Chapter 10: Chapter 9: A Mage has a relaxing bath, then deals with obtuse bureaucracy

As Alexia made her way back out of the sewers, she was relieved she did not encounter any more slimes. When she got back to the surface, Alexia took a deep breath of the fresh air, she had not known how sweet clean air could be.

Breathing in, Alexia frowned as she still smelled the sewer rankness on her body. Deciding that she needed to remove the smell as her first priority, she headed to a local bathhouse. She usually just used the showers in her home, but occasionally she liked to go to this bathhouse.

Walking along, she saw people were openly gawking at her attire, but she was in high spirits over completing the mission. It was like the chains of the past were starting to loosen from her.  Alexia was even starting down the path to her dreams, she was now a Mage.  

Reaching the bathhouse, she passed through the curtain door, and got into line. Taking this time she started to examine people around her with her Examination skill. Unlike with the slimes, most of the information was hidden. From what it did show, she was able to guess the basic strength of people. 

Approaching the counter, she saw an otterman was standing behind it on a stool. She had met him before, when she took other baths.  From what she knew, the Otterkin was from the eastern continent, where most beastkin lived. “Welcome to Cleanrun Bathhouse which service do you wish?" He asked.

Taking a look over the options, she dismissed the most expensive ones as she, only really needed a soak.  Picking the basic bath, she told the otter "I will have the basic service, and some soap."

Grunting he said “That will be fifteen small copper coins." Alexia pulled out a gold coin, and gave it to him. Taking the coin, he opened a slot in the counter and pulled out some coins. "Here is your change, nine big silver, nine small silver, eight big copper, and five small copper coins."

He counted it out and Alexia put it away. "Here is the soap, and a key to a locker. Towels are found on a rack in the shower area." Picking up the soap and wooden key, Alexia went into the women's bath.

When she entered the locker room, she moved in front of her locker.  Focusing she retracted the slime suit back into a ball onto her hand.  Some of the women who were in the middle of undressing gawked at the slime suit as it began to slide up her body. Smiling Alexia gave them a good show of it, as it finished collecting back up.

Tossing the ball of slime, and her sword into her inventory, she headed into the shower stalls.  Opening the curtain, she stepped in, and activated the water. Heated by a magical rune on the shower head, warm water began to spray down at her.

Letting the warm water flow down her body for a bit, she started to lather up the soap.  Getting good and sudsy Alexia began to wash her hair thoroughly, being careful not to get it into her eyes. Rinsing it under the hot water, she could feel herself starting to relax.  Finishing up cleaning her body, she left the showers feeling refreshed.

Making sure to toss the small empty soap container away in the provided bin, she headed down the hallway past the higher tier baths.  Alexia entered the basic bath, the room was hazy from the hot bath water.

A good twenty feet across, the square room was dominated by the large bath. Several women were relaxing nude in the water. Seeing a corner was empty, Alexia slid into the inviting warm waters. She hadn't realized it, but her muscles were getting sore from the abuse they took in the fights. As she sat in the warm bath, she could feel them loosening up.

Just as Alexia was about to close her eye's, a woman stepped into the water next to her. "Hello, do you mind if I sat here?" She indicated the seat next to Alexia. The woman was gorgeous, and stood at 5'10. Her straight black hair came down to her back. Her face however drew Alexia's attention the most, it had an almost commanding vibe to it.

"Sure, I would like the company of a beautiful woman as yourself." Alexia said. The woman smiled and sat down. As she sat, Alexia took note of how long her legs were. "My name is Alexia '' she said offering the woman her hand.

Taking her hand, the woman shook it, and traced the back of her hand with her thumb in an oddly sensual manner. "Alexia is a great name. I am Megan Erathean, It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance." Megan said finally letting Alexia's hand loose.

"I happened to see you in earlier, that outfit you were wearing was simply amazing. I have wanted to find something similar, I had some made of leather, but not as form fitting as yours." Megan said, her eyes starting to wonder over Alexia’s body. "Can I ask where you got it?"

Feeling a tingle of lust under Megan’s gaze, Alexia grinned and replied "I got it from an offer made by my god." Alexia took a look to see if she could get another one and said "I can't give you mine, but if you got me 1000 slime cores, I would be able to get you one if your interested."

Megan nodded and said "I would very much like that. I will have to put out on order for those slime cores though. Which god do you have a contract with if you don't mind me asking?"

“I don’t mind telling, I have signed a contract with Jack. I think he must be a relatively new low level god. Some of the abilities he’s granted me are amazing.  He might become a well known god after a while.” Alexia said.

As she looked over Megan, a memory suddenly clicked for her. Alexia had heard a rumor a few days ago that a new brothel club had been opened, and it was owned by a woman called Erathean. "Are you the owner of Stolen Hearts?" Alexia asked.

Megan laughed and said "The one and only. We just opened our doors a few days ago, have you had the chance to visit us?"

Alexia said "No, I wasn't even aware it was open to women clientele." Megan frowned at that and sighed. 

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"Yes, it's open to all, but fighting the stigma has been very tiring. I had hoped more information about my club had gotten out. Luckily, we have been getting more women to come visit our services." Megan said.

"I hope your club succeeds, it sounds like you care a lot about it." Alexia said lightly placing her hand on Megan's shoulder in a show of support for the woman.

Megan said "If you have the time, please stop by. I would love to show you around." Megan smiled and she slid her eye's down Alexia's body and then back to her eyes. "Is there a way to get in contact with you, if I get the cores, or just want to chat?"

"I am a member of the Mission Guild," Alexia said. "If you leave a message for me there I will get it." Feeling like the water was getting a bit too hot for her Alexia stood. "Speaking of the Mission Guild, I have to get going to turn in a Mission. It was a pleasure meeting you Megan." Smiling Alexia stepped out of the bath Megan's eyes following her

Megan said "Oh no the pleasure is all mine."

Walking back to the locker room, she picked up a towel and used it to dry her body off. Alexia pulled out the slime suit from her inventory and activated it. Far quicker this time, she soon stood back in her armor. She pulled out her sword and attached it to the armor. With that she was set and walked out. She handed the locker key back to the otterman, and left feeling good about the bath and the woman she had met in it.

She planned to head to Stolen Hearts later to see if she could meet Megan again. Alexia had only gotten a little look at her body, but she was hooked. Not to mention the sense of thrill she had when Megan looked over her, like she was looking at prey.

While she was walking to the mission guild she was examining people, most of whom were just average people. After she had checked several people, a notification alerted her she had leveled up the Examination skill, just as she reached in front of the Mission Guild.

Passing through the entrance, she saw it was now starting to fill up from people who had completed their missions and were now socializing in the guild. Walking through the crowd, she gained a few stares, but most were too busy chatting about upcoming work or training they were undertaking. Getting in line she waited several minutes before finally making it to the mission records counter.

As her shift was probably over, Lisa was no longer behind the counter. Instead an old man with a sour looking face stood behind it. A name tag that hung loosely on his shirt, stated his name as Edward. Going up to him, Alexia said "Hello, I'm here to make a report and turn in a mission."

Edward said in a tired voice "Please hand over your Guild Card." Alexia pulled out her Guild card and handed it to him. Taking it he began to look through the books, and wrote a few notes, then pulled out a sheet. "Fill this out and return it to me." Edward handed the sheet to her and a writing tool.

Alexia found a table to write at, and filled out the form. The form seemed to go on forever before she finally finished it. Then she had to get back into line, and had to wait several more minutes before getting back up to the counter and she handed the paper back to him. He read through the form, and said "Do you have proof of the monsters in the report?"

Alexia nodded and pulled out the Fungal Slime Lord Core. "That will have to verified by the inspectors, please take this paper and have them verify the identity of that core." Edward said pointing to another counter that had another line. Eye starting to twitch Alexia went and stood in that line with the paper he gave her.

After what seemed like an eternity, she arrived at the counter with a dwarf woman behind it. "Hello, I'm here to get this core verified as being from a Fungal Slime Lord."

The dwarf women said "Oh that be a rare one indeed, I'll have to go to the archives for that one. Be back in a sec deary." She walked away leaving Alexia waiting there for several minutes before she returned with a thick book. Placing it onto the counter she turned the pages, till she found the one she wanted and took the core from Alexia and compared it.

"Yep this is indeed a Fungal Slime Core." With that she took a stamp and stamped the paper. Then she took another paper and stamped it. "This is for Edward to see, and this is a certificate of authenticity if you want to sell that core."

Taking the pieces of paper she stood in line again for Edward's counter, the good buzz she had from the bath was no long gone and now she was tired of standing in lines. Arriving in front of Edward, she placed the paper down in front of him a little roughly. 

Edward examined it, and nodded saying, "This is indeed proof of your claims." He wrote down something on a piece of paper and handed it and her form to an assistant nearby. "Take this to Oliver." Turning back to Alexia he said "Due to the nature of what you discovered, my supervisor would likely wish to speak with you, it may take a few minutes for him to come. Please have a seat."

Alexia nodded, and said "What about my reward, and don't tell me I have to go to another counter, because I will lose it." 

Edward said "This is the correct counter to collect rewards. As you have completed the Mission, here is the reward." He said and pulled out a bag from underneath the table with the stamp of the city lord upon it. "Thank you for completing your mission, and have a good day."

Taking the coin bag and placing it into the inventory, she took a seat at a table and began to wait for this supervisor.