Chapter 15: Ch 15 – Corrupted Hope

“And you’re cowering away from Monokuma. Playing right into his hands with your violent tendencies. I don’t do things the way Monokuma wants. I create my own choices, my own future” said Hajime confidently while pointing his index finger towards Gundham. 

“Hah, your fangs have certainly grown. I am impressed. But you still haven’t dirtied your hands and bloodied your teeth. A green novice, a lion proud of its vegetation. A beast cannot be chained by moralities and ideologies Hajime. Be selfish! Eat the flesh of others so your flesh may regenerate.” said Gundham aggressively as he held his scarf with vigor.  

“Gundham!” yelled Sonia with irritation. 

Gundham turned around to face Sonia’s scolding eyes.  

“How could you be saying that…after all that has happened? Don’t you feel any sorry for the lives you are about to take? Any sympathy against this cruelty?” asked Sonia, tears in her eyes. 

Gundham looked at the stone floor in a moody way. But soon his eyes gained the sharpness that he usually has.   

“Kehehe. My dark queen, you are as lovely as the roses amongst the dark forest. A splendor of life and beauty. But sharpen your thorns and strengthen your vines my dear. Life needs to go on! It must spread its seed and take flight into the skies. And you must cut down every foe aiming for your heart, eat their flesh, drink their blood to sustain your vigor. It’s the rules of nature. The circle of the cosmos.” claimed Gundham with a fierce energy.

“T-that is…that is so cruel. Why can’t we just get along?” asked Sonia with shivering hands. 

“It is not I who made the law. Yet still I see great beauty in it. Do not fall prey to weakness, darling. No one has the right to mock the law of the wild, not even you nor I.” said Gundham confidently. 

“This guy is psychotic. Seriously, stop listening to him miss Sonia.” yelled Kazuichi angrily. 

“You’re trying to justify your brutal and inhumane acts by saying that’s just how nature works? I thought you were weird, now I know you’re just mad.” said Mahiru.

“Kehehe, have you forgotten about Sato and the twilight syndrome murder case?” asked Gundham with a smirk.  

“What? What does that have to do with anything?” mumbled Mahiru, clearly shaken by the mention of those terms.    

“Even sheeps tear apart a wolf if they fear their lambs would be in danger. Your friend Sato was willing to protect you with her life. I am no different than her. We are all the same in nature. And escaping from your own nature is the ultimate betrayal against life.” declared Gundham violently.

Mahiru could not pull up a retort. 

“I do not know much of this twilight syndrome case. But I can’t say I disagree with Gundham. But please, we’ll talk about going offensive when the time limit nears. Right now, we need to split up and search for materials, weapons, tools, anything that is useful. We’ll meet here 20 minutes before the deadline.” said the Imposter quickly.   

“Can we even manage to build anything in that time?” asked Kazuichi. 

“We’ll try. It’s unlikely the other participants will just attack as soon as the portals become live again.” said the Imposter. 

“Haha, you’re underestimating just how radical people can be, Be yaku yaaaa!” said Ibuki happily.  

“If any of you meet Mikan, Nagito or Teruteru, don’t forget to tell them about Monokuma’s announcement.” said Hajime. 

“Tell Nagito? You serious? That guy is all kinds of messed up! I’m not getting 100 meter vicinity to that guy, let alone telling him the announcement.” shouted Kazuichi frantically.     

“Hmm, I was wondering. Was the announcement played just within this area? In the previous killing game Monokuma put any announcements he may have to every screen that was on the island.” said Chiaki calmly. 

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“Yeah, it’s very likely Mikan and Teruteru already know about this. Come on, let’s move it people” said Fuyuhiko.

But before they could leave a screen on a nearby tree came to life. On it was Nagito’s smirking face.

“N-Nagito” gasped Hajime. 

“Ahh, I think I should be live now. Unfortunately I don’t have the screen feed to all the cameras and tv sets on my end so I don’t know where you guys are. But that doesn’t matter.” said Nagito with a hoarse tone. 

“Wait, what the hell?” yelled the Imposter. 

“H-holy shit, did Nagito usurp Monokuma and took his role? I-is that a good thing or a bad thing? I honestly can’t tell” yelled Ibuki with excitement.

Nagito who was on the screen shook his head and continued to talk.

“Seeing me like this I bet you guys have a lot of questions. But you all know I don’t have any type of special talents besides my crappy luck. I didn’t hack the system. It’s just this time around Monokuma left some camera controls allowing me to stream myself to all the tvs on the island. And I have a very important announcement to make.” 

Nagito moved his hands and grabbed the camera then turned it around 180 degrees. 

“N-no” gasped Mahiru. 

It was shown clearly on the screen, a bit far away, Mikan and Teruteru were seen sitting on two different chairs. They had tapes on their mouths, their arms behind their back and their legs tied to each leg of the chair. They were visibly struggling to get off the chair but with little success. 

“I bet you all are very confused. And perhaps doubtful of me, so I’ll make sure you guys are convinced that this is the real deal.” said Nagito with a sinister tone. 

He lifted the camera and went towards the two captives and pulled off the tape that was on both of their mouths. 

“Help! Help, somebody stop Nagito, please. I-I’m scared, please.” yelled Mikan as she wept with sorrowful tears.  

“Ya will neva get away with dis ya donkey haired freak!” yelled Teruteru. 

Nagito was moving the camera and filming both of their screams and frantic movements.

“Ahh, so annoying. Such unhopeful words to be uttered by ultimates. I’m truly disappointed, you know.” muttered Nagito. He placed the camera on the ground and went up to Mikan and Teruteru, from the sound of it, it seemed like he was putting the tape back onto their mouths. 

“Bastard” hissed Akane.  

“Dammit Nagito, now you’ve really done it!” yelled Mechamaru with rage.

Nagito raised the camera from the ground and indeed now both Teruteru and Mikan were taped. Nagito turned the camera to make it face him.   

“Now you believe me right? My resolve, my hope?” Nagito said as he smiled.