Chapter 84: Chapter 75 A good long talk

1st Maelach of Secafiel 1237

Belgrynd's POV

" Alright, time out." the older dragonkin finally came and stopped us. I was just waiting for it to happen.

" Tell them not me. They're the ones who tried to pick a fight with me and my friends. And mark my words, whoever tried to mess with my friends never really got away good." I said to the older one as I moved next to Petrasha. Good thing that I placed a barrier so that they won't be affected by the entire battle.

" I will handle them later, but I must thank you for teaching them a lesson of humility for me. It is pretty hard to teach the young ones how to act like a proper dragon when the elders pampered them too much." the older dragon said.

" Belgrynd and the guy is called Honoh, right? Is the girl called Homura?" I said as I give out a hand, requesting a handshake.

" Miss Belgrynd, I must say you are correct, my name is Ignia, I am quite surprised that you could guess the other name despite us not mentioning it a bit, though those two are their nicknames. They somehow would rather call themself with this Honnoh and Homurah names," Ignia said as she went and carry those two to us as if they're a sack of rice.

" I guessed so, their name means flame or fire in Japanese so I guess the other would have a similar name since they're twins, though you said it's their nickname and not their birth name, what happened?" I asked as I start to undo the damage I have done to the surrounding. You know, making sure that the crater is not there, heal the trees and whatever animals that got involved.

" So that's why their names sound weird when I heard it..." Petrasha said. Well what can you do, I know that in novels, twins that got isekaied would normally have names related to each other, like in this case the word flame. I just didn't expect that, the name that they used isn't the name that their parents give them, but a name that they gave themselves. Just how egoistical can you be?

" That aside, I believe that the reason you three come out is that you are investigating the mana anomaly right?" I asked Ignia.

" Yes, due to the sudden abnormal rise of mana concentration in the area, we are sent by the elder to see if it is the work of the humans again. But when we reached there, everything is solved so we are planning to just return and report that it is just a sudden burst of mana. It is then we saw your group coming from that direction that we thought you guys could give us some clues." Ignia said. 'Some' clues... it's kinda obvious that she is lying... she knows that the reason for that is in here and she let those two take the reigns on questioning Petrasha on where it is. Either she is just trying to judge us, or... the more possible option... she's bored... 

" Cut the crap and get it straight. I know that you don't really care about the anomaly. What is your goal?" I said it loud, surprising Petrasha and others while letting Ignia have a short shock before going back to her normal facial expression. Yep, definitely have an ultimate goal.

" Well observe, you see, the elder didn't really care about the anomaly, even though it could be created by a human attack using those mana condenser weapons, it wouldn't be any concern of us. All of these is just a reason for the elder to either let these two learn a lesson, or have them handled." Ignia said as she literally just said their plan of killing those two easily. I thought dragons are loyal to their group... clan... or whatever their community name is. Then again, it isn't that weird considering these two even though born in the said clan, refuse to even accept their given name, not to mention their inability to use their draconic powers to fight, so I guess this would also be filtering out the useless ones. Natural selection at its finest, not even dragons could escape that...

" So you decided that we would be the best option to either teach them a lesson or handle them right? Cause I am sure that you would know the combat abilities of all of us, well except for one." Petrasha said this time with a hint of anger. Clearly not happy that the gang is being used as sacrificial testing pawns.

" Of course, you four are famed for being an anomaly in this continent. One is a talented hunter that could hunt beasts that normally would require a dozen hunters working together. One is a genius inventor that invents groundbreaking inventions within the continent, no, the world. One is a strategist that would always have a tactic to break through any situation. And the last one able to sneaky enough to dodge even any fortress detection." Ignia said. Wait... One, two, three, four... I know that I am not included due to me being the newest addition and only reached this continent recently, so that means one is missing. I look around and realized, oh Christine. Well, she would be more of a morale boost than an actual combatant.

In short, Christine is useless in combat. 

You are reading story Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here at

" Which is why you are confident that us four could battle two dragonkins? I still believe that you are looking down on us Lady Ignia." Petrasha said. 

" Now now, there is no need to be this hostile. Plus, everything went well right? Your dragonkin friend protected you all and even helped me to teach those two a lesson~ so both of us didn't lose anything~" Ignia said nonchalantly. 

First things first, I am not a dragonkin, I am a draconian. Second, even though I am sure the gang could defeat those two easily, you could never be too careful... Lastly, it doesn't help that you are still using us as a sacrifice!

" Fine fine, what do you all want, I will try to give you if it's within my ability. I could even give you all these two if you want. I am sure having two dragonkins next to you all would raise up your reputation even more! Even if these two would probably be deadweight rather than contributing to anything." Ignia says as she continues her nonchalant attitude. Did she really just offer two of her own kin? Are the dragons in this world that hardcore that their own kin doesn't really matter to them if they are weak? Or it's just that these two are so disgraceful to them that they want to just cut ties with them no matter what... they could just do that without even involving anyone too...

" I believe just one dragon is enough for us. So I will have to reject your offer of letting them come with us. And I do not really want to deal with the wrath of the Ignis clan, so the best thing you could do for us is to just not mention any of our encounters with your clan. Especially the details of my dragon friend here." Petrasha said. 

" That would be great. Though, even though we Ignis clan would not be interested, I am not sure about other clans, especially the Aqua or Gelum clans. Well especially the Gelum clan, their numbers are already dwindling due to certain circumstances, so they would gladly accept any member to their ranks. But sure, I could at least do that. Are you sure you don't want these two?" Ignia said as she start to walk back and pick up the two semi-dead dragonkins, she really is stubborn about getting rid of those two huh. 

" There is no need, this group only needs one dragon and that's me. You can bring those two brats back to where they 'belong'." I said sarcastically of course. 

" Oh by the way. If they somehow decided that they want revenge, it's not my fault alright? After all, I didn't tell you to beat them up badly like that~ it would be your own doing little 'dragonkin'" Ignia said as she transformed into her dragon form and grabbed those two with her claw and flew away.

" Your fault, not ours, if they do come, good luck there. I will be sure to prepare popcorn for all of us~" Petrasha said as she went back to the wagon. Wait what? Are you really going to abandon me like this? Oi!!! Petrasha!!!

" I protected you! Cant, you be more grateful for what I have done? I protected you from two dragons!" I said as I rush back to the wagon too, following behind Petrasha.

" Oh, but I am sure I could also fight them and still came out unscathed though. You on the other hand went overkill~" Petrasha replied. Damn you!!!

" Come on Petry, stop teasing Bel, fighting two dragons at the same time and in the end have to endure the last dragon is quite tiring you know~" Lucy added, but somehow I felt that it sounds absurdly sarcastic...

" You all!!!" I yelled as I jumped onto the wagon and we continue our journey back to Petrasha's hometown.

Hopefully safely and uneventfully. No more events, please.