But at the third island a scene full of action was taking place.
“There he is!” yelled Himiko.
“YOU DEGENERATE MALE!” roared Tenko.
“Oh dear” gasped Korekiyo.
Korekiyo rushed out of the motel and dashed to his right, but he hid behind the nearby signpost instead of running away in the open.
Tenko and Himiko ran past him in a frenzy. Korekiyo rushed back to the motel and walked upstairs when he heard a voice.
“Gotcha, BITCH!”
Korekiyo looked up to face Miu’s boot. The kick on his face pushed him back and he tumbled down the stairs. He groaned desperately as he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.
“Nyahahahaha! We gottem.”
Angie jumped from the stairs onto Korekiyo’s stomach then landed on the ground. Despite Angie’s lightness, her landing made Korekiyo gasp for air.
“Well done Miu, tie him up” said Angie.
“No way, tropical whore, I ain’t one of your sex puppets! You do dirty work yourself, I’ll be the gorgeous brain to give feedback on your performance!”
“You do realize Atua wills this man’s imprisonment, don’t you?” said Angie with a menacing look.
“Don’t give me that dickless crap. I’m a genius girl of science and horns, ya got that? You think I’ll do your dirty work?”
Korekiyo quickly pushed the ground with his hands and slammed his boots onto Angie’s stomach. The impact threw Angie to the wall.
Korekiyo turned around in which Miu squirmed and went upstairs. But he wasn’t gonna chase her. Instead he went towards the door, the exit, but Tenko came in to block it.
“Finally found you!”
Sweat started to pour from Korekiyo’s chin but seeing the pedrali clothes hanger he quickly hopped and grabbed it.
“Damn degenerate, can’t even fight fair!”
“You’ll pay for what you did!” yelled Himiko from behind Tenko.
Hearing the footsteps behind him Korekiyo quickly turned around and hit Angie with the clothes hanger but Angie blocked the blow with her forearm. Still, the blow was strong enough to make her wobble back.
The next moment, Tenko’s flying kick landed on Korekiyo’s side and he slammed into a wall but stood up. Tenko dashed forward and slammed a hook on Korekiyo’s chin and knocked him to the ground with a scissor kick.
Korekiyo gurgled and wailed on the ground. Tenko sat on his back and put his neck in a choking hold.
Himiko pulled Angie off the ground.
“Are you okay?” asked Himiko.
“I’m fine. That was quite exhilarating, haha!” claimed Angie.
“Come on, get some rope you two. I can’t hold him like this forever!”
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With Tenko’s words Himiko and Angie rummaged through the area and brought a bedsheet. They cut parts of the bed sheet and tied Korekiyo’s hands and legs.
“Keeheehee, playing the role of an aggressor just to save your friends from my vile clutch. You truly are beautiful, Tenko.” said Korekiyo.
“Eww, if you wanted to hit on me, why did you even kill me in the first place?” she asked with disgust as well as curiosity.
“Keeheehee, I didn’t kill you silly. I freed you from your body, so we could be together with sis-“
Tenko punched him in the jaw in which he became silent. A tear of pain could be seen in his eye.
Miu popped out of the corner and threw a sly smile and yelled:
“Hah, gottem! All thanks to the gorgeously beautiful genius girl, Miu-“
“Nyeeeh! You didn’t do anything, shut up!” roared Himiko.
“Iiiieeghh, I was just k-kidding, you didn’t need to yell.” mumbled Miu.
A familiar voice echoed from the pink tv screen nearby.
“All participants from the killing game of academy for gifted juveniles, please go to the first island and enter the white light there. It’s not a gateway to the afterlife I swear, it’s a way out puhuhuhu! And if you don’t obey me, you’ll be sorry.”
“Bullshit, we gotta drag our asses to another place again?” whined Miu with rage.
“Not to mention, this island could be the very same free space we were looking for, haha!” yelled Angie.
“Nyeh, isn’t this island blocked off from the rest of the world as well? One of the people here told me that this island was used for their killing game. Maybe Monokuma is telling the truth?” said Himiko.
“No way, I don’t trust that double faced teddy with a degenerate voice one bit!” screamed Tenko.
“But we don’t have a choice in the matter, right? If we disobey, Monokuma would just call out the exisals.” said Himiko sadly.
“We don’t know that. Maybe the exisals can’t reach this island.” said Tenko.
“In any case, we should go. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life on this island.” said Himiko.
“But what are we going to do with this disgusting degenerate?” said Tenko and kicked Korekiyo in which he squirmed.
“I say we should leave him here, all tied up. If Monokuma decides to punish him, we get to see what kind of punishments he deals in his wrath, haha!” cried Angie with laughter.
Himiko looked at Korekiyo’s troubled face. She sighed and spoke.
“I think we should drag him to the first island and throw him into that white light or something.”
“Himiko, what are you saying, you said this guy killed me, remember?” said Tenko.
“I know that! But if we leave him and he gets punished by Monokuma cause of it, it would be the same as us killing him. And besides, I don’t want to see another life wasted meaninglessly ever again!” yelled Himiko.
“Himiko.” muttered Tenko with tears in her eyes.
“Keeheehee, how beautiful. You truly have grown up, Himiko. Letting go of the haunting past and forgiving such a dreadful serial killer such as myself. Truly remarkable beauty.” said Korekiyo with a sly tone.