I still remember that time I was barely even flying... its more of a gliding compared to today... and it felt good!

Thanks to my improved body, I can fly normally, at least normal for a race that has wings. Barrel rolls flips, I even tried free falling. The experience is truly good. Too bad I can't share this experience with them... at the very least, not Amy and May. Amy has motion sickness and May is bad at heights... or is it the other way? I kinda forgot, I just remembered that they both fainted midway during the roller coaster ride before.

After 15 minutes of flying with whatever pose I can think of, I saw the land, which I assume would be the Zarcara continent? Or was it Zeycara... doesn't matter.

At first, I was thinking of directly landing in the town... but after a bit, let's not do it. Landing directly would probably create a fuss... I don't want to get surrounded after going into a new town... experiencing that once is enough already... let's just land somewhere else near the shore and probably explore the wilderness. They won't arrive for a few days, so I guess I can try to play a bit of survival on my own~ the survival back at the shitty continent doesn't count~ getting hunted by humans and getting hunted by predatory animals are two different feelings after all~

As I got closer to the shore, I realize something...

Why are there guards at the entire coastline...

Why do you even need that many guards there!!! Just guard the city! Why are you even guarding the wilderness? Whatever, doesn't matter to me, I will just fly high enough that you cant see me.

But still, why would one literally guard their entire coastline... as far as I can see, there is a guard tower every 500 to 1000 meters...

You are reading story Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here at

Doesn't matter I'll just go on and do my own thing and probably never come back again. Well at least until the group reached and we meet up again.

Now, where is a good place to land... Oh, what's that? Is that a wild boar? Or whatever its name is in this world. Doesn't matter~ consider yourself lucky that you can be my first prey in this world!

This time, I decided to use my claws to directly kill the boar since I am in the sky and am directly diving into it, so using my weapons wouldn't help much. 

I flapped my wings a few more times to increase my speed a bit faster and positioned myself so that my claws would directly hit its head. 

As I am getting closer, the boar seems to sense me coming. Pretty clever, but does it helps? Definitely no. You are still going to be hunted by me!


Phew, good thing I have no intention to eat the brains of something related to the head. Cause this thing's head is definitely in an irreparable state already. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that this thing is actually pretty huge! Its total height is probably around 1.4 meters! Man, just how much juicy fat meat can I get from this one alone... Thinking about it made my stomach grumbling... Time to cook our hunt! Just well, let me prepare the stuff for it... Wood, sticks, and also cut the meat into smaller chunks, and everything is prepared~

I took out a pitchfork that I looted from the humans, stabbed it into one of the meat pieces, and place it near the campfire that I made just now!

As I wait for the meat to cook, I start to think of things... The last few years really are rough... Arriving into this place only to be immediately caught, tortured for months or even years even. Then somehow I found Kent... Or maybe the other way around... And we started our journey to escape. After that started my looting on the human villages huh. Looting everyone and even converting their corpse into usable meat and also bones... I really got a system that is quite op huh.

Then fighting against the weird cult whose deity I would meet later... And the god Astrea... She really is a strange one. But she is also surprisingly kind huh, she didn't even force me to become her missionary for her religion. 

But man, after all of that, I'm glad that I could still group up with the others and is glad that they're alive and doing well ...

Wish this could continue forever...

Oh the meat is ready, bon appetit~

Mmmnnnn! Freshly hunted meat is always better!

I'm gonna eat as many as I can and then store the rest for them~ 

Petrasha's POV

We have been talking for quite a while... which results in May falling asleep on my bed... thank god that I don't need to drive the ship and just let it cruise...

I guess she is also tired from the constant stalking huh. This makes me wonder how is Bell still so energetic...

Speaking of which, shouldn't Bell be back already? It is almost time to cook dinner after all. I brushed May's hair for a bit before going out of my room. 

While heading out, I found Lucy rushing towards me frantically. Ok... my bad feeling is becoming true... damn it!

" Let me guess, Bell ran away?" I asked Lucy, which sadly, she nods... can my sixth sense be more inaccurate? Being this accurate at predicting bad stuff isn't good...

" I think so... I went into her room to check something and realize this..." Lucy said as she handed me a piece of paper... 

"Let's see... ' If you are seeing this letter, it means you are in my room! That is an invasion of privacy! But anyway, I don't want to keep staying on there while being questioned with this and that, so I decided to just head out to the Zar whatever continent, and play survival for a bit. Don't worry~ I will be fine~  I also prepared 2 days worth of meals for you guys since I am willing to bet that you all would want me to cook so there you go~  P.S. those are actually crafted with my system, not actually cooked by me, but it doesn't matter, they will still taste good! - by Belgrynd~' this girl..." I groaned...

" That's not the worst news... after seeing this I went to Amy to check on where she is..." Lucy said, grabbing my attention. She couldn't have gone too far right? Even dragons would take at least a day to fly this far.

" She is already at Zarcara... near the port that we are heading to now..." Lucy continued... blasting my mind... how... it is a distance that would take almost 2 days with our yacht and even the dragons would take almost one day... yet she did it within an hour...

" I should have known that when she said she will be going out for a while... urgh..." I groaned more...

" Say, did you two saw Lady Belgrynd? I was going to ask her abo-" Cyber suddenly interrupts us, which he himself got interrupted by Lucy glaring at him.

" So I guess that is a no?" Cyber said... how dense must you be to not know that...

" She 'escaped' already. She is now at the Zarcara continent." I said to him in a tired voice... I guess I will go get the meals that she prepared for us... i think heating them up would be enough... too tired to even care for anything else...

" Here to Zarcara? Holy moly, that is a very long distance... so her travel distance is even larger than dragons... I need to record this! Do you have any more info?" Cyber said energetically... cmon... leave me alone...

" Here is my advice to you, son of Berk, either you leave us alone, or Berk will be receiving a dried-out vampire body the next time I went to visit his place," Lucy said in a threatening tone... does it even work? 

" Erm... ok... I guess next time it is!" Cyber said as he walked away, still writing on his notebook... when did he even take that out... urgh.

" Petrasha... do you want me to take over today? I don't think you are in the condition to do it..." you know what... I will accept that...

"Let's get the food ready first... take a rest today... ok? I will handle the rest of the stuff with Amy... " Lucy said as we both head towards Bell's room.

Bell, I swear I will punish you later when we meet again!

Belgrynd's POV


" Must be someone talking about me~ doesn't matter~ this forest really got a lot of good stuff! Definitely worth it to come earlier!" I said as I continue to pick mushrooms, fruits, and also some wild herbs~

This one or two days will be fun~