Chapter 6: Chapter 5 – The Hyuga’s Duplicity

“Mikoto, what the hell are you doing?” Kushina asked, still on high alert.

“Don't tell me I scared you,” Mikoto said, smiling.

“Me? Afraid? Never.”

“What are you doing here with your Sharingan activated?” Minato asked.

"Oh… I just wanted to give you a little scare," Mikoto said, her eyes returning to normal looking to the side. “Hiashi also invited us, Fugaku and me.”

"I thought so," Minato said, smiling. “It's nice to see you again. By the way, where is Fugaku?”

“He was training our oldest son when I left. He would like him to awaken the Sharingan.”

“Come again?! But he's what... 5 years old?”

"You think you're the only genius in the village?" Mikoto laughed. “What worries me is that he won’t be patient with Sasuke who has just been born.”

Returning to the party, they found the Hyuga clan had gathered. It was time for Hiashi's speech.
He positioned himself on a platform provided for this purpose and began to speak.

“Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters of the Hyuga clan, the main and branch family, it is with honor that I stand before you to announce the birth of my daughter, Hinata. She represents the future of our clan…”

While Hiashi continued his speech, Hizashi was particularly nervous.

"He really doesn't look good,” Kushina noticed. “But it's normal... These stories of main and branch families are ridiculous!”

“I wish everyone a very good evening here.” Hiashi finished.

He paused and was applauded.

“I take this opportunity to ask you to give a warm welcome to the few people present here who do not belong to the clan, but whom I have invited because they are dear friends of mine.”

The applause intensified. Some clan members were shouting something Minato couldn't hear because of the clapping. Mikoto turned to him with an embarrassed smile.

“I think they want us to join Hiashi.”

After the applause died down, Minato heard more clearly what some of the members were shouting.

“We want to see Team Jiraiya!”

“A picture, a picture!”

Kushina gave a big smile and patted Mikoto on the back who, surprised, almost fell forward.

“Come on, don’t be shy.”

All eyes turned to the duo, encouraging them to join Hiashi, which they did. Minato, Mikoto, and Hiashi then had to take various poses for the photos, under Kushina’s cheering. Once the last photo was taken, the one in which they had to take their fighting stance with kunaïs out, they were asked to say a few words. Seeing that Mikoto didn't seem at all determined to speak, Minato stepped forward.

“I, who wanted to be discreet, should have known it would be difficult in the middle of all these fine eyes,” Minato said in a light tone, leading to a few laughs.

As he resumed his speech, he saw Hizashi approaching Kushina and quickly convincing her to follow him, walking away from the clan. The man’s behavior was suspicious, and he knew that Kushina would not see things the same way. With a quick movement, he secretly signaled Mikoto who descended back into the crowd. The Yondaime continued his speech, reassured, leaving his former teammate to take care of the rest.

“I thought you lived in the area,” Kushina wondered.

“Neji is guarded by friends who live just outside the village,” Hizashi replied.

Ah, I see. And taking me there gives him an excuse to run away from the party, Kushina thought, proud of her deduction.

She followed him out of the village. From there, Hizashi led her into the forest. Suddenly, he stopped abruptly, turning to her.

“Kushina, I'm sorry... I had no choice…”

“What are you talking about?” Kushina wondered, finally understanding that something was wrong.

“He... He forced me.”

Kushina remained silent in front of a Hizashi whose tears flowed from his pale eyes. He suddenly collapsed to the ground on his knees.

“He took Neji from me!”

Kushina knelt as well, placing a hand on Hizashi's shoulder.

You are reading story Konoha’s Yondaime at

“Who? Who took Neji?” She asked gently.

“It's me,” a voice said behind her.

Minato concluded his speech in front of the Hyugas.

“Now that the last member of Team 4 has a child... All that's missing is Jiraiya-sensei now! In the meantime, I wish a good life to my comrade and friend, Hiashi Hyuga, to his wife, and his daughter, Hinata,” he concluded with a smile.

He remained silent under the applause of the clan member. Hiashi smiled at him.

Mikoto came out of the village, discreetly following Kushina and Hizashi. Her gait was cat-like, silent, undetectable. She mustn't give the slightest suspicion to Hizashi. If he had things to hide, he risked activating the Byakugan at the slightest alert, and she would be instantly detected.

However, she had foreseen that eventuality, knowing the weak point of the Dojutsu from fighting alongside Hiashi. She was aware of the Byakugan blind spot. She quickly calculated in her mind and adjusted her distance and angle from Hizashi in case the latter suddenly activated the Byakugan.

Farther into the forest, she saw him stop abruptly. Mikoto did the same from a distance, activating her Sharingan. She then saw Hizashi kneel and lower his head. Thanks to her agility and the Sharingan, she followed his head movement up a tree and stayed on a branch, crouching like a cat ready to pounce.

She saw Kushina kneel as well, taken with pity for the man. Mikoto frowned and saw a third individual further behind Kushina.

A trap, she thought, immediately jumping on the aggressor.

“Where is Mikoto?” Hiashi suddenly asked Minato.

“Probably gone to rest a bit,” Minato lied. “You know how she is not a fan of a big crowd.”

The Hokage preferred not to reveal the truth so he wouldn't have to voice his doubts about Hizashi's strange behavior. He was aware of the instability within the Hyuga clan and didn't want to make things worse.

Mikoto, I trust you, he thought, aware that he couldn't leave without arousing suspicion.

Pretending to be relaxed, he went to talk with Hiashi and discussed Hinata's future.

Kushina turned around abruptly but didn't have time to get up. Her kneeling position had made her completely vulnerable to an attack from behind. She was immobilized before she could even make the slightest movement.

Mikoto landed smoothly on the ground and charged straight at the assailant. But before she could reach him, an individual moved in front of her, forcing her to stop abruptly and take a few steps back.

“Hizashi, what are you doing?”

“I’m your opponent.” The Hyuga replied, activating his Byakugan.

Kushina was trapped, restrained forcefully by snakes connected to her attacker's arm.

“You are... Orochimaru.”

Orochimaru licked his lips, his gaze going from Kushina to Mikoto.

"How lucky," he hissed. “I feel like I'm going to enjoy myself.”

“Shut up, you dirty snake!” Kushina yelled, her eyes reddening.

“If I were you, I would avoid doing anything rash,” Orochimaru calmly replied. “If you use that power inside you to defeat me, you might accidentally hurt him.”

Kushina saw that Orochimaru's other arm was holding a baby.


Tears welled up in her eyes. It was the second time in a few months that his son was held hostage. She couldn't take it anymore.

“Kushina!” Mikoto shouted, hidden by Hizashi. “This is no time to cry!”

Kushina gritted her teeth and forced herself to stop crying. Her son was in danger, whining wouldn't change anything. The last time, it wasn't with tears that Minato saved Naruto. She had to be strong and give everything she had. But unfortunately, she had to prove Orochimaru right. Using Kyubi's power was not an option.

His power is too devastating. And if I ever lose control...

She thought back to what Minato had said to her when she asked him how he had remained so calm against the masked man.

You have to breathe, she reminded herself. Breathe deeply, clear your mind, and oxygenate your body and mind.

She took a deep breath, but the snake's grip was too strong, preventing her from breathing normally. She wouldn't remain conscious for long in this situation.

But she had to. She had to fight, even if she couldn't use Kyubi’s power. She must save her son. She must defeat Orochimaru.