A great foul odor nearly overpowered her, as Alexia stepped through the door into the sewers. The pervasive smell was almost unbearable as the unusual warmth of it crawled down into her lungs made her gag. Only by forcing herself to breath through her mouth was she able to put aside the stench.
After adjusting, Alexia took a look at the entrance of the tunnel she was standing in. The walls were damp, with a greenish mossy ooze overlaying them. Underneath the ooze, she could see the offwhite bricks they utilized to line the tunnel.
For about twenty feet the tunnel went before leading to a T intersection. Light from domed mana lights from the ceiling cast the passage dimly. They were there both to light the tunnels and to prevent buildups of mana that could cause monstrous outbursts of monsters.
To allow the drainage of the sewage, a ditch was built into the middle of the passageway. It was covered by old metal grated plates. A faint trickling of raw sewage could be heard passing underneath, making her glad she did not have to wade through liquid waste at the moment.
Making sure to keep off the metal plates to keep silent, she made her way forward. Getting close to the intersection a puke green blob started to roll across. Under the faint lights Alexia took a moment to examine it and recognize it as a slime. Being about the size of a person’s head, Alexia was looking warily at the slime when a window popped up.
Alexia had gained a skill called examination after looking closely at the slime, putting it aside for now she slowly took aim. A buildup of magic began to flow through her according to the skill instructions and then ripped out of her in a sudden release of energy.
Rolling along unaware of the spell inbound, the slime had no chance as a bright red ball of fire crashed into the side of the slime. Being struck with the blazing hot magic, it let out a gurgle that sounded like a wail. From the damage, it’s HP had dropped to just two, and it started to crawl back the way it came obviously injured.
Drawing her sword, Alexia stabbed into the slime and killed it. The slime melted down into a pile of goo that started to evaporate. In the middle lay a green slime core which she picked up and tossed into her inventory.
These weak slimes were known to be fairly easy to kill. They were created from ambient magic, and typically developed traits from the environment. As long as you kept your wits about you, even a child could take one down. Yet it has been significantly quicker and easier with the aid of the Flameshot. Reaching the intersection she looked left and right.
The left passageway continued for about ten feet before making a corner turn right. The right passage was ten feet as well leading to what looked like a chamber. Deciding to check out the right side first, she snuck down the corridor and reached the entrance to the chamber.
The chamber was twenty feet wide and was circular in shape with mana lights installed into its domed ceiling. In the middle of the room was a grated off pit, that must lead down to the lower levels. In the far back she saw a ladder entrance to those lower levels that was locked with chains.
Rolling around the chamber was a group of six slimes that seemed to be playing a game of some sort. They would bounce around for a little bit, then they would slam into each other as hard as they could. This made the room fill with the slapping of ooze against ooze.
Carefully stepping back she quietly summoned the energy to form a flame shield. With a soft burst, an aura of flames dancing around her appeared. Then she quickly charged a Flameshot and targeted the closest slime and fired at it.
Catching it unawares, the slime gurgled a scream of pain, the other slimes stopped what they were doing and started rolling towards her to attack. Quickly backing up from the rolling green slimes she began to pelt the slimes with Flameshots.
Alexia could shoot a Flameshot every three to four seconds and quickly brought the slimes down. When the last healthy slime was hit, she switched to her sword and started to finish the slimes off. One slime attempted a last-ditch jump, but she dodged and sliced it in half.
After Collecting the slime cores, she went over and checked the ladder down. The locks were secure in place, and it looked like none of the slimes had gone down. Feeling a bit of relief for that, Alexia retraced her steps and went down the left tunnel.
As she made the turn in the tunnel Alexia found it led to another passageway that went for one hundred and twenty feet. Several offshoots going off this main tunnel could be seen. Making her way down, she noticed several pipes on the walls were broken and leaking sewage on to the floor.
Making note of these broken pipes, she would have to report them when she got back. The thing that was breaking these pipes was most likely the source of the sewer problems. Reaching one of the offshoots, she peeked around the corner and saw a slightly bigger slime coming down the tunnel. About the size of a large sack of potatoes, this slime was rolling slowly as if it owned the tunnel.
Using Examination on this slime, she saw it was level three. While it had double the health, and had mana, it looked just like a larger version of the slime. It also had a difficulty value of two. Alexia stepped forward and shot at it with her Flameshot. Rolling out of the way, the slime gurgled its surprise.
Affronted by her attack, the slime located Alexia and gurgled a threat. It spat a large blob of green liquid at her. Dodging out of the way, Alexia’s Flameshield still was grazed by the acid. Instantly the shield was drained of energy.
Deciding it would be dangerous to refill it at the moment she moved towards the slime, with it gurgling at her. It charged at her and when it got closer, she fired off another Flameshot at it. With the slime unable to dodge in time. With a wet smacking sound it bounced off the ground and tried to jump at her while making odd rage filled noises.
Using her sword, she proceeded to attack it, while dodging it's attacks. After several slices of the sword, the Slime finally collapsed into a pile of goo. She started to catch her breath, when a surge of energy burst through her body.
The energy teased every portion of her body, slowly licking every cell within her. The pleasure went on almost too long, she was on her knees moaning from the energy as it built up towards an orgasm, only for it to start to ebb away. Any longer, and she would have gone over the edge. A Screen popped up informing her of what happened.
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A little disoriented still from what she had felt, Alexia pulled up the Status Window to take a look.
Taking a look over it, she noticed her mana had refilled when she had leveled up. Had she taken any damage, her health would also have been refilled. Though she felt if it involved a serious injury like a missing limb, it would not heal that type of wound.
Alexia then looked at how she regained HP and MP naturally, she found out each one was related to an attribute. For mana it was her wisdom times five per hour of rest. Health however was far more complicated. Each of the physical attributes affected it in some way.
At the moment it was eleven HP per hour of rest. However, these only applied because she had the system. A normal person would regain significantly less over time, perhaps as low as one HP per day for some injuries.
So as to not be as careless next time, Alexia began to review the battle. When the slime had fired that ball of acid at her, she had been surprised and almost got hit. She viewed the spot where it had hit on the wall, and she could see it was still sizzling and bubbling at the moment.
That acid would surely have caused her massive damage. If it had hit her head, she would surely have died, if not from the acid, by being blinded. Her Flameshield could at least weaken the acid shot a little bit.
These slimes at least seemed to be fairly weak to fire. If Alexia upgraded the Flameshot, she could do far more damage, and not have to risk her life like that again. Using the skill points she got from leveling up, she found she could upgrade a Level one skill with one skill point, a level two skill with two skill points and so on.
Deciding to save one skill point for the future, she used the others upgraded three skills. Flameshot to cause more damage, then Flameshield to be more resilient and lastly Examination. Lacking information was proving to be dangerous, by upgrading examination she would have some way to gain intelligence on enemies.
Then she started to debate with herself on how to use the bonus attribute points she had got. Her first concern was her health, so she placed one into the constitution stat. She wasn’t very fast, so putting one into dexterity might help her dodge, however, putting it into intelligence would allow her to hit harder with her spells. Deciding to go with intelligence, she upped it by one.
Closing the Status Screen, she grabbed the slightly larger green core and set off down the tunnel. Soon Alexia arrived in a new chamber that had another exit on its right side. With no slimes in sight, she took that tunnel which turned right again leading her back to the main tunnel.
Feeling like she was travelling in circles, Alexia did not encounter any more slimes for several more minutes. She eventually came across another of those large slimes. Lying down, in a pile of goop it looked like it was sleeping. Using Examination on it, Alexia saw a lot more information from the slime.
When she had leveled up, it looked like the DV value went down. Taking aim she fired a Flameshot right into the sleeping slime which shuddered and promptly died. Surprised at its sudden death, Alexia walked to it's liquefied form and picked up the core left behind.
She took a look at her skill and did some math. Then taking in the weakness of the slimes, she found with a single Flameshot; it could do forty-four damage to a slimes health. If it was not weak to fire however, it would be half of that.
Continuing on she came across three Level one slimes smooshing themselves on one another. Alexia wondered for a moment if they were fighting or having sex. A few moments later the 3 slimes fused together to make a large slime.
Apparently this was a way the slimes used to grow more powerful. Stepping out of the shadows, she quickly killed it and picked up the core. That was very informative, Alexia thought. She started to explore the rest of the side tunnels and killed several more of those slimes. With her upgraded Flameshot, it was almost too easy.
After finishing this batch of passageway's she reached the last tunnel that led to the rest of the Main Sewer, Alexia encountered the slime Jack had warned her about. A King Slime.