Chapter 6: Five

“Slow down a bit, will you?” Lady Ivania hissed as they awkwardly climbed the stairs. “I’m wearing high heels here, damnit.” 

“Why do I feel like you’ve become so whiny ever since you became a woman?” Lord Ivania muttered in a low voice. “Stop dragging your feet against the carpet, you’re going to spoil it.”

“It’s not your carpet, why do you care so much?” 

When they finally reached the end of the red-carpeted stairs, they were met with a grandiose Baroque style gallery stretching from one end of the palace to the other.

The magnificent sight before their eyes rendered them speechless for a long moment. On the vaulted ceiling were countless painted compositions depicting the glorious history of King Cetheri I during his reign; rose marble pilasters supported the ceiling on both sides, each with a beautifully sculpted guéridon placed in front. A row of floor-to-ceiling arched windows adorned the western side of the gallery, while large Renaissance allegories decorating the eastern wall chronicled the founding of the Aetherium Empire and its illustrious historySee:

Because it was nearing sunset, the golden late afternoon rays streamed through the west windows unhindered, bathing the entire gallery in a ethereal aureate glow. 

“Boje moiFuck me/ oh God, even the floor itself is worth a hundred times the value of our lives…” The fake Lord Ivania felt a shiver run down his spine as he was acutely made aware of his lowly status. 

Meanwhile, Lady Ivania gave a low whistle and placed her hand lovingly on the nearest guéridon. “I wonder how much one of these babies can sell for, man. If only this wasn’t so heavy to carry along with me.” 

Their excitement quickly waned when they heard muffled footsteps coming up the stairs behind them. 

“Let’s head to the terrace behind the main hall,” Lady Ivania whispered. 

Lord Ivania nodded silently and they hastened their footsteps. Traversing the length of the gallery as quickly as Lady Ivania's high heels would allow her to, they quietly slipped into a side corridor restricted to only the palace servants off to the main hall entrance.



“Prince Arthur, it’s an honour to meet up with you this fine afternoon.” The man, smartly dressed in a furred scarlet robe with a matching hood and mantle, made a bowing gesture to the Prince waiting on the staircase landing. 

“Your Right Honourable, the honour is all mine.” Prince Arthur returned the bow and smiled smugly at the Chancellor. “Please, let us go upstairs to a private room for our discussion.” 

“I see, then we shall go,” the Chancellor replied with an uncertain nod. They reached the second floor and began to walk down the deserted gallery in silence. 

Although the rays of aureate light shining in through the magnificent windows were warm, the Chancellor could feel nothing but a deep chill in his heart. Glancing at the Prince who had an assured smile on his face, he swallowed his saliva and asked hesitatingly, “but pray tell me, Your Highness, for what reason do you want to talk to me privately?” 

“Why, the Ministre de la Justice, garde des Sceaux de AetheriumPrince Arthur mockingly refers to the Chancellor by his royal appointment here: Minister of Justice, Guard of the Seal of Aetherium. This position is supposed to be incorruptible, as the Chancellor presides over the High Court of the empire. doesn’t know?” the Prince said slowly, placing emphasis on the word ‘Justice’ such that the Chancellor would know exactly what he meant. 

“…” The Chancellor’s face turned ashen and he narrowed his eyes. “Y-your Highness, what are you proposing exactly?”

Prince Arthur laughed eerily. “There’s no need to be afraid, Chancellor, I have no interest in your private matters. After all, we both have something in common...”


You are reading story This crossdressing fake Saintess must cure Her Highness! at


“It seems like there are no guards here at all,” Lord Ivania huffed as he glanced around at the empty terrace once they exited the side corridor. “That’s very strange, don’t you think?” 

“Perhaps they all went on a toilet break or something,” Lady Ivania muttered sarcastically as she leaned over the wrought-iron railing and overlooked the sprawling palace gardens, which were overflowing with colourful flowers; the lush-green lawns were dotted occasionally with small Greek fountains and ornaments, giving them a luxurious feel and look. 

However, she wasn’t captivated by the beauty of the gardens in the slightest—rather, she was peering at the boundary. “Looks like there’s only a small pine forest separating the palace grounds from the rest of the capital. No guards, I don’t see the soldiers from earlier too.”

Lord Ivania came over and squinted his eyes. “You’re right…it’s an easier getaway than I initially thought.” 

“Well, that’s settled at least.”  She let go of the railing and turned around. “Let’s check on the royal safe next—” 

The distinctive sound of footsteps and someone conversing in a low voice reached their ears at the same time. They shared a panicked glance before Lord Ivania hastily grabbed the railing and jumped down the terrace. 

“You, wait—” Lady Ivania tried to throw her leg over the threshold too, but her ball gown unexpectedly restricted her movement such that she ended up slamming her body against the railing instead. “O-o-ouch!” 

The loud noise caused the approaching footsteps to stop. A male voice then hollered, “who’s there?” 

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” She made a dash for the corridor on the opposite side just as the owner of the voice rushed to the terrace. 

“Your Honour, this place is out of bounds to the guests. It’s probably just a wild animal that made the noise,” another voice spoke quietly. 

“The royal safe is immediately upstairs from here; the crown jewels may be in danger,” the voice sounded annoyed as it snapped back. “Send your men there immediately and stand guard at the entrance to the main hall. I’ll search the other passageway in the meantime.” 

Lady Ivania clicked her tongue in frustration and glanced about at the corridor. To her right were the side doors to the main hall, but she knew it would instantly attract unwanted attention if she went through them. To her left was a door opening to an unknown room, but the footsteps were increasingly getting nearer and there wasn’t time to check the situation on the other side. 

Muttering a “pardon me”, she grabbed the handle and swung the door open just enough for her to squeeze through before hurriedly closing it shut behind her. 

“Phew, thank goodness it’s not locked—” Her words froze on her tongue as her eyes dawned on the surprised maiden sitting in front of a dressing table. 

Princess Anastasia blinked and tilted her head to the side.

“Who…are you?”