Chapter 82: Chapter 73 Let The Trouble Begins!!!

1st Maelach of Secafiel 1237

Belgrynd's POV

Well, this sure is uneventful. 

We are currently traveling from Lucy's hometown in this world to Petrasha's hometown in this world. According to Petrasha, we should be arriving today. Speaking of which, according to them, even though Amy and May spawned in other continents, they didn't really stay there for too long until they come to this HeartForge with Petrasha. So this place could be said as our base, well their base, I am not included yet since I haven't even been there yet. So I am kinda curious about how this would go.

" So, since I am a draconian which have a huge mana pool and constantly release a lot of aura, that I should avoid living next to a lot of people. Is that what you're saying?" I asked. Somehow they don't want me to live with them as... they figure it would be a huge problem to the normal citizens. 

" I can hide it you know? It is not like I cant control the amount of mana that I released, in fact, I have perfect control look!" I said as I released a very small portion of my mana that I attuned it to the gelum element, making the surrounding slightly cooler than what it used to be.

" Alright alright, we understand already, stop releasing it. I don't want the ecosystem to suddenly shift from temperate to boreal!" Lucy said. That's more like it. Don't underestimate dragons! They are always a powerful enemy in isekai troupes for a reason! Well or a powerful or harem member... But I am not joining one that is for sure!

" So, why can't I live with you guys? I can hide my dragon parts, leaving only my ears so I can disguise myself as an elf, I could control my mana so that I feel like a normal being in here and not some op dragon... so why?" I grumbled as they just continue to not let me live with them...  I mean, it's not fair, I could pose myself as a normal elf and then I could just stay with them... what's the point of me coming back if I am just living in another place!

" Just for a while please, at least let me talk with the king before you really settle down with us... I only told him that you would be a dragonkin, not a walking unlimited nuclear bomb... so I kinda need to arrange some stuff with him before letting you to come and live with us. Not to mention those three that are going to come together. I am sure you wouldn't forget about the hatred of non-humans towards humans right? Although it's not that serious in the kingdom, it will definitely create a problem if they were seen. You do understand that right?" Petrasha said. Damn Petrasha always hitting me hard with the facts... cut me some slack already...

" Urgh fine... but where would I even live? I mean, if I have to bring those three with me, it definitely cant be inside a volcano, right? Won't they be toasted before we even settle down?" I said. I heard from them that Heartforge is in a volcano... so if we were to settle outside of the town, wouldn't we be toasted? Wait, would I even survive? I am not a fire dragon, I am an azure dragon whose main element is ice! Not fire!

" It is alright, it is actually quite cool in there. Petry here designed a unique device that uses the ignis mana produced at the volcano to make a cooling system. Just get one of those cooling devices and you could literally just build your own island home even at the center of the lava! Just remember to turn it on though..." Lucy said as she ends the sentence with quite the concerning look...

Did someone forget to turn it on and cause a catastrophe? Must be it, judging by where Lucy looks after this, it must be Christine. If I had to guess, Christine wanted to make a lava platform as a stage but forgot to turn the cooling device on which causes the platform to instantly melt... a very Christine thing to do. Don't clump me with that clumsy girl...

" Don't worry... even if these cooling devices you talk of don't work, I could just build further from the lava up and use my own ability... I will make sure that I don't cool the entire volcano down don't worry about that." I said to them, which made them even more worried. Why?

" Whatever, suit yourself... I will just make a cave at one of the walls there then... far from the lava to be burned alive and far from the people to scare the sheesh out of them. Alright?" I told the others... it's annoying having to settle in so many conditions...

" Yeah that is alright, we just have to make a way to go there, and it's fine," Petrasha said as she continue to focus on the road. Then suddenly an enormous shady just went past us. I guess the birds here also go XXL mode huh. As long as it doesn't think that we are snacks then I am definitely fine with that.

" Oh, and by the way, are you going to tell this king on how I got to this rank? And do you need me to go and explain with you? I can imagine how tedious it will be to answer all of the questions they have without the source next to you..." I said to Petrasha. Which she shrugs and said nothing... does that mean she won't be taking me there? I don't think it is a good idea, but if she said it is then it's alright, maybe it's a dwarf thing.

While I was thinking of random stuff such as do female dwarves have beards, I heard Petrasha talking with Lucy. Should I go and hear it? I mean, I don't need to move to know what they're talking about but, should I really go listen? If they're talking like this without telling me then it's probably something important that I shouldn't know yet. Oh whatever, I will just chill here and do nothing. Ignorance is bliss afterall~

Hmmm, I think I'm gonna talk with the princess... former princess.

" Hey Flux, Frux, how you two doing? I hope the ride isn't too hard on you." I said as I went into the back of the wagon where the three humans are there.

" I nearly thought you have forgotten about us, but we are fine. In fact, the wagons here are damn impressive. Well, you guys do have the advantage of something pulling it rather than humans, but damn I don't feel my butt falling off even after a few days ride! Which would definitely happen if ts back there!" Frux said. Well, I rode a few ones before so I could understand I just lightly float above it to avoid that.

You are reading story Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here at

" To be honest with you, nobody from that place would complain anything here... well except the pompous bunch who tax us every year. I mean look, we have food, we have good shelter and we do not have to worry about getting conscripted to do labor. This kind of life would only be for the nobility, not us peasants. So I can only say that I sure am enjoying my life~" Flux said as he continue to lean onto the wall of the wagon. Well good for them I guess. Just peddling back there really told me what I have to know about the society in there. It literally just like medieval Europe where the common would be forced to obey the nobility and have to endure their whims. Even I have my fair share of problems back there.

As I continue to chat with Flux and Frux, which isn't the main goal of mine when I wanted to come back here. I still glance at the princess which is at the corner compared to Flux and Frux which is sitting at the center. I am also not the only one giving glances as I also occasionally saw her glancing towards me. It feels like she wants to join the conversation but is scared to. It is understandable... I nearly killed her in our first meeting. 

" You wanna come and chat together? It feels weird that the three of us are talking so merrily while you're at the side there." I said to the princess.

" Don't pretend to be nice to me... I know that you eat humans... you are just bringing me to eat right?" the princess said, almost crying. Well... I do eat humans before... but why should I even eat those guys? There is no reason for me to do that now!

" I only do that to those who hurt me, plus, you aren't that far off for using an armor made of my scales! Did you know that hurts!" I talked back. I know it is not a good thing to do right now when the princess can be easily agitated, but I have to talk out my dissatisfaction first before I could even convince her I'm not going to harm her.

" How the hell would I even know that it belongs to you! Not to mention that I was partially forced to be sent to this place against my will! If I had the choice, I would literally be staying back at the castle and continue my daily normal life!" she retorted. Her voice gets louder as it goes, luckily I had anticipated our small chat will become loud and have set up a barrier blocking out voices. Somehow barrier is the only thing within my arsenal of spells that don't require a chant or at least this type of barrier. The barriers that protect me from attacks still need chant, which I am actually going to call this new chantless barrier as a filter. Yeah, that's a good idea, why didn't I think of it before?

" It is not my fault that you guys literally locked me up underground without anything! Even dragons need food to survive! Plus, I also ate my own flesh during those emergency days and I don't do it now!" I yelled back, continuing the argument.

" How do I even know if it's a lie? What if you are just luring us three into somewhere to cook us alive!" the princess argued back... while I am not lying... we are heading to somewhere where cooking a human alive is possible...

" If I were to do it, I would have done it in the first place! I don't need to carry stuff as I have an inventory system! So why the hell would I bring you to a secluded place for this? It doesn't make sense!" I said as I took out several items from my inventory, ranging from my gun to some pots and pans, to literally my failed pieces of clothing... let's put that back and take something else.

" The point is, if I were to eat you, I wouldn't go through such tedious tasks to do so! Plus bringing you three actually endangers us as most of the non-humans are hostile towards humans! So if we were to be found carrying humans around, we are in actual serious trouble you know?" I said as I put the items that I took out just now back into my inventory... I better remember to scrap those failed clothing... don't want others to see my failure...


The situation now turns to silence. The princess ran out of things to talk about, I got out all of my frustration, and Flux and Frux just needs some popcorn... as if I have popcorn for them. Even if I have, I wouldn't give it to them. 

" Why don't you try to trust me? Even I trusted these two to have my back when the entire humanity is hunting me... I really swear that I do not want to harm you guys. " I said to them as I offer my hand for a handshake... wait, is handshake a thing in the medieval period? Sheesh... if it isn't, then I am screwed...

Though surprisingly, she did get what I wanted and did the handshake... so it does exist in the medieval age! This is quite the discovery! But what's more important is that the princess is able to give it a try... Now I just have to make sure that I won't accidentally use any human meat in the meals... well any meat from any sapient species including myself. It would sure suck if I accidentally broke the trust that I painstakingly built it... now that the conversation is nearly over, time to remove the filter.

" I am sure that we did not miss the thing. If you don't surrender that thing, we will do it by force." I heard a man shout out, with Petrasha and Lucy talking to another woman. Well, calling it talking is an understatement, an argument would be more accurate. It seems they are wanting something...

" Trust me, child... the thing that could release such an amount of mana would either be extremely dangerous, or could be a boon, and the elder has urged us to investigate it. Please cooperate as I do not want this to end up as a conflict." yet another woman said, this one sounds older than the previous one.

" Who cares about that, just quickly get whatever it is, and let's go back!" said the younger woman (self assume). Well judging by what they're talking about before... they're here for me.

Oh boy, why can't I have one week without troubles...